Can you be a Veeky Forums alcoholic?

Can you be a Veeky Forums alcoholic?

Im sure someone can but not me.eleven days sober.enjoying the fit lifestyle now.

Good job, keep it up brah :)

No, give it up. I was drinking every single night for close to 3 years and gained a ton of weight (from alcohol and drunk munchies). I stopped drinking and have been losing plenty of weight. A night of drinking is over 1,000 calories

I'm pretty sure I had a quite genuine drinking problem for a while. I wanted to be ripped and strong, but I couldn't go a week without getting absolutely hammered for one night. I'd diet at 2000 calories a day, then on Saturdays I'd have whatever I want. I called it a cheat day, or a re-feed, but there was no method to it at all, it was just a day of complete excess where I'd consume probably 5000 calories including at least 700ml of vodka. Despite doing this I still managed to get into very good shape, but it got to the point of being unsustainable, and I was maintaining my bodyweight despite only taking in 2000 calories a day at 6' 2" and lifting 4-5 times a week. The thing that finally broke me out of if was actually forcing myself to count the calories in the alcohol I was drinking, and tracking macros. I knew I couldn't stay in a deficit forever, and that if I ever wanted to build new muscle without putting on a ton of fat I'd have to stop the drinking. Now I haven't had one of those binge nights in about three months, and I'm in a sensible lean bulking phase. My strength is up, my face and skin look better, and I'm not escaping from my problems by vanishing into nothingness once a week - because that was my treat. My treat was erasing myself once a week so that I didn't have to feel anything. An oasis of oblivion. Now I'm feeling it all, and it's very hard sometimes, but that's what being alive is, isn't it? I want to be alive.

Yes, but it's harder. Going to the gym and lifting hard when you're hungover and sleep deprived isn't possible. Consider going to the gym consistently hungover, compared to consistently well-rested and energised.

Haven’t drank in 2 weeks now, I could kill a 1.5 liter of vodka in 2 days easily, that’s anywhere from 5-10,000 cal.. take a couple shots maybe once a week tops but that’s it

1.5 litres of vodka is 3300 calories.

Alcohol will permanently destroy your test production and completely fuck with your brain, good luck living life as a woman in the husk of what used to be a mans body

11 days, good work user. Please don’t relapse. It’s a shit feeling when you do. You’ll make it.

t. Former depressed fatty alcoholic now Veeky Forumsizen

>(from alcohol and drunk munchies)
thats not what he asked weak willed faggot. Short answer yes you can but you cant be a wine or beer drinker.

10k calories dude what,

Damn, that really hits close to home. Good job moving forward mate.

You just have to be content with destroying your body as a smoker OP
If you want to get jacked and still destroy your body smoke a pack a day that's about it

even drinking just once or twice a week I can tell impedes my progress in the gym

for example one or two gym sessions after drinking I'd be lucky if I was as strong as the previous week.

I used to drink a lot and made no gains

I'm with you lads. I'm doing dry January and I'm loosing weight, look better, have more energy, sleep better and feel less distracted and anxious.

BUT I feel edgy and I'm missing the escape of drinking. I don't think I'm going to stick with not drinking but I'm going to moderate it. No more drinking a litre of rum in 2 days.

It was my first time drinking last month for real, with friends

Very very hard to do. Outside of hungover, general shitty transit and groggyness, you're drinking a massive amount of calories a day, every day.
You can do sport as a alcoholic, but don't expect good results.

My friend has the best natty body I know and he's an alcoholic. He is thicc and goes to the gym about 2-3 hours a day tho.

Weed will set you free

Sure, another addiction will solve his issues

OP just stop with that shit, find your drinking trigger and make it go away

t. Former smoker and drinker 2yrs clean
Fuck that crap

What about taking a rest day when you are hungover? would this fuck up your gains?

I for example go out drinking with my friends friday/saturday and workout monday till friday and sometimes sunday. So my rest day is when im hungover. I know this isn't good for my gains but how bad will it affect them?

sorry bud there's only one Veeky Forums approved drug

good job. gonna make it lad

>has to be a fuck load of beers
usually drink whiskey w/o any sugar mixers and shit. A couple of shots and drink a fuck load of water (during) and I feel fine the next morning
You fuckers cant stop that easy?

Does it count if I don't drink alone anymore?
I used to buy sixpacks and shit every night, just because "why not". I've trimmed it down to social only. Which was twice in the past three weeks. Does that count?

It dehydrates your muscles tendons ligaments and bones, they will get stiff if you do it long enough. I always felt like I was gonna blow out my muscles and eventually just quit. It took me over a week to hydrate my body and I wasn't even too bad of an alcky

sure kiddo

No. Being fit goes beyond just looking like a sick cunt, it's also about being healthy, which you are inherently not being if you're an alcoholic. Same with fatties who tell everyone they're healthy because they're blood pressure is normal. Maybe it is, but the increase risk of joint problems, diabetes, literal early death, and other issues you continue to have because of your weight makes you inherently unhealthy.

There's no excuse for drinking. You should be able to have a good time without alcohol, not need it to have a better time, and be able to unwind after a shitty day without a beer to take the edge off. Obviously if you've got a genetic predisposition to it, it's harder to overcome and that sucks, but it can and should be done.

All that being said, can your physique still look good if you're an alcoholic? Sure. Beer isn't any different than white bread, shit's just empty calories. Alcohol almost instantly stops your body's fat burning until it's gone, so you'd have to be extra careful about what/how much you eat when you drink, and you'd have to make sure you drink enough water so you aren't dehydrated and can still crush it in the gym, but being a joocy is alcoholic is do-able.