Please somebody help me i literally look like pic related, my body is overall so fucking skinny but my lower belly is so fucking big, i really look like shit why is this hapenning to me, i cannot be skinny nor fat, why my body is a mess? why my body is so desproportional?

your diet is shit

Eat better, lift weights.

Tons of simple carbs with low protein/fiber causes huge insulin spikes which cause you to store visceral fat.


Try the following:

Week 1: 48hour water only fast
Week 2: 48hour water only fast
Week 3: 48hour water only fast
Week 4: 7day water only fast
Week 5: 7day water only fast
Week 6: 7day water only fast
Week 7: 7day water only fast
Week 8: 48hour dry fast (neither water nor food)

At the end of 8 weeks it will be totally gone.

Less soy, more onions.

what the fuck?

How tf i will manage to do this without dying of starving? i'm really skinny not eating will be fatal for me.

No shit

Probably fatty liver, USG scan your liver for sure
Quit sugar entirely, reduce carbs and eat much more leafy vegetables

>what the fuck?
Go hard or go home.

If you start at a low intensity and then increase then your body adapts to it quite quickly.

The first few days I suffered from gnawing hunger and headaches, but after about the 3rd day it just goes away almost completely.

The key to making 5:2 / AF / IF / OMAD work for you to the maximum effect is to keep increasing the pace to what you can tolerate.

I've been doing increasing intensity fasting (as shown above) for about 9 weeks and the first few days was grindingly horrible, but after that it was easy.

You've just got to push on through to gain the rewards of persistence. Let me assure you it is well worth it.

Jesus fuck OP don't listen to this retard

If you're really reaching somalian mode just start to eat properly and lift weight

How to lift weight & eat well ? Sticky

Do you have anterior pelvic tilt? Makes your stomach stand out more than it should.

Because you don't activate your muscles on a regular basis, which prevents your body from rebuilding them in order to give you more mass. The solution would be to eat healthier, lift weights often and do this continuously with a good program for a long time. It's not harder than that. You can't get normal proportions without working out, because otherwise your body has no way to add muscle mass.

Dead simple. If you want to lose weight put down the fucking fork and get those caloric deficits as high as possible.

>stop drinking beer
>stop drinking soda
>stop drinking sugary drinks like oj
>stop eating sugary shit
>eat more meat, especially salmon(or any other fish desu) and chicken
>eat eggs
>drink milk
>replace simple carbs with complex ones. Aka pass the pasta for veggies and pass the sugary cereal you eat in the morning, for oats
but most importantly
>hit the gym, 4 days a week minimum

it's not about losing weight in his case you fucking moron. He's just extremely skinnyfat.
His weight is probably completely normal, his main problem is an extreme lack of muscle

You're a fucking dumbass op is not overweight this is gonna kill him.

How tall are you and how much do you weight

hes right

Skinny fat
You get it by being a soft cunt who does fuck all every day, but drinks beer and junk food.


all these fucking retards will tell you to cut, but when you cut your just gonna have your fucking skele bones underneath all that belly fat, if you can even get rid of it

if you start bulking you'll look so much better, then once you reach a level where you feel comfortable, cut out the fat and enjoy being a chad

I used to be like you OP. After 3 months of lifting I still am like you.

Except if his bf% is too high he won't gain muscle, he'll just get more fat. Have to cut first.


>he won't gain muscle, he'll just get more fat
you are positively retarded

it's better to cut if you look like that
you take advantage of noob gains at full extent. When you're this skinnyfat, you can cut and gain muscle at the same time. This way, you also see your gains as you progress, so you don't get discouraged either.
>t. ignored the autists who say "bulk" at skinnyfats, did cut, and now i'm bulking in peace.
I did have noob gains too,despite cutting.

Also he's more than likely just fat. I thought I was skinnyfat until I came on here and was informed no, youre just fat and have no muscle.

Optimal bulking happens at 10-12% bf you gay nigger