Name my band /fit

Name my band /fit

Other urls found in this thread:

Gay Homomen & How the Jews Did 9/11

Syntholics Anonymous
Stretch and the Marks
Synthol and Punishment
B i g G u y s // UUUU

depends on the genre i guess

Lol the right one is a totally curl bro. The left one looks strangely deformed.

Is this what halpens if I do a bro split for too long? All hypertrophy in one muscle group?

Are you retarded or something?

>Synthol is 85% oil, 7.5% lidocaine, and 7.5% alcohol.

Lump Bizceps

>starting strength

Oily Intoxication

The Swoles





god damn they look GOOD how do I get swole like them? inb4 ss or sl fuck off

not sure if serious

Shopping mall

Has any bodybuilder ever used synthol without making it completely fucking obvious?

Timmy Tanner's Tampon Tasters

10000 needles

Bradley Manning and Staircase present: SYNTHOL UNLIMITED

Is this achievable natty??

so now the commie bazoka guy is becoming a tranny too?

Midnight Oil

What kind of women fuck these kind of guys, Veeky Forums?

Yeah, Rich Piano

The Brothers Syntholzov

god tier bait



you got reactions

This is the average user browsing this board nowadays. Either bait or not

Wow at the amount of people actually getting upset by this


The kind with penises