Sean10mm's stripped 5x5

Is this a meme? I've just started trying to become Veeky Forums. I've done this routine for 3 weeks now and feel like its not enough. Am I supposed to add exercises to it? Like surely you are meant to do different kinds of back exercises to work different back muscles? Also are my biceps and triceps even being worked with this routine at all? I have read the sticky btw. Also, how long should I do this routine before swapping to an intermediate one?

Bump I need an answer desu

It's a linear progression program like many others.

The basic idea of any LP program is that you focus mainly (almost exclusively) on the major compound lifts & increase weight on them in a linear fashion. The program ends when you are no longer able to add weight in a linear fashion. This is usually somewhere between 6 and 12 months, assuming you are eating and sleeping enough.

I can't remember what sean10mm routine is, but as long as you are doing Squats, deadlifts, OHP, Bench press, chinups, and rows/cleans, you are most assuredly hitting every muscle in your body. You can focus on isolated muscle groups later, once you have exhausted linear progression. For now, get your compound lifts up to a respectable level.

>This is usually somewhere between 6 and 12 months
How do you think I know you don't actually lift

To be fair though that must have been awful. I wouldn't want literally anyone and everyone seeing private stuff I've taken; nobody would take me seriously and I do teaching

fuck off

What dickhead? I've gotten my OHP to 160x5 on SS and still making progress with micro-plates.

6-12 months is a pretty wide amount of time to account for various situations. A person who played soccer through high school, for example, will start stronger & complete his LP sooner than a person who played WoW through high school. A rank beginner may also take more time to learn proper form, develop good kinesthetic sense, correct lifelong dietary deficiencies, drop counter-productive habits, etc. People also take short breaks for various reasons, have different daily workloads, may need to cut midway through LP due to excessive fat gain, and on and on.

It's not the same for everybody. Good on you for completing your LP in 3 weeks though, everybody here is proud of you.

Imagine someone starting with a 30kg bench. He adds 2kg every bench day so that's 6kg added every 2 weeks. There are 26 weeks in 6 months. 13x6=78kg increase in 6 months. That's a 108kg 5x5 bench. Do you really think that's normal or average?

It isn't, it is just another 5x5, it will accomplish whatever it promises.

The Fappening was the ultimate proof that just because you have money doesn't mean you're smart.

How the fuck did they not understand that "iCloud" meant their photos were stored externally? Basic shit.

What do you mean with 'it is not enough'?
There's little info about the program but if you don't feel tired after your 3 compounds you can add accessories if you want.
You can do the routine until you stop linearly progressing (check the blog)

I did start out with a 30kg bench and could only add at most 1kg every week. I'm a manlet too

And how long it was until you stopped your lp?

But you're only instructed to add 2.5lbs to upper body lifts in both SS, SL and Greyskull, which is 1kg, not think getting to a bit above 2plaet in a year is not average at best?

I don't think anyone ever was under the impression that actors are smart.

Linear Progression does not mean a line of constant slope. Anyone who is not a goddamn inbred retard understands that linear progression follows a curve of decreasing slope that asymptotically approaches a maximum.

Because I knew before you replied that you were a fucking retard, I even included in the second sentence of my post that I continue to make LINEAR gains on a 160lb OHP using microplates. Micro-loading is endorsed in every single LP program I can think of. Once you cannot add 2kg/workout, you try adding 1.5kg per workout. Once that doesn't work, you go down to 1kg/workout, and on and on until it approaches zero, at which point one will need to begin intermediate programming to continue making gains.

You are a person of below-average intelligence. You should leave this board and not return until you are able to adequately process information.

Goddammit it literally angers me to the point of wanting to cause self-harm when I encounter people as fucking stupid as you, even on the internet.

Moral of the story is don't be stupid enough to take the photos in the first place.

>I do teaching
When I was 16 I went to some arts retreat for school, one of the guys who was co-ordinating the whole thing was a music department head at a local university. I was using his laptop to write stuff, and a group of girls from another school who were there told me to check the pictures folder. There were tons of photos of this guy, a skinny bald lanklet, totally naked in various poses with an absolute whale of a woman. I remember in some of the photos they were wearing fedoras. It was funny at the time, but looking back it's creepy as fuck since there weren't any normal photos on the computer, just those ones, and he was giving that laptop to kids. I reckon he was well aware his dick pics were on there. He doesn't work at the uni anymore, dunno what happened to him.

>Anyone who is not a goddamn inbred retard understands that linear progression follows a curve of decreasing slope that asymptotically approaches a maximum
you're talking about a logarithmic curve you doofus

>The program ends when you are no longer able to add weight in a linear fashion
> This is usually somewhere between 6 and 12 months
these statements are in conflict with one another

OP it feels like it's not enough because it's a neutered SS

Initial SS:
bb shit

Why does every fitness "guru" retard online get to act like theyve got some special magic when theyre just making a variation of a LP 5x5 or 3x5 routine?

Has great results with this routine. I ended up switching to a brosplit but got lifts to 115 ohp, 200 bench, 215 squat (lower back injury), and 290 deadlift.

Not strong by Veeky Forums standards, but looked pretty good by the time i switched. If any questions hmu

someone please post the webm of one of her movies where she walks into a room and there are tons of monitors with her nudes