How regular are your bowel movements Veeky Forums?

How regular are your bowel movements Veeky Forums?

Super regular master-race

Get up, have coffee, shit.
Wait a few hours, have huge lunch, shit.


Every morning 9-10 AM like clock work.

2 to 3 times a day everyI single day for the past 5 years, solid by the way

I drop a huge deuce once a day in the morning. IF is awesome.

Around 5 to 6 times a day


how do i into solid shit
is fiber the only way?

What do you mean?

Why is she poopy into her pants

About once a week of very hard passing thanks to GOMAD

I think he means intermittent fasting.

My shits are fucked. Sometimes It can be 3-5 days in a row, grunting and straining, while barely getting any poop out. Other days it just flows right through me. I used to be semi-regular, but now I have to try and force my self into a routine again.

I'm cutting so like every 3 days.

2-3 times a day every day, not in shape even

Ive been poop-jetlagged lately from a new job where i get the urge to shit around 11am but i dont wanna go at work.
Popped some anti diarrea pills after i shat myself on friday nights bender so that might set it straight

less fiber more protein

Once in the morning, once or twice at work, once in the evening after dinner.

Every day.

i feel bloated and fart every five minutes since i was 16 but its all worth it

Once when I wake up, usually again after having coffee. Feela good.

Morning dump
Late afternoon dump

e'ry day

Lurk more before posting again thanks

or, you could post the answer and not be a man lover. thanks.

This. I get the urge to shit everyday between 9 and 10 AM

bout ever 2 hours.

I only come here when I'm sitting in the toilet so you could say pretty regular.