pretty strong argument, to be honest
Pretty strong argument, to be honest
>being this addicted to shit food
Do you even want to make it you fat retard
God fucking damn women are retarded
It's always shit food too
People are never sneaking in a midnight steak,
I've tried to analyze that tendency in my own life, and it is pretty interesting.
Not sure if it's from young age socialization about what is categorized as "treat" food?
>are never sneaking in a midnight steak
I've been sneaking eating dry sausage at night since I was twelve, what are you talking about
Isn't thigh gap genetics?
Thats because shit food is faster and cheaper calorie for calorie
Some people have larger ones than others, but if you're skinny enough, you'll have one
>skinny skinny-fat chick
No thanks I prefer braaap mommy
The only right answer.
No, I want the attractive girlfriend.
Those things aren't even mutually exclusive. You can occassionally eat pizza and soda without becomind a landwhale.
Is visible hipbones a female trait? I have them...
if only i could suckle her udders, i'd be whole again (at least for a week)
>People are never sneaking in a midnight steak,
>women will do anything but proper nutrition and exercise to get in shape
this is just fat. get some standards
I hate the implication. People like this think they're saying
>Do you want to suffer in order to look good or enjoy life?
But working out and following a good diet isn't suffering, it's enjoyment but in a mature way. Not short-sighted pleasure-seeking but long-term self-improvement, a way to be a better person AND get more enjoyment out of life. And their junk-food is disgusting as well as nutrionionally deficient; proper, healthy, homemade cooking is far more enjoyable than storebought candy IF one hasn't fucked one's taste-buds up to the point of not being able to tell. So in fact they are saying
>I'd rather suffer in every aspect of my existance than exert myself in order that I may complete fulfillment
I've got mad collar bones and mad traps to add on that(and hipbones too, and kinda of a flat stomach).
Jealous much femanonfags?
>braaap mommy
Your test is high but of poor quality.
Seek tiddiemonsters or bust. (pun intended)
>fake tits
No thanks
>being lazy and eating junk food is funny
Where did this meme come from? I reckon it's just people seeking validation of their horrible lifestyle
fucking disgusting faggot
Saved all of them. My dick will decide whats attractive.
>Tfw B cups
I'm never going to make it natty
Post them and let us decide
quads confirm skinny weak women are the most high test.
>Rachel and Lorna
Found the virgin.
What is gross about them?
Not the first time the blessed quads had befallen a terrible post.
Big chests make smaller girls invisible.
Mid b is perfect though
its burger culture dont hate
There's a good goy meme in there somewhere
poor and stupid go hand in hand
please be a boy
It's just fucking laziness and overeating. My girlfriend eats shit like that all the time and still looks like a combo of the top four pictures.
She just doesn't eat like a fucking pig and blame everyone else for the way fat women are portrayed, and hates feminists. Must hold on to her.