Veeky Forums, hear me out... did I just become weak? is something wrong with me?

Veeky Forums, hear me out... did I just become weak? is something wrong with me?

>Uni cafeteria has a fast food stand (glorious freedom)
>this guys works there
>I reckon he is 5'11, looks around 19 years old and weighs at the very least 450lbs (200kgs)
>works at the register, people always make jokes such as ''leave some burgers for us hmmm k?''
>he doesn't even have the courage to look anyone in the eye
>always by himself

Except when

>people challenge him to eat retarded amounts of food or make fun of him

It seems to me he only does it because that's when people talk/get close to him. Just yesterday he ate something retarded like 22 burgers and drank 3 liters of milkshake in some stupid competition. But right after that people took pics of him and then started posting on social media how much of a beastly mongoloid he is and that was the end of that, of course no one even congratulated or talked to him after the event.

Am I retarded for feeling bad for this guy?
It seems like quite a grotesque existence, to exist solely to be seem as a sasquatch or some shit.

Maye I need to stop eating soy.

Or you just man the fuck up, befriend that fatass, take him to the gym and make his life better. He will be thankful and you'll feel good.

It's not beta to be a good guy.


this. a true alpha empowers those around him

Stop being such a whiny pussy.
Either help him or don't.

unironically this

>Am I retarded for feeling bad for this guy?
No, compassion is a noble trait


It is, but it's also killing the white race

Which leads me to ask:
Is he one of your blood?

>be seen around with the biggest loser
you don't wanna be in this situation OP

Well if he's not alpha enough to stand above that shit, he should fix himself first

Having compassion doesn't mean you can't be a reasonable thinking human

rooting for this
do something good and uninterested, like a true alpha

>Having compassion doesn't mean you can't be a reasonable thinking human
Doesn't mean it won't make you hesitate or choose poorly often.
It doesn't have to be extremely bad just because it has drawbacks, user.

I guess I'm just as shit as other people then because I don't have what it takes to help him.

Maybe just talking to him once in a while could make him reconsider his choices?

I'm too fucked up to help someone in need like him, I have my own demons to take care of first, if that makes me beta, I accept it.

>Is he one of your blood?

If you mean is he white, yeah...

Aren't Alphas usually jerks though?
Give me an example of altruistic alpha acting.

Your story made me feel bad for the guy too. I hate the HAES rabid feminists and fat apologists, but people like the guy described give me feels.

“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.

At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:

“What type of man are you looking for?”

They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”

At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.

“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.

They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.

“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.

Of course, their words didn’t faze me.

I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.

After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.

“What did you just say???” they barked.

“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.

They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”

Just as expected, they were coming on to me.

>If you mean is he white, yeah...
Either help him then or stop whining about it, pussy.

In wolf packs, the alpha is responsible for everyone else. He protects them and corrects them when they fall out of line. Once the alpha has asserted himself, the others gladly follow his lead because they know they are safe.

Is this your entry level porno script?

being this fresh

>wanting to add and carry such an immense social and literally physical burden in university
Okay buddeh

>and corrects them when they fall out of line

yeah by roughing them up.