Meal rate thread

R8 my dinner

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The fuck is that?

what in the fuck

What's the macro breakdown?

Super mold?

>this is your stomach on veganism

old stale pasta get the fuck out

The fuck is this?

the tongue is the best part

Is that a tumor?

were you in fucking health class when you took that pic m8

Reminds me of my exes vagina.

The longer I look the more confused I get.
It looks like chicken breast mixed with oatmeal, pinecones, dirt and a burrito on top.

Exactly what I thought.

pre workout / squat plug

is that a tongue?

its a bunch of offal meat sticked together

He didn't take that picture.

guys get back on topic. i want to know what you're having for dinner.

My dinner after seeing this.

looks like Demon faeces

What the fuck is that thing and where does it come from