Powerlifting General - /PLG/

Raise your expectations.

>no soyboi edition

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1st for women soyboys can't enjoy


What is /plg/ take on Brian Alsruhe conjugate method?

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Who gots the 12 week strength template from barbell medicine ?

my total is garbage, around 800lbs at 6'4 for 198lbs. Thing is i bashed my head in the wall for the last 3 months trying to make progress on a LP still, but i cant, you think 5/3/1 would be ok for me?

Uploading user ;^)

>you think 5/3/1 would be ok for me?
You're probably an excellent candidate for 531 big but boring. You're out of your beginner phase and need to pack on muscle.

Download Beyond 531 and read the damn book. The PDF is available for free.


Alright, did the first week of BBB earlier this year but i caught fuckarounditis because i tought 5/3/1 was way too advanced for me.
Also because the 5x10 deads fucking blew me up.

I did some candito linear so im a bit used to a bit more volume than most beginner routines tough, i'll give it a shot.
Do you increase the 5x10 weight every week or every cycle? I've seen two versions of it.

Guys how do you deal with belt rash on squats ? Shit fucking hurts.

>Do you increase the 5x10 weight every week or every cycle? I've seen two versions of it.
Read the book.

I would stick with 50%, and only bump it up in 5-10% intervals if it was super easy from week to week. After 3 weeks, raise your training max, and go back to 50% for your big but boring work. Only deload every 7th week.

You can flip your big but boring work so that you're doing your deadlift volume on squat day and vice versa. If a regular deadlift is too taxing, you could also substitute stiff-legged deadlift or deficits at lighter weights on your big but boring deadlift days. Read the book.


This song came on my recommendeds when driving to the gym and its now one of my favourites

new squat shoes come tomorrow

might highbar for a while with these bad boys

Here are my numbers after approx. 1 year of training:

Bench - 120kg
Squat - 190kg
Deadlift - 230kg

Is this fast progression?

I wouldn't do it for more than 3 weeks.

eat more

not powerlifting

>>Is this fast progression?
stop caring about progressing fast

many people progress fast in the start and they end up injured, we got like 10 dudes with slipped discs in this general

>muscle development


Passively progressing fast is not the same as rushing things

hey bros, i am by no means a powerlifter, but i
lift 3x a week besides my MMA training and would love to increase my numbers (and strength)

i'm 186cm and around 90kg, and my lifts are:
squat 140kg
bench press 100kg
deadlift 140kg

should i try some LP or is it time to switch to 5/3/1?

>time to switch to 5/3/1?
I love how many have fallen for the memes.
Get ready to add 30kg to your total.

Can somebody post the 531 vs bigger faster stronger pic please I didn't save it.

Intermediates can add this instantly with good music, nose tork and a broken heart.
Just wrote spreadsheet with the unfuck your program percentages and the split he suggested. Looks gud

any alternatives?

You could consider juggernaut method. CWS specifically designed it for athletes.


Plz rsp

Whats a good alternative then?

Uuuuuuh wear some clothes? Have patience until you get used to the belt? Put the fork down so it won't be as tight?

Stop posting thots

tnx a lot

It's going to take you a couple of sessions to learn how to squat lowbar with the higher heel. Get it learned and learned well before the meet.

You can't make me.

What is your total and body weight?

Guys serious question.

Lets say a 10 pound dumbbell going 15 miles per second hit brandon lilly's face 10 times. Would he go down? Just imagine a 10 pound dumbell literally going that fast and hitting your face. Would he go down or not?

105kg, I squat 300kg, bench 200kg and deadlift 340kg and I actually cömpetë.

>swimming goggles

absolutely hideous

Oh man you're so good! What program do you run?

5/3/1 BBB, but I started with Building The Monolith, I build my base and progressed to 5/3/1 from there. I put 180lbs on my total and 60lbs on my ohp in a year.

15 miles per second is 54,000 miles per hour.
For context, the fast jet plane ever made goes 4473.873 miles per hour, making the dumbbell 12 times faster than the fastest jet plane ever made.

The boeing 767-200 that hit the twin towers only had a cruising speed of 530 miles per hour and they managed to obliterate the steel beam supported towers.

But we haven't accounted for weight yet. The Boeing 767-200 weighs a whopping 395,000lbs, while the dumbell only weighs 15 measly lbs.

A 395,000lbs object going 530 mp/h has a gigantic impact of 779898.533333333 newtons.

While a 15lbs object going 54,000 mp/h only has a small impact of 3017.52 newtons.

So if my calculations are correct Brandon lilly could probably take a few good hits to the face with that dumbell.

But wait we didn't calculate density and that's because I don't know how

o-okay senpai


>would love to increase my numbers (and strength)
No amount of programming will help you unless you start eating more.

Fuck i meant 43.3 mph. Also are you sure? The head is pretty fragile

Apparently my optimal weight to be a competitive powerlifter at 5'8" is 94kg.

Currently sitting at ~85kg.

Will I become a fat fuck if I aim for the 90s? It seems a bit too much

fatass detected

That's a a 450+ wilks optimal weight hun bun, and pretty sure according to our lord and saviour Boris "twink terrorist" Sheiko you're supposed to be 100 to be ideal.

Okay twinkie, i look forward to your upcoming posts of "guys i'm total gde i did everything right but my bench is still sub 140 kg after 5 years of lifting"

Twink detected



so im 92kg at 5'9 and some guy said that i had a "beast physique"

keep in mind that im bordering 400 wilks and likely can still fill out more

is this a question?


tell your friends not us.

Test 2

Seanbot 1 and seanbot 2 are engaged and ready to samefag.

It was a shitty response at the twink who thought he would get fat

what are your stats

I'm 101kg at 5'11 and my gym owner said I've gotten big. He said "you must be at least 6 foot" and I told him I'm 5'10 and he got all pissed off because I'm taller than him and he insisted that I'm 6'0

I swear to god if one of you fuckers ask random strangers on a thailand paddy rice trading forum again about muh stats...

>knees hurt when flexed or extended to extremes
>squats sometimes hurt when breaking parallel and the lower I go the worse it is
>they don't hurt at all if my form is perfect but I have very little room for mistakes and I'm still a novice so I fuck up from time to time
>can go an entire session without issues but if I make one bad movement it's bad for a few days

would getting some knee sleeves help? or should I take a break from squatting or dealod until it's gone "for good"?

Who gots the 12 week strength template from barbell medicine ?

i bet youre actually 6'5...That would make me 6'3 thanks

I think you are 7'0". That would make me 6'1"

Knee sleeves, tiger balm and perfect technique. If that doesn't get rid of it then take 1-2 weeks off any form of squatting

are you legit 5'0

alright thanks mate


No cunt.

me in 30 years probably

>father had two knee replacements in his 50s
>can barely walk now
>pretty much identical to him physiologically
>already getting problems at 25
>sibling also has them

feels bad man

lmfao this dude has his legs up like his getting his pussy eaten

wendler's shit is a ripoff, and ball-less, don't do it, do bfs bigger faster stronger instead

bfs bigger faster stronger is a program that's been around since 1976 and wendler lifted using it when playing football, it's used by thousands of high schools and hundreds of colleges nationwide
weeks go 3x3, 5x5 (3x5 if you are short on time), 5-4-3-2-1 (5-3-1 if short on time), and 10-8-6 (4-4-2 for the clean and deadlift), last set is always amrap
standard bfs doesn't use percentages it uses a logbook and you chase rep records or total weight used record, doing it this way enables real autoregulation from set to set via weight selection
they sell coaching tools that use aggressive percentages for the main lifts (78%, 82%, 86% for 3x5)
they use 3x/week mwf two main lifts a day, usually squat and bench, clean and deadlift, and then squat and bench variants on the third day like box squat or front squat and towel bench (essentially a board bench) or close grip bench on the third workout
then aux lifts usually 2-5 of them usually 2x10
tues and thurs are conditioning and sprints etc.

so you can see that wendler pinched it directly
took the short workout and changed the week order
put a very ball-less south of vag deload week where the higher rep week was
you only do one main lift a day i mean how low-intensity is that?
used some very easy ramping for the sets (65%, 75%, 85% for 3x5) so that the first two sets of the workout are worth far less
used a stupid 90% training max so that the "workout" is two easy warmups and a high-rep burnout set (59%, 68%, 77% for "3x5")
now it's "auxiliary lifts: the program" because when you only do one set of one main lift each day then you need lots of auxiliary volume or you need gimmicks like first set last and joker sets to compensate

What's your total again, bitch?

This has to be bait or you're actually a weightlet lol

>want to get back into plg
>every thread is constant 5/3/1, Jim wendler garbage
>no trips that I like post anymore
>everyone is new, there are no anonymous posters who's posts I can tell apart anymore
>every post is an hour apart give or take
>no bants
>no bullying
>Sean has gotten lazy and only posts about once about his shit
>only real substance is programming advice and its boring and over done

Sad :-(

Got a cheeseburger?

>Sean has gotten lazy and only posts about once
Ha ha, okay sean

Got blackout drunk on Sunday. When will my strength return to normal?

Some of us are still here but don't post much. I generally spend more time in /fraud/, though. It's more interesting.

I do miss the old trips. Not a lot of quality posting around here these days.

Bout to start project mementum 2k16. Over/under for 3 weeks till injured?

I can do dips and btn press without any problems, hell, I do both in one session without giving it any thought, they're just normal lifts.

Do people really struggle with these lifts or is it a meme.

Depends on where you land on the dead end spectrum.

The next day.

How to come to terms with never being able to squat or deadlift again?

what's your argument?
or just butthurt that the idol whose dick you've been sucking for years is a ripoff artist and the program he was made to do by his high school football coach is better than the program you bought from his ebook?

find other lifts that don't cause pain, understand that they are totally arbitrary lifts and that you're are defined by more than a mediocre powerlifting total :)

I hate them too, just do power cleans and front squats instead

I want Wendlerposting to end.
I want it to be replaced with simmonsposting

Law of pure math states that it should.

I really hope there's a heaven and I get to fuck everyone I wanted to fuck but never got to fucm

>what's your argument?
If you can't even reach mediocre stats, don't talk about programming.

>or just butthurt that the idol whose dick you've been sucking for years is a ripoff artist and the program he was made to do by his high school football coach is better than the program you bought from his ebook?
I did BFS in high school as a multi sport athlete. Loved it.

531 as an adult is markedly different. And it is continuously evolving to meet the needs of different lifters.

Not everybody gets to do BFS with a coach in high school. Some faggots missed out. Good for wendler for mainstreaming it.

I bought his book because I'm not poor, I'm not weak, and I support the man for what he provides.

I don’t get this hate. Wendler said 531 is similar to what he did in the first place to get strong. It works. It’s also more simple than this.

depends on what your starting numbers were.. my 1st deadlift was 315 and 3 months later I hit 405.
But some kid I started with could barely hit 135 and in the same time he only got up to 185.
As others have said, being quick is a good way to end up injured.

Guys i just got told i could get a nike a nike sponsorpship with with company called UR8. Did i just get hit on?

Take the money

Fake vomiting to get out of a social commitment y/n

What if the Photo shoot is in a ally way?

You and I are blessed with healthy shoulders. I think the key is
1. Not injuring them
2. Working the shoulders all over with regularlity

>The Key for Progress: Recognizing and Overcoming Laziness


Lol, turns out that weak faggots are weak because they literally don't try hard!