This terrifies the soyboy.
This terrifies the soyboy
mushrooms are gross
You're gross.
>no browning whatsoever
Heat up the fucking pan before you put in the steak, you savage. You fucked up a great piece of meat.
fuk u
>red meat
enjoy your cancer
thanks I will ! You too, enjoy your soy
Eaters of decayed, rotten flesh, when will they learn?
>not enjoying the subtle earthy flavor of a mushroom
y-you too
I wonder what dumb shit we can get meme lords with a shaky grasp on reality like you to do next?
Have you considered eating tide pods? They boost test. Something something jew, soy goys, etc
Do you know where I can find good race humiliation pr0n like this.
asking for a friend.
Take the tide pod challenge or leave Veeky Forums forever.
Yep, it does terrify the soyboy indeed
There should be a rule that anyone who mentions "soyboy" has to post their own physique.
found the fuqboi
it's like they cooked the onions and mushrooms for 1 minute
>I can't tell concern from fellow fitizens from soyboy insecurities
Oki-dookie, buddy. But I'm just worried that the epidemic insecurity among young white men will lead them to do pretty much whatever some authority figure they consider masculine tells them to, as long as there's some validation of their fragile masculinity involved. Last two times this happened, Europe's best and brighest died en masse because a paranoid manlet decided he could invade Russia in the winter.
Well, they already got tricked into eating whole raw onions so it shouln't be too hard.
> onions
name a more rancid vile or disgusting vegetable on earth
It's ok bro, you don't lift. I'll let you continue shitposting though.
This is the ultimate dinner, Veeky Forums...
at least it's not breast cancer
Black olives.
Hey!! Don't talk shit about Karl den Tolfte! We Swedes could've easily conquered Moscow if it weren't for that damn Mazepa fucking up his rebellion of Cossacks and that shitty Russian weather!
It's actually just young american men... it's got nothing to do with color, it's more about how fucked you people are mentally, yet are too brainwashed to see. I bet you're white as well... don't confuse color with cultural stupidity. Plenty of whites out there who aren't anything like americans, thank god.
>magnificent Lion of the North
Pick one and only one. I meant Hitler and Napoleon.
That is very progressive, appreciate your input
C O O K ' E M
I am a white european, and desu I think the re-awakening of European culture could be a great thing. I'd sure like to be able to be proud of my heritage and learn from it. But I neither want to live in the past, or pretend that not eating soy or taking cold showers is going to bring back its glories. I worry that looking for people/things to blame and looking for simple, quick fixes is part of the kind of mentality that caused our problems, so I fail to see how it will solve anything. And yes yes "its a meme" and "its a joke" but also its not - memes and jokes increasingly are becoming a way of showing true belief in a safe way.
"Soyboy" is a funny meme, sure, but some people seem to be taking it seriously and that means it can become yet another a way to excuse personal failure and weakness and avoid working on self-improvement: "I'm low a low test cuck because (they) put (this and that) in my food!" I bet if you took a warrior hero from the olden times into our world and fed him nothing but Soylent for a year, he'd still be ALPHA as fuck. A pissed off alpha longing for a nice steak, sure, but an alpha still.
Okay, good. Tbf, he did fuck up big time, killing off half of Sweden's population. But if he had succeeded with the invasion, man oh man would the future have looked different.
Correct mushrooms are shit
i eat raw onion and garlic everyday, but i agree mushrooms are fucking garbage... my sister loves them though, it's like the estrogen veggie
you're a fucking estroboy
I kinda like this future where oss mussar kan komma in och knulla era kvinnor :^)
j/k, Hell Oden!
I notice people either love or hate mushrooms. Of course, those who hate them are wrong and ought to be beaten for being insolent.
Culture and heritage isn't really a problem. Swedes for example are literally still doing the same thing they've done for 1000s of years when it comes to tradition. Getting smashed, dancing around things and fuck. Culture has never been the problem. It's taking in people who change the country from better to worse. It makes no damn sense because neither refugees nor the citizens have it better in the end.
Except that Sweden had contact with the arab world through trade and work for centuries, and their society only got better from it. This is pretty common: cultural exchange between vibrant, strong cultures tends to improve both. It's decadence that ruins a country, and whether it is imported (and from where) is beside the point. Or do you think ameritard degeneracy comming in via MTV and shit is better than refugees? Or that Swedish superfical, trivial modern culture won't drag the country to hell all on it's own, even with the borders closed? I mean common, Jimmy the supposed saviour of white Sweden is literally a numale hipster... degeneracy and decadence is a modern and global problem; different cultures only have different flavours of the same underlying problem. Individualism, historical myopia, ignorance, obsession with trivial matters, lack of community, lack of vision, lack of backbone. Meanwhile a sensible swede, arab, and somali could all agree on some basic points and have mutal respect for one another.
Wtf is going on with """"his"""" tongue?
It's slowly morphing into another, tiny soyboy-head. Like one of them Aliens.
That isn't cultural exchange. That's just trading. Obviously, it's beneficial for countries to trade between another. Why do you think Sweden has such a good economy today? It's one of the best countries when it comes to global trading. But it's facing systemic collapse because this humanitarian charity project isn't reasonable. I find it hilarious that you talk about decadence so much, despite it being present throughout all of history. This thinking that people should just work hard for the well being of everybody with no self-interest is such a naive idea. It doesn't work, look at literally any communist community.
Literally funguses. I swear people who like them have a subconscious urge to feed the parasites in their body.
Need something green on top.
This is what I had last night exactly. Glad to see a fellow test warlord
British genes are strong in this specimen
Varieties of mushrooms, such as shiitake, portobello, crimini, and baby button, work to block estrogen in the body. They've been known to prevent the production of an enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase is responsible for converting the hormone androgen over to estrogen.
What I meant was that there was significant cultural exchange (including knowledge) via trade-routes, and also Swedes working over there. There are plenty of examples of this through-out history; cultural exchange and mixing is not bad as such, it depends on the cultures involved and what stage they are in. New ideas amd practices are just NEW; whether they come from within or without is irrelevant, what matters is what they are.
Decadence is indeed present throughout all of history. This is my point. World history is the history of the rise, decline and fall of civilizations. It's a cycle that happens over and over again on every continent. Why? Well no one is sure, plenty of interesting theories but I'm not a historian so I don't focus on that. I focus on the mental aspect, and no one speaks of this better than Nietzche when he introduces the concept of decadence and how the mentality of people change when their society goes into decline.
Fuck that shit. I come from a communist shit-hole, and let me tell you, NOBODY worked "for the well being of everybody". The sense of community present is the traditional tribal/village unit is something completely different and sure, one could argue that this is "primitive communism" but that's semantics and misses the point. The point being that one works for ONESELF, but recognises the self as part of the community and vice-versa.
>Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.
meatcucks are fucking lefties
There's browning are you blind?
>posting the inferior version
I've been trying my whole life to learn to enjoy mushrooms. I eat them every time I'm served them, but I just can't stand them. I don't really taste them on pizza very much at least.
The boys in that video make cuter girls than the actual girls do.
Another thing that men are better at than women...
It’s mostly just for texture. They don’t really taste like much unless you caramelize them in a skillet
now how much of a lesser human being do you have to be to take a pic like that and post it.
my respect for humanity has taken another hit.
Because they raise swedish boys to be girls and raise girls to be whatever the fuck pic related is
Mind you they still lust over dick, if its a diverse one
Not defending the cuckening of Sweden, but in the particular gameshow those images are from, the guys where asked to act stereotypically girly (and the girls to act boyish) for comedic effect.
Go drink some soylent you pretentious dyel faggot
It's another episodes of "Sven gets mogged by slav or nigger and goes to cry in his cuckshed; whines on Internet and votes for liberal Jew-funded party pretending to be socially conservative".
Terrifies me, too. Learn to cut a fucking onion.
Can’t a guy just a eat fucking steak or whatever without being roped into some culture war bullshit?
>socially conversative
You made me recall something, wasn't being conservative in Sweden an unspeakable taboo?
Hey man its just tax funded humor, nothing special
get on the ride bro
how about you bomb the fuckin building if you give such a large fuck about it
What do you think that brown shit is?
Kinda. Very few conservatives in politics here. Our traditional "conservative" parties are what Americans would call liberal, i.e. pro-market.
There is no real social conservative party, though the Christian Democrats claim to be ("liberalism + no gay marrige" is their idea of social conservatism) and so do the Sweden Democrats (=support liberalism in pratice and use conservative rhetoric sometimes).
So yeah kinda a political taboo. In the sense that it's perfectly normal to think like that but no party wants to touch it out of fear. Like legalising weed or bringing back the state property tax, it's something many Swedes believe in but politics ignores because anyone who brings it up will get torn to shreds in the media and by political rivals.
I mean, grenades attack did scalate, one explosion going into a studio due to diversity reasons is just down to luck
Self-resolving situation, maybe
Yes. Crossdressing for lulz can be funny, and has been in the right hands. It all goes to hell in a hand basket when they start agitating to be taken seriously in politics and use it as a shield for all sorts of degenerate cultural parasitism.
>Can’t a guy just a eat fucking steak or whatever without being roped into some culture war bullshit?
No we can't.
>even the commie is horrified
Wait, onions are good for test?
>tfw you've eating onions with pretty much every meal you cook because they're an easy way to add flavor and you learn this
Curlbros btfo lol
Anybody that knows how to fucking cook has done this. Veeky Forums is sheltered and basically had to get memed into making sort of vaguely palatable food
Has to be raw for the test boost
Oh, so now we'll see pictures of white rice and chicken breast with broccoli, but now with raw onions on the side? Kek.
Works for me since I usually end up cutting too much onion and just eat whatever I don't cook raw anyway.
>Oh, so now we'll see pictures of white rice and chicken breast with broccoli, but now with raw onions on the side? Kek.
This was a thing a month ago, yes. Lots of sad “healthy eating” food pics. Veeky Forums posters are as bad as women when it came to posting photos of boring unimpressive shit, they just do it anonymously on imgboards and not instag
You need a steady diet of it raw desu
is more efficient as an anti-strogen/aromatase akin to mushrooms and brocolli
Just fun
TV is fun
you like fun dont you? tune in
enjoy your cancer
>computer screen
enjoy your cancer
>not fasting
enjoy your cancer
Nobody that laughed at Mrs. Doubtfire could have predicted the 201x transtrender generation.
are you high test?
Absolutely terrified
Pictured: the most popular band in the entire world the year Mrs. Doubtfire came out.
Never even heard of them
Actually, trans stuff was pushed and lionized hard by hollywood for generations.
Everyone has to wear a dress or act or do or be very gay to get ahead out there.
Welcome to reality.
I've never been tested but signs point to yes. Probably more to do with genetics than onions though.
I'm old enough to remember the 80s, and I grew up in southern California. Schwarzenegger and Stallone and pro wrestlers dominated the cultural consciousness and trannies were barely thought of at all and if so, with disdain and ridicule. Boys got their asses kicked and sometimes even killed for any remotely feminine affectation and they got eating disorders and body image issues because they weren't GI Joe-level swole before hitting puberty. Fuck off with this cherry-picking bullshit, kekistani.
is something wrong with me or do mushrooms smell like cum? smelling a cooked one makes me want to hurl
This terrifies the cardiovascular system
bruh, there is something wrong with you
>tfw soiboi
>would kill to have this meal every day
I don't know about cum, but they smell fucking horrible. I work in a goddamn pizza shop, and everyone who orders mushrooms on their pizza is a terrible human bean.
Anyone who would put mushrooms on their steak should be dragged into the street and shot.
>eating disorder
How? neither Arnie or Stallone were slim or fat, neither bodies acquired by eating little or a lot
go back to tumblr and fuck off
why would he dice the onion when he's intending to eat it with a fork and not in some other dish? the only crime here is the lack of caramelization