/Hair General/

What are some Veeky Forums approved haircuts?

not that, that looks like someone shaved a woman's head, applied glue to scalp and tenderly draped clippings onto head
honestly what a fucked up mess, the man looks awful, what is this cut called? returned from the swamp?

long hair dont care



>being this new

Long hair can work if you have the jawline to pull it off.

Woah!! You can just tell from his face and neck that that guy is yoked AF !!!

Who is this cunt people keep posting?
Is he only famous in US or Europe ?is so I wouldn’t know him

>Who is this cunt people keep posting?
That's the king of Veeky Forums and he's famous everywhere. Dude literally fought a bear just for the fun of it back in 2002. A fucking bear, user!

I'm almost afraid to ask, but, is he natty?

I believe so, my friend

>is he natty?
He's the KING of natties. Hell, the patron saint of natural bodybuilding. Guy's immortal. Timeless! He can raise the dead!

He's Big Mike P.




Literally, got bent over by people who they called untermensch and were subjected to slavery for 50 years or so, and now are being cucked my muzzies

I rate that haircut faggot/10


>Long hair can work if you have the jawline to pull it off.
Or facial hair

me and my twin bro going for this look. maybe 6 more months till we get to this stage.



Why don't numales understand masculinity? They try so hard with photos like this yet it just reeks soyboy

I'm taller, stronger, bigger, and more masculine than 95% of Veeky Forums users. Guess which category you most likely fall into.

>I'm taller, stronger, bigger, and more masculine than 95% of Veeky Forums users
ur a bit of a faggot m8

>insecurity: the post


>tfw long hair because have a big head and long face
>tfw bro tells me I have a crazy jawline but don't believe him
>tfw no girl will compliment me like my bro does

bowl cut


How am I doing lads? No product in this pic but usually I put in a small amount of mousse to keep the stray hair in place.

I respect that you acknowledge me as superior and choose to engage in damage control.
You're a bit of a jealous, dyel, ugly manlet m8

Does it bother you that my statement is true and I am actually confident unlike 95% of Veeky Forums(you)?

Great choice lad. Keep it like that.

Or pic relates depending on your genetic predisposition. No in-betweens

Classic 60s for me.

>Bragging on an anonymous anime imageboard is confidence.
Kek you are a deluded fatty.



Imagine the smell

100% comfy

>hair stopped receding
>crown started thinning

Fuck the haters, looking solid brother

I like your nose. Can i has it?

Racist douchebag.

the entire "they think themself superior and get knocked down by those they view as inferior" argument is kind of funny, considering it took 3 world powers to take out a country the size of Texas.
kind of like a bruce lee movie where it takes 25 guys running at him with batons to finally take him down

I'm struggling right now.

I've always had a high hairline and unfortunately a babyface too. I grew my hair out now since short hair makes me look like I'm balding. My temples receded since my teens ended but I have thick hair on the rest of my head.

I can move my hair to the side and have basically one good looking side and a side where the receding hair can't be coming up. I'm thinking this is the only way to go though, since having my hair hang like a mop doesn't even look good since the front of my hair is thin compared to the rest of my head and just looks off.

My only solace is that all of my friend's have had their hairline recede and only a few lucky ones have a full head of hair with a youthful hairline.

Basic and boring as fuck. It's 2018, not 2013 anymore.

dis hair

I would do hitlerjugends, but ive gone for the diferent cut instead. tapered sides, and really long top. cant do the disconnected shit, makes you look masculine but not as handsome as a male model cut.

because his face says "im tough", his surroundings says "suburb", and his clothes scream "please fuck my ass"

Patton looked so good when he was young, honestly 10/10.

I think that hairdo only works on young people

Id fight you in real life. How much do you weight?

Only straight answer.

I just want my hair back :(

Is it creatine?


soy boy

Tell me Juan, what did he say that was racist.

No alopecia so I have a big bald spot and can't grow out my hair anymore.

deluded ugly fatty, the post

How do I achieve this mode without blowing off my own head

Literally anything thick and wavy

Fuck I forgot to crop it

If you're tall and shredded with good facial structure and beard growth you can pull off the civilized viking look, otherwise stay away from long hair you'll probably look like a filthy absolute faggot

dude weird

Samefag. I get you're a devastated manlet and all but get over it.

Im going for same style. We gon make it brah.

And the jealous, dyel manlet says what?

If we're going by Veeky Forums averages, 60lbs more than you.

Chadnan O'Brian

step 1. don't visit a barber
step 2. repeat

Hot or not

bro flow/hockey hair/mullet