What's it like being on roids?

What's it like being on roids?

Does it affect you mentally in any sort of way?

All these memes about roid rage etc, how do you feel?

Bump. Been considering trying a cycle. Fill me in anons

like being a manlet, but wearing lifts to make yourself seem taller.

how does it feel to be a manlet, manlet?

i'm 6'3, but i guess it must feel like shit, considering most roiders are manletas.

I don't notice much difference really.
I went from 290ng/dl low test natty to a few thousand via 500mg/week test-E. Four weeks in now. I think my estro levels are wrong though.

For the first week I was insanely horny fapping 8 times a day with incredible orgasms. Now I'm back to where I was, pretty much.

Did the starter meme 12 week test cycle with the proper ai’s and pct..

Honestly made me feel like garbage. Felt great while working out but otherwise heightened my anxiety and made me mildy depressed. I also had trouble “dialing in” my ai so maybe that’s why but I got really sick of having to try and balance my hormones.

4/10 wouldn’t do again

This is true. I'm 6ft and already bigger than most. People already assume I'm juicing. Imagine the mutant I might become if I was.

I started injecting a year ago and have no idea what its like to not be on gear. I have mad confidence but I think half of that is the change I've made in my body and the other half is the Tren. I'm pretty fucking full of myself/big ego and I try hard to keep it under control.
I never want to stop but will probably have to come off because of high hematocrit.


You're basically steve rogers when he comes out of the super soldier procedure for the first cycle. Tren turns you into the winter soldier, but also takes away most of your feelings, and ability to care about anything, and I mean anything.
Tren turns me into a mental roller coaster but I just ignore it and make sure not to make any major decisions abruptly.

No, I think rage comes from insecure retards who get hyped for their mass

Meanwhile, if you are well-adjusted adult, it boosts mood, maybe confidence. The only thing I didn`t like was that it also made me super horny all the time, my thoughts kept drifting towards sex and sometimes it was hard to concentrate on my work

The pumps are crazy intense and makes you feel like superman. It made me do everything 100% diets, workouts, sleep etc because I'm thinking "fuck your on steroids dont fuck around dont waste it" and of course gains, gains everywhere!!! I'm glad I did it but I totally understand how people get addicted to it. After I came off cycle roughly 2 years ago I said never again just because I dont want to perma fuck my endocrine system but after all that time I'm thinking about a 2nd cycle...

I'm on my third test cycle. I feel more awake during the day, recover more quickly from hard workouts and just generally feel more happy all of the time.

Roid rage is a myth. If you're already a pissy little bitch, you will be a stronger pissy little bitch.


Is bullshit. You make gains but it isn't anything close to cap. ~3 cycles might make a comparable change like that.
Tren makes me much more caring toward my wife. I have a shorter fuse but it isn't like a roid rage, I just (rarely) start acting like a dick and have to check myself.
Totally worth it. I love it.

I did 500mg test-e for 15 weeks and didn't feel mentally different at all. Kinda disappointing, I was hoping it would make me more active.

Tren apparently makes you angry but I have no experience with that.

Arseholes become bigger arseholes. If you are well balanced you should be fine. Huge confidence boost seeing weekly gains. There are some outliers like tren that shorten your fuse. Probably not nearly as mentally different as you expe t you'll be.

Tren fucked up my sleep.
Test and deca make me happy.
Orals feel like a demon is behind my eyes trying to claw his way out between bench sets.

coming up on my forth week blasting test 500mg/wk

first week or two is no real major change. after that holy moly. if you're dosing that AI right, boners through the fucking roof, wanting to fuck everyone you see, all your words come out perfectly, you really stop giving a fuck about those some faggots at work you see every day and what they think, you start noticing women actually smiling at you and shit, and that's just the social side

increased energy (not a fucking meme, you feel like how your preworkout is supposed to make you feel, all the time), not a single negative or bad day since hopping on even when potentially day ruining things happen, it just rolls right off of you and you keep trucking. workouts are just pr breaks every fucking day. it's the greatest shit. you end up having so much energy you want to stay in there for hours longer whether its smart to or not.

roid rage happens when you fuck your AI dosage up and your estrogen ends up being too low, actually. that's not something that generally happens when just on test.

end of the day DESU i wish i got on it sooner, and i may not come off. we'll see where this gains train goes.

>I also had trouble “dialing in” my ai

this is exactly why you felt like shit my boy.

That's not blasting unless you're a grill

I was referring to that super soldier feeling, not the gains, unless you're a super responder

>What's it like being on roids?
nothing out of ordinary, really

>Does it affect you mentally in any sort of way?
not at all

>All these memes about roid rage etc, how do you feel?
yes, roid rage is meme

that sounds fucking amazing brah

It makes you moody as fuck when combined with estrogen receptors. 4 times a month i would for no reason cry like i just watched my dog get run over.

>Tren turns you into the winter soldier, but also takes away most of your feelings, and ability to care about anything, and I mean anything.
sign me up

Personally I feel like I simply care less about stupid things. I feel more balanced and I don't overthink as much. Went from 800ng/dl to 500mg TE weekly, not sure where that puts me.

Kinda want to try tren for the god mode feeling, but I don't want to fuck my hairline up.

what is the meaning of this wojak?

>"no one does roids dude"
>eavesdrop on same guy talking to some else from his gym
>"yeah I got some roids"

Every time