Crossfit Cringe Thread
Welp, I'm out
Not today Satan
Okay but what the fuck are they doing
Oh my god these fucking people
Trying to snap their shit up
>this shit again
It's called the continental clean. One cannot clean an axle bar without a mixed grip, which means that you have to at some point switch to a double overhand grip, which is done by resting the bar on one's belly.
Yes, crossfit is for fags, DYELs shouldn't do strongman exercises and women shouldn't be in the same gym as men, but this is fucking ancient content. There's even le beard meme man of average lifts explaining it in the fucking recommended videos tab.
>deadlift with mixed grip
>switch to double overhand for the clean
What kind of autism is this? If you can't deadlift the weight with double overhand, how the hell do you think you're strong enough to clean and jerk it?
>be military
>fail fitness test run by 2 seconds
>get ordered to get in shape and given a workout regiment to have signed off on by fitness center's staff for next 3 months
>surely itll be a bunch of running to get my time up
>shows up ass early in the morning, gets ready to run a 5k or something
>fitness staff instead opt to put me through some fucking crossfit regiment
>right across from the weight room
>stare angrily at chief as he rocks out the bench
>he had to know I'm suffering, I see it in his eyes
Best part is I'm having to run on my own time to actually get my time up because crossfire is gonna do fuck all for that.
Its been a week. 3 more months. Please send help.
What's the point of using and axel bar/doing any of this?
bar doesn't bend. they don't need that thick of a bar for those babby weights tho
>be military
The sheer amount of autism in this video
This. The fact they all do the faggy regrip is horrifying. It sets them up to have really weird grip width because they snatch the bar out of the air anywhere. Look at the elbow flare on blue shirt. Straight to schnapps city with that belly shelf spine hyperflexion maneuver. Black shirt is the worst!
It's not really meant to make you faster as much as it is to make you never ever fail a test ever again.
What exactly is the point of a continental clean. It just looks like a normal clean with needless shit thrown in.
The bar is L I T E R A L L Y too thick to grip double overhand. It will slip out of your hands. To deadlift it, the mixed grip is necessary, but obviously that prevents the lifter from cleaning the weight.
So the lift is assuming that the lifter has a power belly to rest the bar on, which these nogains retards simply do not have
The problem is not the lift. The problem is the unqualified retards teaching the lift to retards that shouldn't be learning it
Hey, actual retards are much stronger than these people. Don't drag the word retard through the mud by using it to describe the human garbage in this video
What is the weight they are even using here?