Weight loss

Need tips losing weight

Basically I bet the boss I could lose 50 pounds by April and if I did I could take his daughter to dinner. If not I would never talk to her again

Also I need a 6 pack that was apart of the deal too. 5'5 265 lbs right now.

Start fasting.. like eat once every 5 days or something.. your gonna be on death's door and you'll lose any muscle you've got but you'll have a six pack

With a lot of loose skin under it

You need to lose at least half of your weight for six packs

Well user. There are always more fish in the sea.

Start smoking meth


Absolutely physically impossible.

Lose weight anyway. Find another chick.

Lose some fucking weight fatty

I'll give you real advice from an experienced adult to a fresh youth

You're going to have to feel hungry for hours.

Whatever diet you choose you will feel hungry but you can't eat.

Hunger passes.

Hunger pangs are bad at the beginning but they ease up.

You'll still be able to function and enjoy life, you'll just have to ACCEPT THE FEELING OF HUNGER

That's my advice

Dude this was a fucking cuck thing to do. If the chick wants to go to a dinner with you just take her. Fuck your "boss". What are you, a dog?

50 pounds by April does not sound impossible. I've done similar stuff. However, the 6pack thing does.

>six pack
>loose skin under it

Oh user, you fucked up hard. Even cutting hard will not net you those results. It's impossible to loose weight that fast. Even if you did, you'd have a shitton of loose skin, and even if you didn't you need to be really lean to show off a 6-pack, which won't be fucking showing up at 5'5" 215 lbs.

Still lose as much as you can, no harm is getting leaner, you may even discover you like it.

Intermittent Fast.
Jump Rope (20-30 a day. I would say 15 in the morning afternoon, 15 at night)
Hit the Gym.

Was 264 September 15. Made it to 210 by early December ( 8 or 9).

For about 3 weeks to a month I didn't really excercise during that time span as well ( and I ate Thanksgiving shit too)

Forget about that six-pack though.

Currently 199 lbs if you're wondering.

Stop eating.
Only water and vitamins.
Ab exercises.

Is this a new fucking pasta? I swear I saw this exact thread this morning

That sounds like a hentai plot.

>50 pounds in three months

You're going to lose that bet. You are special kind of fucktard.

Fast and get a rowing machine for cardio

your cardio is going to be too shit to run or do something like that. You could probably cycle as well. Do 20,000 crunches a day. Get an ab wheel.

Oh man, I totally missed this juicy bit:

>6 pack in three months starting 5'5 @265

No fucking way this isn't bait.


You're a fat piece of shit manlet with no muscle. You will be lean and have abs at around 110 lbs, meaning you need to drop 155 lbs, more than half your body weight, in 3 months.

There's no fucking way to do this healthily. Like fuck I've just started working out and dieting and after a month I've only lost 13lbs.