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okay, i kek'd

here's a bump and a (you)

larp like an egyptian

dey found de wey

>no money
>no food
>looks better than 99% of everyone here
explain yourselves?

what the fuck is that shit on their belly button

Instantly heard the song.

there's a nigger on the bellybutton

Dude's roided as hell and you think he doesn't have money for food?

obviously steroids and enough food for that physique. This isn't science rockets faggot

>gear costs pennies (30 dbol for 5$ etc)
>meat is cheap as fuck
>nothing to do but workout
>no junk food to tempt them
>manual labor as a day job
>jungle selection genetics

I would surprised if they weren't fit

Its weird because blacks even outside of Africa have those ugly belly buttons.

>There's not a single wealthy person in africa that can afford a proper diet, comfortable housing and has free time form their great job to train.

- some imbeciles on the internet.

Attached: Lagos Nigeria

From the pic it's clear they're not in a big city

I'm part of the natty race

I remember some kind of documentary about bodybuilders in Africa and the host said they had to be natty because it was just impossible for them to have access to any kind of roids. It was at that time I realised the general population's understanding of fitness is somewhere between retarded and voodoo magic.

They literally have makeup on to accentuate their physiques....

>not putting whey

>Blasting oral-only cycles

Surely they have other shit cheap as well

No matter how much you lift it won't turn you white Sambo

Niggers always have outie belly buttons

see that bench? i don't think these guys are above the poverty line

>tfw poverty ridden africans that survive on 40 calories a day look more shredded than you

It's an umbilical hernia. Blacks have really bad fascia, so it happens often with them

facs.org/~/media/files/education/patient ed/pediatricumbilical.ashx

Also, steroids are easier to get in Africa than a fucking Aspirin.

i don't even want to know what kind of bootleg rat growth hormones they're injecting

>People can't move to other locations
>Athletes never visit improvished communities
>Friends wont go to a dirt gym for shit and giggles.

You really want them to be poor. maybe that will fit with your world view.

Does anyone have the link to the video of that pajeet gym where every movement is like a circular movement? I remember it being absolutely hilarious

I think you're the one with a skewed worldview if you can't accept that there are shit spots in africa. Think of it from a western perpesctive, how often do you see trailer park people in the middle of the big city? Vice versa, how often do you see city slickers in a trailerpark? Shitholes exist everywhere but this is especially true in Africa

This is like pointing at Pyongyang and thinking all North Koreans live like that.

>Not benching on wood and absorbing tree strength through splinters
>Making it
Choose one

Did I say all africans live like that? Only one african has to live in a city like that for my position to be valid.

We have some photos of a guy with a great physique, ONE. And I controverted the stupid assumption that all africans must be poor.

You really have problem with abstract thinking, don't you? better stick to masturbating.

Rich guy working out in African slums waiting to get robbed and kidnapped rather than working out in nice gym in the city. Sounds logical.

holy shit are those mud dumbbells?

When TOTO sings about Africa they sing about the beauty of the land itself and the white people that live there?
Theyre not "blessing" niggers, who 30% have AIDS and would die in 2 weeks if white people stop giving a crap about them.