>did sports all his life >Was incredibly good at all of them from track and field to K1 and cliff climbing and deep sea fishing/diving >Had girls after him all his youth >Fought a war >Started several successful businesses on his own along with my mom >Even at the age of 53 he still goes to the gym and benches 340lbs and looks like a beast >I was a skinny Vidya playing loser and he turned me into a buff, kickboxing, confident Chad tier guy >I can see how proud and happy he is with the way I changed my habbits and became pretty alpha from the pathetic loser i used to be >I basically became an introverted version of him >He can be really fucking annoying sometimes and our relationship is shitty but I still admire him and respect him. Pic related is him at the age of 25 and that's his older brothers wife and kids.
Thanks for not letting me grow up a pussy dad.
What are your guys fathers like?
Gabriel Miller
>grew up >father was a tri athlete, mostly hardcore cyclist >never pushed me to do sports so I never did >he would take me running and call me a pussy the whole time >but because I wasn't really a pussy I would push myself to make my father happy >get into weightlifting in highschool >he won't let me do deadlifts because he is worried I'll hurt my back >instead he teaches me to proper DL >for my 17th birthday he gives me some shoes >wtfdad.avi >open box and it's a pair of adidas weightlifting shoes >still have them >still use them twice a week >one time a guy rear ended me in the pouring rain and they went flying out of my car >I searched for an hour on the side of a road in the rain just to find them
But yeah, my dad was a chad. He modeled in NYC as a kid, his mom owned the most popular night club in the 80/90's in New Orleans, and he spent his early years exercising and building his own business he still owns today.
Sebastian Smith
>finger on the trigger
Nolan James
C'mon guys share your dad stories :(
Christian Barnes
>i-it doesn't matter if you made sure it wasn't loaded before posing for the photo! muh trigger safety! /k/ are such fucking losers.
Chase Sullivan
My dad was a beta. I watched him get beat up near our house once because he kept borrowing money off neighbors and not paying back. My mum left him eventually and hooked up with this black dude. Hes pretty cool actually hes been more of a dad to me than my real dad
Henry Green
Like father like son
Kayden Flores
It's sad to admit I never had strong father figure in my life. I dont really know anything about him except. >he had a dog >was big guy
Asher Peterson
My parents divorced before I was born, fast foward like 5 years and he has a new hoe every week for the rest of the forseeable future
Bentley Morris
Not much to say
>65 >airforce (ret.) >desert storm vet (F15 pilot) >spends all his time glued to the TV >has no hobbies or interests >rarely talks aside from saying hello or goodbye >never seen him have friends >doesn’t like doing anything besides staying at home
Parents are still married after 35+ years but I never felt like I had a father/son relationship with him. I haven’t even hugged him, probably shaken his hand once in the last decade. Never had a convo with him.
I remember growing up everyone assuming my dad was some bad ass fighter pilot but in reality he was/is basically a shutin autist aside from his military career.
William Stewart
Also, my mom says my dad was always kind of weird but she fell in love with him and still is after almost 4 decades.
My mom is one of those rare women that actually love the man for who he is. If it was any other woman she would have probably left years ago. My mom is actually the complete opposite of my dad, very outgoing, very social, etc.
It seems odd to me that dating sites are all about matching you with someone identical, assuming if you don’t have anything in common that you couldn’t possibly like each other, seems to go against everything I’ve seen in my parents relationship, then again they’re from another era where relationships were different so I don’t know.
Evan King
>tfw dad is an iranian ex prisoner tortured. >So autistic and mentally unstable beta faggot >didn't teach me anything about anything >ruins everything in the family and never admits when he is wrong which is all the time >I've learned everything from my warrior champ mom and internet and other people >still recovering at 22, trying to make my mom happy by becoming a doctor
I will never understand how my mom has been with that piece of shit for so long
Julian Russell
>Not much to say >Says a lot
Henry Russell
Dad was a strongman that was literally award "Strongest Man in [the place I grew up] and met my mum at a stag do while he was engaged. He looked like Liam Neeson too.
>tfw I'm a big lanky specky spastic I'm such a disappointment.
Pic related. My dad looked like this, but way, way more jacked.
James Miller
If that’s a lot I feel sorry for your demented pittance of mince meat you call your brain.
David Rodriguez
Dad died when I was a baby.
He was so alpha that he's on day 7000 of nobreathe
Cameron Williams
This is actually pretty funny
Brody Barnes
Yeah, he's pretty accomplished. I honestly want to be like him someday, and I'm already working on that. >was a poorfag who got himself into a private school that he wanted to attend via scholarships >ditto college >student governor >graduated with honors >board topnotcher >went into military when he knocked up mom >was in crim and rotc anyway, so that was an option >scout ranger >combat expert >dive expert >etc. >mom ATT was working on her second degree (architecture after fine arts); literal beauty queen My folks are actually pretty cool, now that I think about it. >Feelsnice.jpg
Adrian King
He's the best internist at a big hospital, but he's not the most assertive guy. Now he's turning 60 and I think he's becoming afraid of old age and death, which he knows well from work. I gave him an e cigarette which resulted in him quitting to smoke about a year ago, I'm really happy.
I wish he taught me how to be more assertive and how to deal with women, or just anything. Mostly he had a "you have to find things out yourself anyway" and "different people have different answers and ways of doing things" approach to raising us that could also be interpreted as disinterest.
I didn't see a lot of him when I was a child because he was occupied with work, and my mother, who grew up on a mountain farm, also had not so many skills to teach about how to interact with people in a city.
Owen Williams
My dad was a beta, the most alpha thing he did was cheat on my mom while I was cooking up in her oven.
His dad on the other hand was a true alpha, he had two wives and my dad was his bastard.
I was raised by my mom, and she basically tried to raise me like a pussy, but I eventually lost all the weight I had since childhood and changed myself for the better.
Jack Davis
>dad 6 ft tall >good at all sports, pro golfer >met my mom on a date with another woman >runs his own business, makes more money than all his siblings and i'm nothing like him
Aiden Reed
My dad is pretty badass >captain of his high school wrestling team >worked as a stone mason for years >never went to college but makes 6 figures >is extremely handy around the house and working in the garage is his main hobby >made me a couple minibikes when I was in elementary school >far right politically >got the highest ACT score in his whole school He takes himself too seriously and has a shit sense of humor, but he is a great family man and father.
Nicholas Wilson
Oh, btw dad is pretty overprotective tho. He kind of goes apeshit when it comes to people hurting his kids. At times, I felt like he was overreacting, so I always preferred to deal with shit on my own. Still, it's comforting to know he always had my back. Based dad is based.
Evan Richardson
>havent seen father do a single social activity with a person who wasnt my mom or me in my entire 25 years of life
is this chad?
David Morgan
My dad is exactly like your dad except he became a lazy shut-in autist after my mom died. It’s so sad, I only ever heard great things about him, but you’d never believe it seeing him now.
Adrian Rogers
>cheating on pregnant wife >alpha Not really, that’s just kinda fucked up dude
Michael King
Eh, I wouldn’t read into it. Most middle aged men don’t really have social lives. Even the ones who were chads in college
Thomas Ross
Why did he let u grow up loser and then make u alpha? Was he at war or to busy with work when u were small?
Connor Hughes
My parent's are Chad and Becky...what do you think?
Gavin Torres
>dad was an overweight attorney who loved to cook >married my step mother who was hot but a total fuck up >she had a daughter already who wasn't attractive and grew up to be a drug dealer >she forces my dad to basically ignore me as much as possible and ensure that her daughter gets everything >every time I visit (would spend weekends there) would always feel like a second class citizen >step mother gets cancer >Takes her 13 fucking years to die of it with my dad providing first-class medical care the whole way. Along with all the expensive trips, cars, etc. >Her daughter gets her own house, paid for by my dad, while I'm on the other side of the country living in a house with six other people. >Dad finds out that step mom was actually cheating on him with his best friend (who had passed away a year or two before she did) for most of their marriage. >Step sister even told me that she caught her and him together once. >Dad finds that she took out a $200,000 life insurance policy on him once without telling him when they took a trip to Mexico with his best friend and his wife. Assumes they may have been plotting to kill him. >Dad goes through relentless depression and isolation. Cuts nearly all his other family out of his life but me. Just working and watching movies. Cuts step daughter out of his life, she goes berserk because no more gibs. >Dad eventually loses weight and starts walking a lot, which is a hell of a lot more than he ever did when I was growing up. >Dad isn't exactly Veeky Forums but is significantly healthier. Starts coming out of his shell a bit. I take him on trips to some cool locations and we bond a bit more. >Dad starts dating his high-school oneitis who is still hot for a woman in her mid 50s. >All the other lawyers seem to be retiring or dying off so my dad now does all the big murder cases in his area and has never been more successful and doesn't have to piss away money on stupid bitches and their nonsense anymore.
I'm proud of him.
Carter Mitchell
I'm sorry to hear that, user. He must have really loved your mom though.
Isaiah Morales
Based dad. Good story user
Nathaniel Price
that is an intriguing story. How many times have you attempted suicide btw?
Jeremiah Perez
My dad’s a badass. >grew up super poor inner city with teen mom >no access to healthy food, got fat >really smart, got into college >lost weight, life of the party >worked his ass of, now is head of cancer biology lab at prestigious university >uppermiddleclass.jpeg >still fit, took up long distance running >50 miles for 50th birthday >>it was a trail run in the mountains >I was too young to sign up for cool bike ride for cancer research, really wanted to >dad trains for me, does 150 mile ride in the freezing cold winter >loves and supports me for whatever I do, even tho I’m fat and can only to 15 miles (femanon) >has automatic respect of everyone in family and general public, quiet but astute and wickedly funny >love you dad :’-)
Isaiah Russell
>grew up in broken household, never saw dad much >thought he scum of the earth >pretty bad relationship for the better part of 18 years >eventually start lifting, he starts teaching me as he used to be a bodybuilder >learn more about him over time
We've got a pretty good relationship now, I live with him in my hometown because my mom moved away into the city
Parker Green
My loserhood peaked during my teens. He always pushed me to do better and nothing I did was ever good enough, so eventually I gave up trying and stopped giving a shit about anything. In general I don't really care about anyone or anything so his talks and shit like that had no effect on me for around 8 years then at one point I said fuck it and forced myself to make a change to get him off my back. I was never someone who got bullied or teased but I had absolutely no ambition, will power or desire to better myself or accomplish anything.
Kevin Davis
People will think I'm trolling, but i'm not, my dad is my hero:
> Grew up in extreme poverty, alcoholic abusive mother > Was a genius and extremely hard working, got full ride to local university > Swam competitively and was scouted for Olympic team, had to drop it since he had no money > Graduated school in 3 years, worked at the same time > Saved up enough to buy an engagement ring for my mom at that time (they are still happily married 30 years later) > Got a job, slowly worked his way up, is now CEO of the biggest tech company in my home city
Literal rags to riches story. I hope I can amount to half the man he is.
Brandon Peterson
He really did
Ryder White
Your dad literally looks like he could be me when I was 25... my eyes are just a little bigger and more colorful (better) and I was more buff.
Coincidentally, my kid has a Chad dad. He's 4 and I'm 32. I have everything in common with your dad but the war. My dad was a lady's man as well but let himself go in his 20s when he became a father. I'm working on trying to save him now.
Ian Allen
Best thing my father did for me personally was give me a big stock portfolio when I turned 21 (like it was literally 50k US dollars), but other than that he wasn't that great of a father. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or anything but money really isn't everything
>very arrogant, narcissistic, disrespectful, selfish and rude >always thinks he's so much better than everyone else >never taught me any life skills, even basics like driving or even shaving my face >has always treated my mother like shit verbally, sometimes even physically >haven't seen my father do a social activity with another person in my entire 25 year life >spent most of my childhood threatening me and my mother with divorce even though we never liked him and it would be hilarious to see him on his own since he can't even cook a single thing and would probably never speak to a single person if he wasn't with my mom >always angry and a very short fuse
Even though we live in the same house (I'm a pathetic loser) I rarely speak to him and honestly even just seeing him makes me upset
Lucas Adams
>dad had fucked up parents in the 1970s so he spent almost all of his time in the outdoors because home life was shit >brother became a christfag, sister was an overachiever >said fuck it and dropped out of HS and became an Army Ranger >had tons of gfs in the 80s, was typical party boy >had a nearly perfect military career, became Special Forces eventually, had all the cool guy shit >is honestly one of the smartest guys I know >is also literally Ubermensch, almost 100% German and tall as shit >wasn't a typical "military" dad, was super fucking chill and actually got pissed off if you called him sir >I'm a KHV introvert that probably has aspergers I'm 90% sure my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me. That has to be it.
Jose Ross
How do you force someone to ignore their kid? If my girlfriend gets mouthy or annoying I just tune her ass out and do what I want. It's not hard to tune women out, all the power they have over you is sex and once you realize that sex is nothing special you're basically in control
Lucas Garcia
Yeah I know exactly what you mean but my dad was always beta in dealing with her. She never gave a shit about him or me, all she wanted was somebody to pay for her fuck up daughter and to get all the nice little extras she never had to work for.
And she LITERALLY was plotting to murder him. Kind of gives you a bit of an insight into the type of person we were dealing with.
Hunter Taylor
>Infance: Mom and dad go to the gym and do aerobic. I stay in reception reading Molly moon, the hobbit, the nightingale... Dad is muscular but a bit fat, mom is 40yo but looks 30. Dad is normal dude, good job etc, nice income, we live good and travel a lot. I like them both. >Suddenly, when I'm 14, mom's menopause kicks in. Dad doesn't go to the gym, and mom isn't attracted to him anymore. They were near divorce. Mom stars psychologically abusing us both. I hate her. Dad is a mess with women, he didn't teach me a thing and he clearly has problems in his sexual life. This maybe has relation with job's problems. We live a very hard moment in our lives, some days fridge is empty and I can't eat nor dinner. Dad has become a shell of his former self, I began to lose respect to him. >Now: I don't respect him at all. I now understand why my mother hated him. He didn't teach me a thing about life, he' a bad decision-maker and clearly has a sub100 IQ. I count on him only as an income source. Miraculously I'm hitting gym hard since last year, making some gains and I'm finishing my STEM postgrad or whatever you call it in burgurland. I have improved my relationships with woman and learning another language (3). TLDR My dad is a weak stupid soyboy and he didn't teach me nothing,
Blake Wright
>grew up in the suburbs of an eastern bloc shithole >alcoholic father that physically abused him and my grandma >he would literally study on trees because my grandfather would beat him and burn his books >he was about to land a job that would've granted him a huge amount of power in my country's home office >got assasinated
Landon Sanchez
by whom?
Carson Bennett
Fuuuck I obsess way too often over not having a dad like this.
>be me >be child >"daddy I don't wanna play baseball they throw the ball too fast" >daddy doesn't encourage me to overcome my fears and allows me to avoid challenging myself and grow >be preteen >dad let's me spend lots of free time laying on my bed playing video games >be post puberty teen >I start to act out like a teenage boy >dad doesn't want to raise a teenage boy >dad send me away to a boys home where I basically live in a 24/7 daycare where I don't get the attention a growing child needs >be 22 now >all I've accomplished is an Associate's in Gen Studies with a 2.5 GPA >see men I respect online and irl and always envision what it would've been like if they were my father >lay in bed some nights and get so angry I start convulsing until I'm sobbing
I may as well have been raised by a single mother. I just want to get over it and grow into a man, but it keeps fucking with me. I'm lifting consistently for the first time in my life and eating right, so I'm seeing progress there and will become /fit, but my feels are so heavy. I fear I'll never be strong enough to lift them. I have no ambition and can't envision myself making it.
Am I just being a bitch anons?
Lucas Martin
I don't think you understand what an alpha is...
Jonathan Hughes
>2nd of 12, born during the depression >worked from child to help support family while still being smartest in his school >first of his siblings to stand up to his dickhead father >supported his siblings through his life >scholarship to uni >best shot in university regiment >rugby player >field work all over the world in some of the toughest places (PNG jungles) >eventually managing director of company he joined
James Gutierrez
you're blaming your father for not making you self-sufficient maybe fair when you're a dependent child but eventually self-sufficiency only has to do with you stop projecting and do something
Justin Davis
>2nd of 12 pic related
Carter Harris
>Football player and homecoming King >Joined Air Force after high school >Became Pararescue >Got out of military and rode cross country on a motorcycle >Met my mom >Settled down, had three kids >Built a house for us basically by himself >Now does carpentry on the side, is a master at it I like to think he's pretty Chad
Zachary Gonzalez
A crossdressing homo who used to sell drugs and robbed stores and beat my mother. He has a criminal record of course.
By all accounts of memory he was good to me but he was a piece of shit person. At least I'm handsome like he was.
Henry White
lol not wrong poor catholics in the 1930/40s i have like 50 cousins on that side
Jonathan Gutierrez
Too bad you're a waste
Hudson Evans
I wrote that in a hurry so I'm sorry if it seemed vague, anyways here's the full story. >this whole story happened when the presidency of the council of the european union was located in germany >my dad joined had joined the police academy >he had worked his ass off and by the time he was in his mid twenties he had reached a relatively high status position >he learnt german in the meantime and joined some sort of exchange program with germany (I honestly can't remember all the details/terms, and even if I do I have no idea how to translate them) >the presidency of the council of the european union had then relocated to germany, so they had to send their men to the russian border in case of conflict >they had in plan to make my father the head of this operation since he was already well-established back there >my dad was known for talking back to superiors and not keeping his mouth shut about the shady shit that was on-going >he would've also been freed from being the subordinate of the local government, so he could've ratted out every single corrupt piece of shit he had met without facing any consequence >the government postponed the transfer of german units and the promotion of my father for two months cont.
Jaxon Gomez
He looks croatian, OP.
Cameron Diaz
It puts you into bad habits and complacency, you triple-nigger.
Brandon Price
>had me young, he was a nobody back then >got to being a creative director at a marketing agency without any sort of education >always very good relationship with him, he gave me a lot of mental stimuli while young so I grew up to be smart and inherited his talent >195 cm and very handsome but weak ectomorph, I'm also the same height and handsome but inherited muscles from my mom who is a lot more buff relatively >only backdraw is that he uses all his energy for work and I usually see him tired/unmotivated. At work he is an alpha boss, at home he kindof acts low T, which bugs me a lot.
10/10 overall, love you dad
Zachary Walker
Mines the same
Fuck that guy
Andrew Gonzalez
He is Croatian user. And so am I.
Angel Ward
Quentin, is this you?
Evan Green
I am a Russian imigrant and my dad is the chadest chad I've ever known
>Dad grew up on a farm >Rough life >Did farm work sinec age 12, worked in a factory since age 14 >Boxed for 8 years since age 10 >Had a fight club street fighting thing going on with his buddies >at 18 was drafted and volunteered into afghan war >Unit got ambushed on a mountain road by rag heads >Saved 2 of his friends lifes that day >Got shot in the lower abdomen and 7 sharpnel wounds form a grenade on his back >Recovered, discharged with a shitty medal >Went to school to be a geographer >Joined the party >Went back to Afghanistan, worked with GRU to draw military maps >Worked on some secret satellite stuff for a bit >Traveled all over Europe working for the government helping them make maps(i think) >Met my mom in Belgium >Mom moved to Moscow with my dad to study >Dad quit working for the government right before USSR fell >Started his own buisness with his friends: Manufactoring steel building supplies >Sold his buisness after 10 years for a bunch of money >Move his family to Belgium and then to Canada >Taught me everything I know
He never lifted weights but he was a huge fucking guy in his prime.
Cooper Gray
I'm black so
My girlfriend's dad in high school was a total Chad tho >taught her not to be a hoe >fought in Ghanistan, medic >had "that house" during Halloween. Huge ass candy bars and decked out with decorations
First time she told her parents about me he demanded my number and to meet me the next day. Had a long ass phone call with him at like 3AM that night and he set the rules and shit. "Yes sirs" and all that on my end.
Oh man the first time I met him I was a total limp soyboy but I pulled a Johnny Bravo and got built. It really impressed him. Didn't act like a soyboy either and we'd banter back and forth.
First "bonding experience" with him was going innarange with him and his daughter. Shit was so cash. Was a huge metal head like me and bonded over Alter Bridge, Creed, etc. His daughter was just a 10/10 in looks (imo), but especially personality. He was really chill with me dating his daughter despite them being white as shit, from Mizzipi, and I'm this teenage Ethiopian.
Felt good man.
Landon Brown
>dad worked in construction >pretty buff, plus has good diet >gets ill >loses all his muscle mass >I'm a scrawny nobody >started working out and disciplining myself >started punishing myself when slacking >turn into a chad >move out >get a gf >doesn't bring him back >he never got to experience being truly proud of his son >no matter how well I do he'll never know
Landon Moore
>he would take me running and call me a pussy the whole time >but because I wasn't really a pussy I would push myself to make my father happy jesus christ is this why most of you got into lifting/are on fit? to prove to yourself that you're not a pussy? this shit sounds like bad parenting and tbqhwy senpai very vain
strive to be the best not out of fear of failure or embarassment but out of personal desire
Ayden Long
Alexander Edwards
What's the difference? The result is still the same.
Jack Morgan
>huge metal head >Creed
Found the soy boy
Gavin Flores
is that really your dad OP? cause he looks almost like my dad expect bigger jaw
Anthony Peterson
>America at its best
Asher Evans
4 u
James Walker
True and seriously depressing.
Elijah Green
> Scout ranger Phillipines?
Juan Perez
My dad died when I was 11
Juan Phillips
David Price
this really, alphas know they're not pussies, but they work for it. those that seem alpha and don't really care or work for shit are usually just stoners or club rats with kinda good genetics hit a dead end in life and end up amounting to nothing. true chads are athletes, truly smart guys who have it easier but still work their asses off
James Hall
chad, tho he turned beta-ish in his older age but that's a bit understandable. >as a kid talented at many sports, play literally all of them >went to a good high school, slayed mad pussy >army conscription, funny drunk and suffering stories >college age all kinds of shady dealings >revolution comes, he immigrates >sees pretty much all of europe after escaping from the eastern bloc, again all kinds of shady dealings, slayed mad pussy as well. >fast forward starts multiple businesses, one of which goes on to this day, he works with my mom >has me, got me into sports >teaches me a shit ton about economics, politics, medicine, physics, cars, mechanics, life in general, philosophy and some conspiracy bullshit, more than any kid should know but it did me good after all >push me into reading, doing good in school and doing sports and being an active kid with a healthy diet >i was a lazy kid, wasn't that good so i didn't want to continue doing it at a competition level >preteen age i start getting bitch tits and love handles >as i said i was lazy and spoiled but i got back on track, after chubby mode i achieved skelly mode and now otter mode >now he tells me to take it slower with the gym and martial arts because he has some joint problems and he thinks all this activity will lead me to be a bitch, kinda like him now
over all i'm proud him, smartest old guy i know, was a chad, an absolute top tier lad, very wise, gives good advice. he can be quite annoying but i understand where he comes from tho i wish he wasn't so discouraging about weight training and fighting sports, both my parents tried their hardest to keep me away from these as a kid bc they're retarded that way and thought i'd get fucked up joints and develop dementia. again, overall smart people but they have way too many preconceptions and they developed that old people mentality pretty early on
Dominic Kelly
I have a useless father. >Raised in huge family (seven other siblings) >Grew up poor, didn't amount to anything except dropping out of highschool to work to support family. >Left to America and slowly brought useless mouth breathing family here >Complete bitch, verbally abuses my mother all the time. Was close to physically abusing her but my brother stopped him >Acts like a spurned woman and tries to get back at people passively like one >Doesn't work, mom is breadwinner Learned nothing but bad habits from him. My true father was my brother. He raised me and made me a great person, at the cost of his own happiness since our age gap is very small. The guy was still figuring things out and was so patient for me. I truly aspire to be like my big bro and I hope he can find happiness soon. I want to help him but all we do is fight nowadays. I still have a ton of shit to work out, like getting my mom out of that house and live with me, but as nice as she is I can't stand her for too long without getting angry. I guess I inherited my bitch dad's temper and I'm ashamed of it all the time. Sorry for blog post, but I don't need a dad because I have a big bro.
Love you bro.
Anthony Taylor
Sorry to hear about that user
Xavier Rogers
>needing another man to tell you how to live
Joshua Reed
my dad is 6'2 280 absolutely massive shoulders. extremely strong though hasnt lifted in30 years or so Hes a self made millionaire, littera;lly grew his fathers manufacturing company into an international powerhouse thats a leader in our industry. he retired at 50.
He raised me right, told me i would have to make my own career somewhere else first if i wanted to work in the business.
Im 5'11" and slowly getting my shit together. I hope i can grow the same drive that he has.
Jack Wood
Im sorry about your father user. Did he go to the store and never comeback?
Asher Jackson
>My dad was a back belt in jujitsu before I was born >6'1" 200lbs, built >He would run 5ks when I was a child >Took me to study Judo with him and would teach me martial arts at home >He got his brown belt studying Judo and a green belt in Ishinru >As I grew up he started to work to become more educated >He crushed out hundreds of pushups before work on the regular >He managed his way through 2 years of cancer treatment >When he wasn't sick or weak from the drugs he would continue his pushups >During treatment he walked himself into the hospital with such a low red blood cell count the Dr. didn't believe he did >He was strong and fought hard till the end
I will always miss you dad.
Alexander Young
>was starving as a kid, stole food to eat >became a soldier, smoked cigs relentlessly to stave off hunger >got rejected by an officer chick who said she couldn't date an enlisted man >felt devastated but switched to the navy, later became an officer and commander of some patrol boat >apparently involved in a few border tussles during height of cold war >forgot about the officer chick and dated my mom instead >eventually emigrated as a couple to where I was born >worked hard doing menial jobs at first but where my mom persevered in moving up in life as best as she could, he kinda gave up >fought with mom often then divorced, left while I was fairly small >comes back for a few years, but then finds out he had cancer from all that smoking >spends the rest of his life ridden with guilt from abandoning his kids and tried to make up for it in the time he had >still kept smoking right through chemotherapy though
In retrospect the greatest thing he ever did for me was to die from smoking, Ive never smoked and never will.
Jacob Gonzalez
My dad was fat closet homo who never played any sports. Every day I do my best to not be him.
Brody Johnson
fuck you
Brandon Lewis
My pops left when I was fifteen. It’s edgy but one of the reasons I started lifting is that so A:I looked less like him (both were fat and short hair) B: Beat the shit out of him if I see him again
William Barnes
So that is what happened.
Brayden Price
Nah. But seriously fuck you, man. What the hell is wrong with you? That's no way to talk to anyone.
Caleb Taylor
>dad grew up without much money >worked his ass off in school, still captained football and baseball team and got baseball offers from several schools >ignored them and got a scholarship to a top-tier university >went through cancer while there and still got into one of the country's best law schools >now in extremely successful position at multi-billion dollar company
Still one of the most humble, down to earth people I know. Taught me so much about being a man and a good person in general.
Owen Carter
>current age: 55 >football at age 16 after being adopted by town entreprenuer >quarterback aka the most chad player >won college championships at '82 >won again at '83 >became friends with Hershel Walker, Bill Goldberg the wrestler, and Fred Williamson >literally had to be forced to quit by snapping his knee tendons >played basketball rest of college >still played for a private team that Donald Trump bought >became a truck driver transporting Nascars >became friends with many drivers >literally had to quit because of my birth >settled down in small town with wife >became a history teacher,Football, Baseball, and Golf coach >to this day is still coaches golf and baseball and watches college football >has many friends, almost everyone in my town knows him >voted Trump >likes Elvis, Johnny Cash, and Clint Eastwood
Charles Wood
Guys like this are the most chad
Adam Campbell
difference is you're motivated by fear and/or vanity. even if you achieve the same results, a different mindset allows more peace of mind and confidence.
doing things because you don't want to be perceived as a pussy or called a pussy isn't a nice way to live your life and pursue your goals
Jayden Garcia
A-are we brothers
Parker Long
If you are such a brainlet that doing something while posing for a single photo "puts you into bad habits" you should sell all your weapons and start sleeping in a helmet.
Jackson Young
Jaxon Martinez
Maybe if there weren't practically monthly news articles of someone doing something retarded with a gun that they thought was unloaded leading to injury or death, they'd be a little more laissez faire about it.
Alexander Bennett
He's right faggot, guns are dangerous tools, you don't pose around with knives or syringes you don't do it with guns.
Leo Allen
Most normal people don't regularly touch guns, Cletus.