I tried reading everything I could on the sticky but I dont know if its made for someone like me whos morbidly obese
I came back from the hospital yesterday after breaking my wrist from falling down
My weight broke my wrist and the doctor had to weigh me on a scale that was embedded onto the floor instead of those scales that you can just stand up on
My weight came in at 450 lbs and in an angry rage I spent the whole night pouring all the soda I had down the drain and throwing away boxes of frozen food high in caloric value
I dont know exactly what to do next though, please guide me into the right direction to learn
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download my fitness pal, eat under 2500 calories a day and drink only water. lift weights.
als go to /fat/ i guess.
drink only water.
thats gonna be hard as hell but im done being fat so im gonna stick to it
and my brother has some 35 lb dumbbells so im gonna ask him to let me use them
thanks for the advice friendo
no worries user, we're all going to make it. sugar addiction is the most common addiction, very hard to kick but if you care for yourself and your future you can do it! try replacing sugary drinks with coffee or tea and have a few of those a day. drink plenty of water too, if your stomach is full of water the thirst side of wanting a soda will be gone at least.
to maximise calories burnt you want to be doing compound movements, dumbells are a start and for weight loss diet and calorie management is the most important thing, but i would recommend joining a gym with free weights or getting a squat rack and bar at home. however i know its intimidating when you start doing it in public and home gyms are expensive.
stick with it man, check in on yourself in 3 months, these things take time always remember its a long game.
thank you very much my man
good luck bro, any specific questions head over to /qtddtot/
If you are so big just eat less, 2500-2700, and wait. When you get lighter you can start having walks and moving around more.
Forgot to add, when you get lighter you eat less and move more. Just keep going.
Consider fasting and switching to a ketogenic diet. My dad was 445 and broke his leg so he can't exercise and he's been losing over a pound a day doing this for about a month (currently down 41lbs eating 2 meals per week). Once you hit a reasonable weight you may wanna find a different diet as I'm not sure if this is sustainable but to get the starting lbs off quick this works great.
>I tried everything
>throws away sodas and frozen foods he still had before falling
I smell a lie
go to /fat/ general, it'll make the journey more bearable to have fatbros to talk to.
Promise me you won't quit
Go to /fat/
Eat 1500 calories or less, drink water, go for walks
OP already stopped responding as his Pizza arrived. Good night, Veeky Forums!
"extremist dieting is for morons" ~sticky
I feel your enthusiasm but im afraid youre gonna overdo it and maybe fail because of that.
Counting calories is a bitch and dont get discouraged if you cant keep up with it.
You could reach your goal by just making a few changes like eating less fast food, cutting out soda, taking a walk a day etc.
Also praise scooby
Godspeed user i believe in you.
dude weighs over 400lbs he can probably barely move. needs to start counting calories and then trying to walk after he loses 100lbs or something before he does any exercise because it’ll probably just destroy his joints and make him quit.
I would just eat nothing for some days that could just do good then if you lost some of that weight start lifting and lose more until you're an adequate weight might take 6 months if you do it properly
go on a low calorie diet asap
eat a bowl of broccoli, 40g protein from salmon, supplement with potassium citrate, magnesium, calcium and salt everyday for the next 90 days and you will be skinny.
dont overdo it on the potassium supplements, max 100% daily value cuz it can stop your heart if you od
also walk as far as you can for a while
the first step, before you even start making difficult changes, is figuring out where you are. Keep a food diary for at least a week, then figure out how many calories you ate each day. Try to get an idea of how much you eat, see if there's any obvious patterns. From there change one big habit at a time. About one big change every few weeks
>drink only water
Black coffee and unsweetened tea are alternatives as well. It's more important not to drink calories.
Buy a food scale for $15 or so and WEIGH/MEASURE ALL YOUR FOOD. It's highly likely that you will be shocked at what actual portions look like.
Walk for exercise until you are lighter and can do more intense stuff. DO NOT count the calories you burn walking as bonuses to add treats into your diet.
You WILL NOT stay motivated. Keep doing it anyway or die young.
Learn to cook. Once you have a few balanced things that you can prepare EAT THE SAME SHIT EVERY DAY. You can't stuff fleeting happiness into your face any more. You need to train your mind to eat for sustenance, not orgasmic joy.
If you go from junk drinks to drinking only water, you'll fail. I suggest you replace soda with diet soda, and if you drink coffee/tea replace sugar and cream with liquid Splenda. Also, download MyFitnessPal and track EVERYTHING, you'll be amazed how many calories are in stuff you probably assume is healthy (i.e. orange juice).