Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
Delayed edition, having major issues posting today
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
Delayed edition, having major issues posting today
hooray, it finally worked
How are you water sippers doing today? I'm going to be flat benching the 90pound dbs for the first time today after work, am pretty excited.
Thanks bro
I drank 1,5 L in 10 minutes last night. I was taking a piss every 5 minutes for about an hour. You told me that I'd get dick gains by drinking water, not dick pains...
if you get dick pains from 1,5L water you should probably get tested mate, water doesn't do that by itself.
Doesn't the time frame matter? I mean, 10 mins is a pretty small time window to down 1,5 L.
What's the benefit of drinking a decent amount of water?
Thanks for the testosterone loss buddeh!
not that much, if anything you might feel bloated and somewhat nauseous for a little while. I've done the same and I just had to pee a lot and felt like laying down.
Helps recovery and rebuilding of used muscles, optimal performance of your organs, better muscle performance and much more
Does not drinking enough water make you bloated?
Nah, none of that happened to me. I just took a piss so many times that my dick started to hurt a bit. I do have a hanging "hat" foreskin, so maybe I didn't wipe enough and leftover pee got into the urethra.
Allows you to eat far less without feeling hungry.
Keeps your digestive system free of impaction.
Prevents kidney stones and the harmful buildup of other mineral deposits in places where they shouldn't be.
Promotes healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular function.
Causes muscle tissue to swell, making them bigger and more efficient.
Can improve mental health.
>tfw getting 2 liters+ per day
>tfw only drink water now
i have ascended
not him, but...
How much did you drink?
I'm on week 3 of drinking a minimum of one gallon per day (2x the normally recommended 64 ounces) and I don't have any pissing problems. In fact, after the first week I've gained superior bladder control.
does sound strange to me. I pee alot specially when drinking beers and never had pain from peeing too much. Too much sex on the other hand can result in some discomfort.
good on you bro, I too have cut out about every other drink. Specially sodas and juices
Usually 3 L per day. It's just that at that moment I drank 1,5 L in the span of 5-10 minutes.
Like I said, I've got a hanging foreskin, so if I don't wipe myself it tends to cause some discomfort. I pissed maybe 20 times or so that night, so I probably just didn't drain my dick enough.
I don't know what that is but if you think that's the cause you're probably right. But then you can't really blame it on the water.
Is that also the source of your confidence issues mate?
>Is that also the source of your confidence issues mate?
What, the foreskin? user, if I had a 7" dick I wouldn't mind the foreskin. It's just that I'm a supreme dicklet. 5"x5" or at best 6"x5.5" if I'm feeling generous. Dunno what's real, since it looks like a literal babydick in front of a mirror. I'm embarrassed to even look at it anymore.
>3L per day
>1.5L in 5 minutes
That's not even that much...
if it's actually that size you have nothing to worry about as I said yesterday.
I believe mine is 6" long, not sure about girth and I've gotten lots of compliments for it, never any complaints. I also read somewhere that girls usually recall a dick that's been inside them as bigger than they actually were for some reason.
One of the girls I'm regularly sleeping with currently recently told me that she had sex with a black dude a long time ago (said he was about 7") and that she didn't really like it because it wasn't girthy, just long and that didn't give much pleasure to her.
Yes, I'm dumping her any day now, she is a degenerate, and I've gotten myself checked.
How much do (you) drink user? Besides, I didn't realize we were having a water brag thread. Jesus, take it easy.
I guess you're right. Dunno, I'm overly insecure about it. At least I've got lots of veins running around it...
>dumping her
Good on you user. Racemixers are a literal cancer.
I don't think you should be insecure about that. And a protip if you're getting self conscious about it while trying to game a girl or whatever, make some jokes about it to prove to yourself and her that it's nothing. I've managed to pick up a chick by telling her I have the worlds smallest and making jokes about it all night. She laughed a lot and wanted to see it more and more. I told her to wait in the bar while I go get my microscope and such
And indeed. I dreamed about dumping her tonight, she cried a lot. Think she will be heart broken but that's life.
why drink fast instead of regularly? 4l per day here
Thanks for the reminder!
me here again, just drank 1.5L at once
Thank you Michael Bisping
Remember to get DRATED
Haven’t seen you in a while, welcome back buddeh
I was always mainly a water drinker. I never liked soda, or beer, or any kind of alcoholic beverages. My biggest thing im trying to cut is coffee and tea. Especially coffee, cause I drink way more of it than I do water, so thats something I keep trying to tell myself to cut drinking, but its hard for me cause I always feel fucking tired and lacking energy.