"Hey dude, you need lifting"
"Yeah, thanks for the remind"
"Hey dude, you need lifting"
"Yeah, thanks for the remind"
"ah cool just making sure because you look small like a little girl"
Still can do it user, only way to silence is punching them in the face as soon as the words escape.
The last guy was alpha as fuck he made vitaly into a bitch
>being so insecure you chimp out when some foreigner calls you small
yeah bro ALPHA AS FUCK
at least my penis works
>it's been five years since this video released
I remember watching this guy when prank videos were first getting popular, back in High school.
>2013 was 5 years ago
>can't stop thinking five years ago in 200x
No person should have to take it from this limp dick slavic faggot.
>not just wanting this facelet out of your world the moment he starts talking at you
it's like you're not a real man
>video release January 18th 2013
>today is January 21st 2018
>literally 5 years and 3 days ago
fucking brainlet
Double quads of grace
his videos have been proven to be fake
holy shit
Honestly the guy in the green shirt made him look like a bitch. Does yellow shirt even lift??
Vitaly is the greatest YouTuber of all time and all of his pranks are real
>hey weakling
>fuck you dude I'm way bigger than you
>haha what you gonna do about it
>I'll beat the shit out of you
>oh-haha it's just a p-prank b-brah...
fake and gay
A dyel literally just being a useless asshole lmoa
lmao fuck these guys get triggered so easily, why do you care what some random dude says to you
honestly with the last guy i would say it again
he'd probably beat the shit out of me but hey