Rare lift thread?
Rare lift thread?
why you block yourself OP? scared we'll make fun of your DYEL pussy ass
did you have to bail from a 0 plate squat?
Is this worth doing?
>falling for the bw training meme
Kid there’s literally a barbell you can overhead press right next to you
What's wrong with that? He's just training so he could do a vertical push up
Why tho?
Why bother ?
>doing a tacky movement that has no benifit outside of gymnastics
i only see thots doing it
More rare lifts plz
Yeah no.
OHP is the only way to train that plane of movement.
I mean, look at this weak pussy.
>no rack
Check out this stock image edgelord
t. guy in picture
That is so fucking hard to learn
I see this all the time
You’re an idiot. It’s obvious that he could not hold that oahs from that angle.
Seriously man, bw is a fucking meme in that age of the barbell. Look at that faggot Dan jeong conditioning, he does full rom hspu for reps, but he can can barley ohp his bw.
didn't even have to look at the file name to smell the brazillian-ness
That's not rare that just unwanted