My eye sight is pretty bad. Like 20/40 in my left eye and 20/50 in the right. I've been considering lasik eye surgery. Anyone done it?
Eye Health
>Anyone done it?
Yes. Several people in fact.
Tell us more user, how has you life improved so far?
i would do anything to be rid of the fucking floaters
I did it 3 years ago, zero regrets. I didn't get any of the adverse effects you can get, like dryness of the eyes. And my vision turned out pretty much perfect afterwards. What shocked me is how quickly I got used to not putting on my glasses.
No longer need to clean my glasses several times a day. No longer need to bring extra pair of contact lenses when I want to hook up with a girl and sleep over. No longer get rain drops and glasses and effectively become blind.
The only side effect I have is that bright lights (like candle flames and headlights) get a halo around them when it's dark. That's an insignificant side effect to me.
I did around 5 years ago. My eyesight isn't perfect anymore (use glasses when driving long distances or places I don't know), but it has really changed my life
I have this but im scared itll have some "unforeSEEN" consequences that appear later in life since its such a new surgery. I cant be fucked to deal with lenses and i cant wear the glasses at work so most of my day is a half blurry dreamlike world
Got it done 2 years ago, literally life changing best 4500 i ever spent
how uncomfortable was the procedure?
>letting jew doctors charge you several thousand shekels for a procedure that will probably reverse itself and has a high risk of going wrong
>had to have a medical done when I was 15 and was 20/20
>was on anti psychotics for 5 years from 19
>within weeks my vision deteriorated, I didn't even realise because of the shit meds, was driving and panicking because I couldnt see anything
>stopped taking the meds around 4-5 months ago, went for a test and was told my eyes are getting better
>now I sometimes wake up and can see 90% of the distance out my window
>5 years of my prime got fucked up
>have to try and make up for what I lost
> procedure that will probably reverse itself and has a high risk of going wrong
why are you talking out of your ass?
>astigmatism coupled with playing WoW for 12hrs in the dark straight as a kid etc
>look retarded with glasses
>blind as a bat without my glasses
>go to the eye doctor and with my glasses off cannot even see one letter of the chart
Literally blind fuck, only going to get worse too. Feels bad. How bad is my prescription, the lower numbers are my current prescription.
so get lasik?
No thanks, too much anxiety for stuff like that. Especially since you have to be awake for it. That and i am pretty sure it makes it so you cannot be treated for cataracts and things like that later in life.
Went to opticians. Asked optometrist about surgery
>user we dont know enough about the long term effects. Think about it, the surgeon performing the operation will be wearing glasses, why dont they get it done
My eyesight is valuable to me. Just too much risk involved.
20/50 is pretty bad? Go fuck yourself.
I got lasik done last April and went from 20/400 to 20/15 in a month. Cost me ~$3,500 including all aftercare and visits and it was absolutely worth it.
It wasn't uncomfortable at all. They give you some Valium about an hour before to keep you calm, then lay on a table and they hold your eye open with a suction cup until your vision goes black, 10 sec later you start to see and its already significantly clearer.
>user we dont know enough about the long term effects. Think about it, the hairdresser performing the operation is bald, they can't get it done
Mine aren't really getting worse.
But my new glasses have a power of -10.50.
I fucking hate it, they are thick as fuck, and I have to wear stupid styles because if I wore the "in" styles it would be too thick.
I have really bad anxiety too user and I got it. They put you on valium and it's pretty easy to get through it. It's honestly not scary at all, you just feel like you're in a laboratory turning into a cyborg or some shit.
I got it done 2 and half years ago, 20/90 vision, now better than 20/20
What, really? Man that seems insane.
>20/90 vision
>My eye sight is pretty bad. Like 20/40 in my left eye and 20/50 in the right
ymmv, but I don't think I would fuck with surgery for a prescription that weak. can probably get around pretty well without glasses, can wear most any style of glasses, etc. etc. my dad is around 20/50 and boxed, grappled, played American football, etc., with no trouble.
the flip side is that if you have a really strong prescription like , it's a more difficult surgery, higher risk of complications (or still needing glasses after the surgery), etc. so probably not a great idea to get it there either.
Shiiiiet, how thick are your glasses user?
(the flip side is that if you have a REALLY strong prescription, it may be worth getting surgery just so you can wear thinner glasses)
They are not thick at all, the numbers on that sheet have points and are not 200 etc. It is -2.00, maybe their was some confusion idk, i don't think my prescription is that strong but the astigmatism makes me blind asf without the glasses.
oh, nvm, I thought that was saying -15 D (for diopter)
>It is -2.00
I thought it's -20. Then it's nothing. I have -4 and -2 astigmatism, and it only gets worse for me over time (I'm 24).
Ya Itried to go get surgery, but my shit is too fucked.
I wore -4.75 lenses so whatever that equates to. Was pretty much blind
I had it done just over 3 months ago. Ask away
>he thinks it's completely safe to slice open his eyeball and fuck around with it
What was your prescription in each eye prior to surgery?
now to derail but, how can i lighten my brown eyes?
Guys, who should i trust; this random user with probably no medical background or trained doctors and mountains of evidence over decades showing that the surgery is safe?
-2.00 & -2.25
did he get trips or higher? then you cant trust him.
Did it 4 years ago. $3600 after insurance. Went to an all lasik center (laser to cut as well as fix eye) and do not regret it. Vision is still perfect 20/20. Had that the next morning I woke up.
Word of advice, the Valium they give you is weak as fuck and meant to calm jitters. When the procedure is over you absolutely, positively MUST take a 3 hour nap.
I had mine first thing in the morning and can not sleep once awoken. Combine that with my excitement and I failed to take a nap. As the numbing drops wore off I became to feel an excruciating amount of pain. Worst I have ever felt. My eyes felt like I had hot irons poked right into them. Searing pain. Took a very powerful sleeping aid my father uses.
I passed out and when I awoke a few hours later I felt perfectly fine. No pain since. I’ve always had slightly sensitive eyes to light and I will say I think the surgery made it marginally worse but I already needed sunglasses for any amount of sunlight before hand so it doesn’t bother me too much.
Took about a month for perfect clarity vision. Night driving was a bit dodgy for the first two weeks while they healed.
are you worried about vision degradation?
Start off with bleaching your asshole, maybe that helps
It's a gamble.
In most cases, you end up fine and dandy.
In some rare cases, you fuck up your eyes forever to a point that's even worse.
I thought lasik was the outdated one that gives you fuzzy eyes 20 years from now. Do your research.
Would never do it since my eyes get worse every year. I need new glasses every 2-3 years which means that even if I got 20/20 vision with the procedure I would need glasses again in 5-10 years plus my eyes may be too damaged to use whatever new procedures they come up with in the meantime.
there is no other eye surgery that i know of
Try googling "lasik vs"
I have. I would recommend getting PRK instead of LASIK if you plan on doing any kind of contact sport, since the flap can get knocked loose and PRK has no flap
Also I was -6.0 and -5.5, so I was a real blind fuck. Vision at night isn't great but it's excellent not needing glasses or contacts anymore
>Would never do it since my eyes get worse every year.
They don't even let you get the surgery if your prescription isn't stable, you'd get turned away.
I had PRK not Lasik, and my halos went away after a year or so. My right eyeball is better than 20/12, the best they can measure at the opthamologist, left has regressed to 20/25 but is still really nice.
Mine was quick, the two most uncomfortable parts were 1 the nervousness of keeping yoru eye on an orange dot, like if I strayed away how much would that fuck up the procedure? and 2. I COUDL SMELL MY OWN EYEBALL BURNING dude that freaked me out a little bit and I think I have a strong stomach. It's like burning human hair but an order of magnitude worse, obv didn't hurt but it was a really uncomfortable smell.
My PRK was like $3500, money well spent imo
It's like this but with a laser beam (prk)
P. sure LASIK is 100% fine, there was never a risk of the flap "getting knocked loose", it heals itself shut. There were concerns of how it would handle pressure changes, which is why the military used to require PRK over LASIK for pilots, spec ops guys that would dive, etc. But now even they allow LASIK so it's def safe
i think i want it done but i'm so squeamish about things touching my eyes aaaaahhhhhh
I can highly recommend the procedure. I had lasik, my wife had prk, both were completely fine. Similar prescriptions, -6.25ish, down to 20/20, better for me actually. Mid 30's at time of procedure.
No side effects for either of us. Night driving fine, etc, none of the crappy you hear about.
Things to look for:
- some clinics guarantee the procedure for life. They'll do touch-ups free for us forever as long as we get yearly exams (from doc of our choice within reason)
- clinic that does both procedures. Make sure they regularly do both and explain the differences and your options properly, so they don't try and screw you into one or the other. Both cost about the same anyway.
- established clinic. Mine has been in business for 2 decades, maybe? Long time.
- free consultation. There'll be a hard sell, but any decent clinic will do the consult for free, no obligations
Things to expect:
- the procedures are super fucking uncomfortable. They're fast, though. Less than a minute per eye.
- you will smell burning. Creepy as shit.
- you will be fucking amazed.
- you will have at least dry eyes for months, no big deal, maybe persistent discomfort like stale contacts for a while. Eye drops fix everything.
Don't believe the naysayers. These are established procedure with decades of results behind them. Docs that do it do absolute shitloads of them, too, so experience is not an issue there.
Don't be afraid, OP. It's safe, proven, and amazing.
>My right eyeball is better than 20/12, the best they can measure at the opthamologist, left has regressed to 20/25 but is still really nice.
are you
if so, nice. any astigmatism?
They give you drugs before so you don't care or feel much.
I forgot to add, cured some medium astigmatism in my right eye, enough i couldn't find a pair of contacts that was comfortable anymore.
Also, you'll still need reading glasses someday. That's a whole separate thing.
no, I'm & I have no clue what any numbers outside of 20/xx mean, so I don't remember mine; I had glasses, I don't think they were super strong though. And yeah I had a mild astigmatism in my left eye, that's why it isn't better-than-perfect any more. Might have to get it redone about ~10 years after the first go round (just that eye) but shit still way worth it.
>you'll still need reading glasses someday
Currently 21 with a +7.5 prescription, which I've had since around 6 months old. I've worn glasses for literally longer than I can remember and now that I have a stable prescription I'm heavily conisdering saving up for surgery. thoughts? should I wait til I'm older? (will take me a few years to get $ anyways) do surgeries work for farsighted as well as nearsighted?
>should I wait til I'm older
if you have the money, might as well do it
>do surgeries work for farsighted as well as nearsighted?
Old age nearsightedness is just caused by different things. They don't really 100% understand, as usual with docs. Fixing your prescription is simple optics, though.
>They don't really 100% understand, as usual with docs
they 100% understood like 90 years ago dumbshit it's because your eye tissues become less elastic
Laser eye surgery has been in widespread use for almost 30 years now. It isn’t that new.
Not an eye doctor here, not too worried about not knowing everything on the topic. My understanding is that the causes are "commonly accepted to be" weakening of the associated muscles and thickening/hardening of the lens with age. That's not qualified as 100% understood.
Dipshit indeed.
yeah, around 50-60 you'll still get old people deterioration, and need reading glasses
>i characterized medical professionals as generally wrong, adding my own personal noxious taint to the post I made!
>when called out, I will find some form of language I disagree with to pretend I am not wrong!
>look at the way I type, it gives my posts gravity!
leave commenting on the human body to people who understand it without google. thanks
-5.00 diopter here, or around 20/400 for those with nice vision. Anyone want to list their prescription pre-lasik and the cost to get to 20/20? Trying to get a rough idea on what people pay vs their prescription
>it's extremely common for medical professionals to not completely understand how something in the body works. It's also very common for laypeople to quote incorrectly a doc's "I think" as gospel
>some form of what now? I'm not actually wrong here, so what's the problem?
>just having a civilized conversation, bro. Try out once in a while.
If I were interested in knowledgeable conversation about the function and manipulation of the human body, I sure as hell wouldn't be looking for it here
that's because as a simple person you tend to project your mental state onto others and you aren't really capable of understanding when people are smarter or more educated than you.
bye now
Yeah I want to get it since my left eye is perfect but my right eye makes text look like pic related
It's an astigmatism which apparently can be fixed by lasik.
Are you both happy now?
Was it worth the typing effort?
I'm sitting in a laundromat. Whatever.
a noose around your neck will do the trick homie
I think my prescription has been stable for a couple of years, is it common for it to suddenly start shifting later on in life?