I'm 177cm and I'm not sure if I'm ecto or mesomorph. Should I cut or bulk...

I'm 177cm and I'm not sure if I'm ecto or mesomorph. Should I cut or bulk? I have some fat in the belly area and on my upper legs I think

just lift weights you fucking sod.

also, sticky.


Butt pic pls

>not sure if I'm ecto or mesomorph.
None, because somatotypes are not real


fuck up you overmothered retard. Eat more and lift weights there's no such thing as morphs you're a fucking skinnyfat morph who doesnt lift

Haha I do it now for two weeks and I started to look around how to eat properly. I lift 6 days per week.

Chill your testicles idiot. I'm not experienced with diets etc and I started lifting 2 weeks ago. I just wanted to hear some pointers, all my friends do not lift so where should I ask?

the sticky is a good place to start

There is only One Way.

you're nothing

I love u


Cut... to... what? A skeleton?

you're neither, somatotypes doesnt exist

you need to be 18 to post here

Okay. It's just that I read it everywhere in the net. Ofc you shouldn't believe everything but I didn't know it's a mythos

Oh sorry, so I'll post again in 8 years :-(

first of all, you are manlet

Are u German

Isn't a manlet under 5"6?

Yeah, how do you know?

you should just eat enough protein, and get some fucking muscles before worrying about "cutting or bulking"

>believing somatotypes
>not reading the sticky

>pressing every workout
>no rear delt/rhomboid work

You look like my crush, what's your name?

good shit

Probably not, I'm German but I don't live in Germany


Neither. Eat at maintenance and you will recomp just fine

Sure... just tell me you love me

I love you

Yeah, I love a stranger I've never seen. Gg



Wtf is this shit hahahaa bench press every workout. Nice one bro

I actually live in Switzerland. Do you live in Germany?

you're skinnyfatomorph

Yea :/
But I swear I know you, your face+body looks so familiar

Go to /soc/ you mongrel

Wow, that sounds really gay

Send me your insta to [email protected] and I'll check if I know you

first of all, never been on that site, never will
second of all. i dont want to meet a guy i want to meet THE GUY that started this thread, so no


Somatotypes are actually a real thing but it's quite different from what people think it is.
Somatotypes are supposed to be a 3 digit number with each digit ranging from 0-9 and expressing how much you align with that Somatotype. The variables taken into consideration are: Bodyweight, Height, upper arm circumflex, calf circumflex, femur breadth, humerus breadth, triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, supraspinal skinfold, medial calf skinfold.

So your Somatotype number is something you can change by gaining, losing weight or muscle and changing your body fat percentage.

shut the fuck up faggot

You can't read mate? Bench and ohp alternate

Week 1
>a bench day
>b ohp day
>c bench day
Week 2
>a ohp day
>b bench day
>c ohp day

Bruh I'm gay and I hate that shit

i have the same body as OP and same height just a lil more chub on belly. I've started to run 4 miles per day non stop prob 3-4 days a week. I've cut down on portions and carbs and love veges and chicken breast. Can i cut the fat, and gain some light improvements to muscle tone by doing just situps and pushups? I can't join a gym right now.

go away normie

source: your arse

>goodbye rotator cuffs

What I should change then?

>I can't join a gym right now.
Yes, you can.

i'm going through a divorce and have to save all my cash to move out make a deposit and rent/pay for moving costs.it's also slower season at work so earning 1/4th or less of normal income. Once my living/financial situation is more stable i will look at joining a gym. I had a memebership till a year ago. I also just found 3lbs and 5lbs freeweights at my house. what's a good starting regimen for me, given my previous cardio/diet info. appreciate your help, friend.


ecto meso shit isn't real. Bulk. You have nothing to show if you cut. Read the sticky and start grinding now

I appreciate the information user. Makes sense that it'd be an actual indicator of current body type, as opposed to some sort of genetic predisposition that would never be able to account for muscle or fat mass.

you look good, start cutting to get a better muscle tone

Well, they are real, but they do not completely characterize muscle build potential.

Like an ecto is not very broad skeletally. Aka no broad shoulders and no wide hips. While meso is broad shoulders small hip and endomorph has wide everything