Does Veeky Forums sauna/steam after lifting?
I’ve just joined a new gym which has:
> Normal Sauna
> Steam Room
> Infrared Sauna
> Salt Sauna
And I don’t know which is better/worth it. Any help would be appreciated bros.
Does Veeky Forums sauna/steam after lifting?
I’ve just joined a new gym which has:
> Normal Sauna
> Steam Room
> Infrared Sauna
> Salt Sauna
And I don’t know which is better/worth it. Any help would be appreciated bros.
Try them out and see what you like the best. You fucking autists are beyond redemption I swear
I use the sauna nearly every friday after my last workout for the week.
I really appreciate it. I just do normal saun though since that's the only thing the uni offers.
Steam Room is the best feeling ever though.
Why wouldn't you just try out the different areas and form your opinion though?
I'll either go to the sauna a sit for a bit to warm up my muscles, or go after to have a nice sweat. In terms of benefits I don't know the differences between those. Ask a Finn
>tfw walking to my car in the snow after a nice suomi sauna
My opinions are based on what is the most factually advantageous
Check out Dr Rhonda Patrick's findings into Sauna use post workout.
IIRC two 20 minute sessions is ideal in the activation of heat shot proteins. Chains into a significant bump in HGH production and cell repair (faster recovery and overall longevity).
It's actually super legit and useful. I use it after every workout if I have time.
This might point to bigger problems in your life. How you just enjoy healthy activities for the sake of it rather than obsess over potentially minuscule differences that at the end do bnot fucking matter
When it comes to training, the most important thing bar none is discipline. Not your specific program, not whether you do pull-ups or chin-ups etc. What helps you stay consistent is the most important since it makes it easy to stick to it. Have fun with the things themselves rather than obsessively reading up and conforming to your own biases.
Maybe the Finnish sauna is ever so slightly more better for you, but if you hate it and stop going, what good does it do? Any sauna you have is better than none, and you sure as hell arent wasting any time going into any of those you have at your disposal
This goes for all things in life, and I see poor autistic people freak out over the most mundane shit here. It does not help them one fucking bit in the long run.
Im trying to be helpful here. Doing your research is important, but after a certain point its just diminishing returns.This idiotic sauna debate is a perfect example of It doesnt fucking matter
For you
>twf a finn
>sauna at the summer cottage/cabin is the most relaxing and refreshing thing
>there is a sauna for every three people in Finland
Two 20 minute sessions in one day?
OP here. I fully intend to and I’m looking forward to it. Though I imagine they’re all going to feel somewhat similar.
Just curious as to the experiences of others and any recommendations.
Google it you lazy faggot
>Though I imagine they’re all going to feel somewhat similar.
They feel very different
What's standard dress code for a gym sauna in the US? Are they co-Ed?
jesus fucking christ, I would love that to happen to Germany but over here, people are fucking retards who will rather spend government funds on fucking dogshit projects instead of providing people with an improved social infrastructure
See this is what I’m after.
Never been in a steam room (I think).
Or maybe you can learn to love things that are advantageous for you instead of being a weak faggot who makes excuses.
I feel my skin is best in one where rub yourself with salt after you leave the sauna, but you probably wont have that one in a gym. The steam room is less hot but more humid so you sweat like a pig, I like that a lot. Overall its just a matter of taste
Stop being obtuse. There are things worth researching and making informed decisions on, and there are totally pointless exercises in autism that do nothing but prevent you from taking action
way to prove his point asperger
>Dr Rhonda Patrick
Salt sauna looks comfy af
I wish but my gym is poorly equipped and there are literally filthy POC everywhere.
>tfw my last gym had a nice sauna
It was godlike after heavy squats. God damn, I had completely blocked out how much I missed it and now it's coming back. Fucking shitty tiny gym
They you talk about feel is it as in physical feel because I've only tried sauna and all it is is heat and being sweaty
>improved social infrastructure
>binland :DDDD
A paradox
I know I have made it when I can use a wood heated normal sauna every day
It’s a trade off user. This place literally has 4 saunas and 1 squat rack.
I'd ronda her patrick
Prove his point how?
Probably varies on gym and state, and they're probably not co ed
I heard that steam rooms and saunas lower sperm counts, is it true.
>too soon
So much this
I live in Finland and because of that every single gym has a sauna. A sauna after a cold shower is the best feeling one can get
I dont know OP. My gym dont have a sauna.
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have a huge surplus to your GDP for all sorts of projects when those migrants start working.
The way I function is that I am neutral about everything until I know the facts, it is simply the way my brain wired and I doubt I can do much about that. If I have to choose between sauna, steam room etc. I prefer having the facts on the benefits, because without them, they are all the same in my mind: sit down in a hot and humid room, and wait.
Which ever one has the naked lady in it! YOWZA!!!
I cant go to sauna after a workot because of a blood pressure thing
I will black out pretty fast after a workout
Anyone else have this and know a way to not black out?
>top left
Wew lad, think I just found my new fetish
What the fuck kind of gym is it
I'm happy if my gym has working toilets
I should go to finland some time.
I get dehydrated really easily so I don't sauna. Whenever I do I leave after like 2 minutes and end up feeling ridiculous
Ice baths are better for recovery.
No benefits from heat rooms apart from losing water weight.
heat shock proteins, not heat shot
I like the sauna occasionally. I just wish there weren't so many old dudes clogging the thing up. That's all most of them do is sit in the sauna and hot tub.
All other saunas except the normal one are for pussy-ass bitches AKA Swedes, and the sauna must not be below 80C.
t. binland
La creatura....
I take hot showers after I work out. Is this good for me?
Not at all
Saunas are god tier. I don't steam after a workout because I don't have the means (not popular in the mediterranean), but I have done it in the past (normal and steam), and if you do it right it's the perfect way to end your workout. It cleans up your skin and your pores, and it makes you feel cleaner than you've ever felt.
When you decide to have a steam, wear flip-flops and something to cover your dick. Sit in there for a bit, doesn't need to be more than 10-15 minutes (or when you feel like you've sweated a lot). Afterwards, IMMEDIATELY go and have a shower, and end it with a spray of cold water, so that you get rid of all the dirt and particles that your skin has sweated out, and your pores close up before they take in a bunch more. Many people don't do this, and it defeats the purpose of steaming in the first place.
per week
Please elaborate
Is that Lauren Rose second to the left?
Steam room is the best, OP.
they make you infertile for 3 months
You can where whatever you want, I see people in anything from naked with a towel tied around their waste, to people wearing their workout clothes.
And yes, they are co-ed in the US, at least at every gym I know of and have been to.
>melting your balls
>surrounding yourself with homosexuals
Stay zyzz.