Do I have wide hips, or is that just in my head?

Do I have wide hips, or is that just in my head?

Long neck

You look much nicer than me body wise you're cool

what fucked routine are you using so i can avoid it
(you look like shit by the way)

no they look fine. about you head though - are you a lollipop?

It's the thing keeping me out of manlet status
It looks less weird from a less forced angle

from a totally biased perspective, you have an amazing and stunning neck user.
I'm pretty jelly.
Also your body is fine, in fact it's fucking gr8.
What you're looking at is your adonis belt with a sprinkle of bodyfat on top.
It's not childbearing hips.

>Also no i'm not a necklet, i just appreaciate a good neck.

What is a smart phone fish-eye effect.

you have utterly disproportionate body

>What is a smart phone fish-eye effect.
>what is a joke

Good frame. As you build more muscle, the less it’ll matter. Work out your obliques and lats more.

i too was born with a long neck
get amazing traps and a thick neck and it'll be fine, dw bro
and no you dont have wide hips

what about me?

another pic of my traps, this wasnt taken during a pump if i remember correctly

how tall are you?


Beta necklett deceted

be nice i'm feeling extra autistic today ok..

Nice traps

If you were addressing the height question to me, I'm just on 6'0

sry, but i'm the posterboy for the ectomorph bodytype so nah.
But if you want something to bully me for
>Obvious gainslet from birth.

You need to make sure to drink a cup of seen before every meal. So chances are you need to cut back

Are you ok?


It's all in your head, phaggot.

Pls post your butt
>wanna eat you whole night
>no homo

Not wide hips, but you do have thin shoulders and a thin ribcage.

There's nothing wide about you at all my dude

Also me

No, but your neck looks long. Could be the camera though.

Your fucking head is bigger than your torso lmfao what are you 4'4? Midget



You're a fucking retard. So yes, technically the autism is in your head, in your brain. Fucking retard

Do you need a hug user?

take a pic from further and blur your head

the angle ruins everything, look at your neck, what the fuck

Would look into 'Klinefelter syndrome' OP. Please, do it soon. You might have a bad case of it.

not at all, you are skinny as fuck but don't have wide hips

narrow ass shoulders lel