When did you stop growing?

Currently 5'7" halfway through college and losing hope of getting taller. When did Veeky Forums stop growing in height?

early 20s. Can't remember. But if you're 5'7 in college you are confirmed manlet for life. If you were in HS it would be a different story

im five five

after 18 you can expect at most +2"

i know some guys that continued to grow until they were in their mid 20s i stopped growing height wise in 10th grade

I stopped growing around 11th grade, exactly 6'0".

I’m 5’3 but don’t let that stop you from anything I get mired from girls everyday because my body is on point.

I bench 225 and squat 350 so that makes up for my height and chicks dig it. I fucked lots of girls so if you are short man just don’t give a fuck I don’t even think about the fact that I’m 5’3 anymore because I fuck so many bitches and my lifts are insane.

Like it’s really not as bad as people make it seem being this short of course I’d like to be taller sometimes but fuck that because being short means I gotta be more confident then the tall guys and chicks dig confidence I get mired a lot more then the tall guys at my gym.

Really being 5’3 isn’t that big of a deal at all.

Im 6'3 and I'm barely starting to appreciate my height at 29 years old. It's too late me me lads. I could've been slaying puss this whole past decade

Around seventeen. I’m six-foot-two.

Stopped at 13

6'1" tho

>manlet delusion

I’ve been 6’4 since I was 15, because if this even though Im a bit of a loner I’ve never had problem with women and they actually see me as a cool lone wolf type of guy instead of a lame weird id be if I were shorter. Being as tall as I am allowed me to fuck pretty much every popular girl at my old High School and I was offered a stater position on the basketball team by the couch but I refused because I didn’t want to be around niggers all the time and sports aren’t my style I prefer reading and video games.

ya you bench 225 but your arms are 1' long

At danny devito

Had no idea Harry Potter and Michael J Fox were so short.

I think maybe sophomore year in highschool.
I would be starving and not eat, so maybe that contributed to that? There was a guy in my freshman class and we were the same height (5'1 or 5'2)
Next year boom this bitch is like 5'7'' 5'8''.
Currently 20 and I'm fucking 5'4''.

>tfw 5'4''
This gives me some confidence. How much do you weigh? I find myself pretty cute/handsome as well and I get girls checking me out a lot of times. Good tips.

I'm almost 19 and still stuck at 6'2, been since 17.

I'm hoping I'm entering a final spurt right now though, since my hunger has spiked despite working out little, much like it did when I hit my main spurt around 15.

I would honestly appreciate clavicle gains more though


>when will they learn?

>tfw 5'10" at 23 and 5'9" at 13

Not bad

Fuck, this is exactly what it sounds like when a woman is in an abusive relationship but still trying to defend him to her friends.

>”like, yeah, sometimes I wish he wouldn’t hit me, but it’s fine because I kinda deserve it, and we have sex all the time so I know he loves me, I kind of like being hit anyways, it’s totally working for me”

fuckin kekerino

95% by 15-16

Last 5% by maybe 18

I checked my height today after believing i was 5'9. Turns out I was 5'8.5. I'm 20.


>tfw 6' 1"




i'm 5'11, which... btw: is the ideal height for a male, hands down, no fucking debate required.

suck my mother fucking dick faggots

I hit 5'10 in 7th grade. I was like one of the taller guys in my class behind a couple giants. Being tall is great, let me tell you.

Haven't grown an inch since. Watched myself go from really tall to tall, to average as everyone passed me. It was sad. Now I'm just grateful I'm not shorter.

false statement, sry

At 13 years of age. I hit 6 foot tall and haven't grown since :(.

>>”like, yeah, sometimes I wish he wouldn’t hit me, but it’s fine because I kinda deserve it, and we have sex all the time so I know he loves me, I kind of like being hit anyways, it’s totally working for me”
If he isn't beating the shit outta her, then it's sort of better that divorce rape and guess she is into him anyway.

I'm 20 & 6'1". I still wanna grow a bit. I wanna hit 6'2"...

Only thing you can do is fix your posture and check back in half a year. Depending on how bad it is you will gain about 1 to 1.5 cm. I went from 1.75m to 1.76m in 1 year fixing my posture.

I was 6’ by 7th or 8th grade, then slowed to 6’2 by end of high school. Grew another half inch since then, but I haven’t grown too much since 20.

I was 5’9at 20 and by now at 22 was 6’1
Now at almost 24 am 6’1 and a half but dont think ill grow further
Dodged a bullet lol

10th grade 6'1"

> I get mired from girls

Man Mocked by Two Women is a painting likely completed between 1820–1823 by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya.

>I’m 5’3 but don’t let that stop you from anything I get mired from girls everyday because my body is on point.

>Francisco Goya
he foresaw the 56% meme and got in on it early

At about 14-15
6'2'' ever since


7th grade

i think my growth stopped at around 21-22. the most growth happened between 17 and 20.
at 16 i was 5´5 and im now somewhere between 6´2 and 6´3 (190cm)

I grew half an inch from 6'0 between 18 and 20.
My former gf's twin sister started smoking at 13 and stopped growing about two years later. Despite being twins, she ist about three inches shorter than her sister. Don't smoke.

How is this even possible did you start injecting hgh or some shit?

6.5ft masterrace here, willing to sell 3 inches for the right price as i am getting tired of being assaulted by fucking doorframes

Guys if you hit 6'2 when you're 16 do you stop growing? Asking for a friend

no. just a late bloomer, everything is late with me.
the late growth spurt is actually the only physical attribute of my fathers genes in me. I didnt really believe them when my parents told me i shouldnt worry about my height.
i also grew much wider/broader from about 19 to 25

I stopped growing around 20 or so, capped out at 5'10. Younger brother is 6'2. Dad is 5'11. Uncle is 6'5. Mom is 5'6.

I blame it on being borderline malnourished from 11 to 14. Fucking hungry as shit all day, practically no meat for days at a time, milk goes sour after a day or two because unpasteurized. Fuck living in the 3rd world.

So am I but dad got it around 18 and now I'm 20 and I still haven't reached my potential
I feel like I just missed my one shot

Curently 5'9.5 19 year old have grown 1 inch in past few months

nah, you'll be the first space elevator

6 foot
The perfect height

maybe thats it, maybe theres hope for you still.
no one in my wider family is exceptionally small so it would be weird if i hadn´t grown (i also would somehow doubt my fathers fatherhood of me)
but its never guaranteed that you end up looking similar to your relatives

Not sure when exactly I stopped but in 8th grade 12-13? years old I grew 8 inches over the school year, so almost an inch a month and hit 6'3". I'm now 6'4" so I basically had one painful growth spurt at the end of middle school.

More power to you man. Don't let the insecure people on here bring you down.

I stopped growing in high school, I’m 5’7 too OP. Welcome to manlet club, it’s really not so bad

I'm 5'4 and this is inspiring, I've gotten girls most guys drool over so I know what you're talking about

Could be worse, you could have found out your dick is half an inch shorter than you though it was because you measured incorrectly









Whew buddy