Yall niggas kno what's weird about losing your virginity?
Afterwards it becomes so easy to get pussy it's ridiculous. Getting a chick for the first time is difficult. Any time after that, piece of cake
Does it work if the first chick I get is a prostitute I paid?
Why would it work?
Not for me.
what if your first time was a fluke?
jokes on you im 6' and lost my virginity at like 21
this is false.
>got girlfriend last year
>we bang like animals
>she breaks up with me
>haven't gotten pussy in a year now
>a year
>365 days
How do I get back in the game?
Because life is magic, so is losing fat and building muscle. The more memes and magic the more it is real. Specially on Veeky Forums
Literally no I had sex several times in high school, multiple times in sixth form then nothing since.
Figuratively me
what if you are scared of catching a disease? I was surprised at how easy it is to fuck a girl at a bar I fucked her a bunch of times that night and if shes that easy with me imagine anyone else. I just rather not have sex and not risk catching anything but damn do I want to fuck so bad sometimes
Since when did height directly correlate with virginity?
Also fuck off to r9k, this isn't Veeky Forums.
>Women hit on me a lot
>Had 3 girlfriends
>22 years old
>Still a virgin
Get on my level losers :'^)
major cope
isnt that guy like 5'3"
Imagine being so retarded that you say "+ and".
I went to college with this sad creature. 6'2" and was one hell of a bitter virgin at the age of 28. He'd get weirdly aggressive at any female nude life drawing model. He eventually stuck it in some landwhale
>making Asians look tall
no point in living
>solid 5's cracking onto me
>i can do better than this
>simultaniously lift harder, eat better, get more aesthetic
>solid 6's start cracking onto me
>i can do better than this
>simultaniously lift harder, eat better, get more aesthetic, start first cycle
>solid 7's start cracking onto me
>i can do better than this
>simultaniously lift harder, eat better, get more aesthetic, start second cycle
>pay some 30 year old asian in dodgy massage parlour to jerk me off
>still virgin at 21
Interact with women and let them know that you are interested in them.
How are people this retarded?
one day you'll realise even women ranked at 10 aren't shit to a good looking man
>start second cycle
>at 21
What the actual fuck are you retarded?
I agree with this, and it REALLY ramps up after the third or maybe the fourth girl. Just keep trying and you'll get effortlessly good.
Thanks for the information. Huge if this is true.
Just go to the mall and pick up some middle schooler. It's easier than people let on
>broke up with ex last february
i-i'm almost there
I did fuck a hooker for 50 Euros last fall, though
Shit sucks.
Who are these people that announce things like this? I've never felt the urge to express something so petty on social media for the world to see, what's to gain with this annoying crap?
Yo das me
>non-larping height is 6'4, with Veeky Forums inflation 6'7
>turn 26 in May
>no gf
>never kissed
>don't even jerk off
God has a special place in hell for all you degenerates partaking in premarital debauchery.
Considering doing this.
Was it worth it?
So horny I can't function, but I feel like I'd probably regret it.
Nice core you lanky fuck.
Do you even diddly
They dont, one guy shoops them for Veeky Forums
>still virgin
ayyyyy just die in my sleep alreadao
did you donate ur traps to charity
6'2" and a virgin at 26
Its cuz I was raped when I was 4 so I freak out anytime I get in an intimate situation with a woman. I was almost passed it with my best friend but she got a boyfriend right after I agreed to move in with her. I guess she had gotten tired of waiting. Oh well, least my gains can keep me company
It's all about confidence
hes bigger than you are
obliques, serratus, lagging, pysique in general is nice and looking like it could be stage ready pretty soon
No regrets, but I don't want to pay for that. Would rather have a girl that lets me cum inside her for free. Ain't gonna spend anything more on a hooker
Bench 20 x 5 then you're outta the gym?
I've had sex twice, both with the same girl within the span of a few days. That was almost 2 years ago and I haven't even come close to fucking anyone else since then.
>I was raped when I was 4
Who did the penetrating you or the rapist?
the rapist
umm try again sweetie :)
I'm almost two meters tall, currenly 32yo and i'm still a virgin who never even kissed a girl nor am i interested
gf is way too much wasted time and money for the occasional sex you get and whore or tinder skanks are worn out whores riddled with stds so not worth it either
when i need a release i just skin the snake to pictures of some 10/10 qts and when i'm done i can go back to all the cool shit i enjoy doing and can do because i don't have to waste time on gf maintenance
People here who AREN'T virgins are the biggest losers here.
gee, i wonder why i never had a gf
Yea but that's degenerate
why did you photoshop it? this looks so retarded, learn to photoshop idiot
What's wrong with a fuckbuddy?
No emotional connection, just someone to have sex with once or twice a week
A bj or sex will always be better than beating your meat to pixels
>fucking a hooker without a condom
Jesus christ why
>A-asexual masterrace am I r-right guys?
This so much.
Every friend I have who got has their own family complains constantly about how shit it is and how they envy my foul bachelor frog life.
>haven't had sex in almost two years since I broke up with my last girlfriend
>getting older each day and losing value as I've accomplished nothing since high school, not even a drivers license
>don't feel as if I could attract anyone anymore
But hey, at l-least I lift!
Sure buddy. You go ahead and enjoy that missionary position with your 5/10 yeasty grill while I blow my load feeling just as good, while fucking anyone I want in my imagination and doing things with them you would normally go to jail for.
The brain doesn't care if the experience is real or not son (eg. hallucinations), and so imaginary sex is superior to real sex in every conceivable way with literally no consequences.
>No emotional connection
you think these autists won't get emotionally attached to a girl?
doesnt that guy defend pedophilia and beastiality?
If you've a virgin yes, rarely send messages. Meet, have a drink, sex then leave both satisfied
>getting older each day and losing value as I've accomplished nothing since high school, not even a drivers license
I feel you brah.
I'm a virgin by choice though. Asexual masterrace. Thots have no power over me.
I-i don't even w-want to fuck a grill ;_;
Like i wouldn't even require any penis in vagina action
I would be perfectly happy with just scraps even
Like waiting around while she gets holes devastated by tyrone and after he fills her to the brim with his lemon frosting and leaves I would jump in and lick her clean and then even cleaning her bedsheets and leaving
Yet even with such low demands i still remain a virgin well into my 30s..
I don't get it, other guys get so much actions and they are way uglier, more demanding and much less nicer than me...
this is so unfair ;_;
Past 25? Are normies becoming more agreeable? Anything above 17 used to be laughstock material
Are you me?
>I don't get it, other guys get so much actions and they are way uglier, more demanding and much less nicer than me...
>this is so unfair ;_;
Don't listen to what women say, watch what they do.
So far you should have noticed what's wrong in your behaviour.
Women hate weak men. And I think hate is not a word strong enough to describe the disgust women have for nice (ie weak) men.
If you keep acting like a bitch, it won't get any better.
My second life started when I stopped listening to the BS my mother taught me.
This. Women like strong men. The reason why 85% of all rapes aren't reported is because the woman enjoyed it.
I have maybe 1 or 2 girls a year that I don’t pay for...
Being virgin is the most beautiful thing. Fucking Americans and their propaganda to be a virgin is bad and loser. Feel so sorry. There is something called dignity and honor.
>what if you are scared of catching a disease?
tell your gymbro he have to wear a condom next time. and remember not to lick out the condom afterwards, no matter how strong you feel the urge to do it.
Kinda like me. I bet my ex is not having this problem.
It's all about being yourself.
>got fat because of living with gf
>break up
>spend more time at job
>return to gym
>~550 days pass
>got money
>got fit
>go on a trip through balkans
>fuck few bitches
>get back home
>get a girl
>live on healthy terms
It's all gonna work out anons
Just don't dwell in that cave thinking of gf, think about yourselves
user, that’s only if you genuinely chose that path you loser.
you're basically a cuck since she has no reason to not fuck other men
More a rape victim if I didn't enjoy it
>Go to hers
>Piles me with vodka
>Have sex
Do you even know what a cuck is? There's nothing stopping me from fucking other chicks
yeah dude must be really nice having some guys sloppy seconds and being too much of a coward to form a relationship
>fwb develops feelings for me
>sends me long ass text messages, drunk text, whatever
>meanwhile I just spent that same night in a hotel with 36cc titties (very sensitive tits too, I thought they'd be numb by now because I'd imagine everyone sucked on those milkies hard)
I'm talking to 4 different qts right the fuck now in various messaging shit.
A med tech qt who I'm also fucking offered me free blood tests for all kinds of shit, I'm taking it and I fucking hope I didn't catch any nasty shit.
>a girl actually asks me out last year
>asks me out on dates
>tells me she really likes me
>makes constant references to us kissing to finally seal this as a relationship
>don't kiss her
>she stops talking to me
And that's the story of how I'm still a kissless virgin at the age of 23.
I still have 324 days to avoid this
fucking hell man
wel you’re a faggot i’m not an actual homosexual like you
Fake news
I'm not after a relationship
Must feel good wanking into a napkin with your headphones on
Unfortunately I'm not a faggot. Just an autist. The only girl I've ever actually liked and I fucked it all up.
Um... u aware u r rtrdd right?
>lost virginity to hooker
>since then furthest I've been with a girl is kissing
>fucked at least 70 hookers though
Height isn't everything, I hit the gym but I'm still fat as have no self-control. Seen my lifts increase to 2/3/4/5 but still can't get girls because I'ms elf conscious about my appearance.
>be 6'0" virgin until 23
>lose a bunch of weight, mainly body fat
>actually shrink to 5'10.5" (lost 3 shoe sizes, etc)
>still a virgin at 27
How the fuck do you shrink?
I figure it was from my feet becoming a lot thinner. That would be the only supporting area to add to my overall height from what I can gather.
>yall niggas
Why do americans do this?
Hahaha I'm only 22 :^)
>be 21
>lost v to club slut
>two weeks later, fuck another club slut
>feeling confident that I'm on my way to making it
>almost 1 year later, haven't fucked anyone since
>tfw 23 in a few months
I couldn't imagine how autistic you would have to be, to not have lost your virginity by 18.
>Imagine NOT being 6'0"
Much, much worse.
What does being above 6'0 have to do with not being a virgin?
Makes almost no difference, if you are ugly then you are ugly, no matter how tell and built.
>be me
>be 1.88m ( 6'2 )
>be blonde, green eyed, good body structure
>lift since 16 years old
>have a small dick
You don't know the struggle during the times when i was insecure about my penis and girls were hitting on me. I wanted to have sex but was too afraid to not be lauged at. Actually size is 16cm, porn brainwashed my brain. I know it's still not big, perhaps slitly above average, but being released from the stress that i have i micro dick gave a huge freedom.
It's never been difficult. It's about knowing your lane and staying in it.
>disabled people struggling with life
What a shock