ok but what routine do I actually do though
I've been doing PPLxPPL for 2 years and made like no gains
ok but what routine do I actually do though
I've been doing PPLxPPL for 2 years and made like no gains
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Your diet might be there problem
no its definitely the shitty routine
PPLPPLx is the format not the routine, what you do in each of those push/pull/legs is your choice
p.s if you are doing some garbage like the reddit PPL no wonder you dont get any gains OP
you referring that metallicapda guy's ppl for beginners program?
I’m doing the reddit PPL, whats wrong with it? Fairly new to lifting and gains have been okay but not as great as I hoped. Did stronglifts before.
What would you recommend?
You probably lack the self discipline to do PPL effectively. You might just need to go on a more strict or outlined LP.
Why did you do the same routine for two years if you had barely any gains?
You're too focused on the routine, when really, it's less about the methods and more about the principles.
You need to adhere to the principle of progressive overload. You could argue that everything a program does is simply help you accomplish this in a less than random fashion.
Respect the principles, and the choice of program won't matter much. This also means however that if you cannot comply with the principles on a certain routine, then that routine is shit - for you anyway.
Also, get your diet in check.
You could do the worst routine in the world for two years and still gain something.
The routine's not the problem; you are.
Push Compounds, medium-light weight sets high volume
Pull Isolation, light weight sets high volume
Hinge/Deadlift heavy weight sets low volume
Pull Compunds, medium-light weight sets high volume
Push Isolation, light weight sets high volume
Squat heavy weight sets low volume
Unilateral Squat medium weight low volume
Hinge medium weight low volume
Push and Pull Isolations, light weight medium volume
>Push/Pull days and Isolation:
On push and pull days you do 2-3 compounds for 25-50 reps between 75%-40% of 1RM, chose exercises with variation in mind,i.e Dips/BP/OHP over multiple angle varied BP. Do the antagonist muscle groups for isolations: bicep/shoulder(all three heads)/back on Push day, triceps/chest/shoulder(rear and side) on Pull day, 30-50 reps one exercise for each group.
>On hinges and squats on Push/Pull days:
I recommend doing DLs on Push day over any other hinge and squat, because pushing and squatting on the same day is harder, while squats and DL on the same day is hard too. Spreading low volume exercises will give decent lower body, while not overshadowing your upper body, making it bearable instead of blasting it 1-2x a week and feeling horrible. Do 10-15 total reps, above 75% of your 1RM. Do ab exercises before and after those.
>Legs day and Isolation:
You can either chose to do both hinges/squats or pick one, I personally recommend doing both, as long as do a unilateral squat and non-deadlift-like hinge. 15-20 reps, 80%-60% of 1RM. On legs day you blast your upper body in the end of your workout but not to failure on isolation exercises, 20-40 reps per exercise per muscle group. Do ab exercises between each modality of exercise.
What are your compounds at?
If you are below 1/2/3/4 for reps and you are not doing SS, you are wasting your time. SS or very similar templates are the fastest way to build up a respectable level of strength.
Idk why DYELS fuck around with all these ridiculous AESTHETIC routines without getting string first. It is the exact same shit as some asshole that buys a stock early-2000s civic, slaps a body kit & some stickers on it without touching the mechanicals, and thinks he's hot shit.
Wtf should I do if I cant squat because of a fuckup knee?
I feel like I do any of those big program like SS because squat is the main lift.
Then don't squat or squat lowbar like the fat powerlifters whose shins stay vertical.
Back when I was a retarded novice I did SS but without squats or deadlifts because retarded PT told me im gonna snap my shit on them. I got to 120kg x 3 x 5 bench and 70 x 5 ohp just fine, I regret not doing squats/deadlifts but SS works fine even if you take out half the exercises.
1/2/3/4 has nothing to do with building muscle. Stop this meme
OP appears to be asking about muscle gains, not strength. A DYEL can hit 1/2/3/4 and look like trash
Building muscle and getting aesthetic is 80% diet. If you are DYEL, you need to force yourself to eat more and bulk. You're wasting your time otherwise
You illiterate fuck.
>1/2/3/4 has nothing to do with building muscle
A person who goes from DYELgamer to 1/2/3/4 for reps hasn't built muscle?
>a DYEL can hit 1/2/3/4 and look like trash
I'm sure you know from experience you fat bitch. But in general, a person at 1/2/3/4 for reps below 15% bf looks pretty good unless you have body dysmorphia.
>building muscle and getting aesthetic is 80% diet
No shit, but if you're doing retarded shit during the 20% that is lifting, you cant expect much.
>not lifting for strength as a natty then doing hypertrophy, then strength etc.
youre a faggot I did the reddit ppl for 6 months nd look better than most SSfags on this board
t. absolutely TRIGGERED SS fatty
Here's what a 1/2/3/4 body looks like as a good example
Fun fact: This guy got here in a year when you can reach these numbers in an average of 6 months doing SS
post body, you twinky faggot