Probably a bad idea

Veeky Forums, be honest, how do I improve this:

I'm fat as fuck (a little over three hundred pounds) and I'm eating 1200 cals a day (mainly in canned chicken and tuna, red kidney beans, and granola bars), jogging 2 miles on my elliptical (half a mile at a time, can't jog very long), doing 70-100 push ups (from knees) and 30 squats.

I'm 18, is this a good routine to maintain until I'm at my goal weight? Is trying to build muscle while at such a large deficit retarded?


Forgot to add that my daily breakfast is 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon.

Also I've tried fasting, and ended up having blurry vision and shit after day one so my doctor said not to do it.

waisting time running, do some form of HHIT

also dont drink anything besides water


don't listen to this idiot. do steady cardio and create caloric deficit with dieting. your organism couldn't handle HIIT if you're just getting started and it would probably be counterproductive on a few different levels. when your weight is down to 220-230 pounds try including some hiit on bike. try swiming too,

Like this?

Read the /fat/ opening post.
Also canned chicken what the fuck america

It's in the same packaging as canned tuna

I should probably switch over to chicken breast

>girl push-ups

Here you go, OP

O shit just meant to link the thread lmao

I physically can't do normal push ups, I'm over 300lbs dude

be careful with jogging then, or you will get injured if you push yourself too much.

The elliptical is incredibly low impact, so I'm not worried

I lost 20 pounds doing the same or more but got a slow metabolism after a while...

Thought you said over 200, my bad bro

I've lost 30lbs even before exercise DESU

the bigger the deficit the better for losing weight sure

but also, the bigger the deficit the harder it is for you to stick at, so in the end a small deficit you stick with is going to be far far more effective

it takes years to go from skinny to lard arse, you can't expect just because you changed your attitude that you're going to lose it all in a week, shit takes time

Sorry I typed T.B.H no idea why it said desultory

Okay, so far this is pretty easy but I'll definitely raise my intake if things get too rough

Yeah I plan on it taking at least a year and a half to reach 170lbs