Two questions

What is your favorite lift, and why do you hate women?

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Overhead press. They aren't as cute or pure as my waifu.

the legpress
i'm too scared to meet many of them so have scarcity mentality

The deadlift

I only hate vapid women

>too scared to squat
No wonder you're too scared for girls

the squat, and because if she breathe she thot


don't hate women because I am not an autistic virgin

Currently i like to squat

Most of the time i'm too busy hating myself
The rest of the time when i'm thinking about women, i'm too busy jerking off
The rare moments when i'm not jerking off, i vacillate between hating them and accepting them as they are

Weighted Chins. I had an abusive borderline ex, and while I don’t hate women exactly, knowing how bad the damage they can do if it goes wrong I’m happy single.

squat, and probably because I had an exceptionally poor relationship with my likely borderline personality disorder mother which gave me a seriously skewed view of what relationships with all women are "supposed" to be like and I end up attracting women that are similarly damaged because it's what feels normal to me even though the entire relationship is based on mutual manipulation and sex but fear of intimacy
also I think healthier girls can probably sense this about me so I've only had experience, which at this point is pretty extensive, with emotionally unhealthy women which further perpetuates my own deeply rooted emotional damage and makes it more and more difficult for me to pair bond with a quality girl as time goes on especially considering I have a history of cheating on and with women and similarly being cheated on
it's a real problem honestly
at least I'm getting laid

>What is your favorite lift?
Unironically the squat, it's the most genuine of all excercises; the weight rests on your shoulders and you have to stand back up.
Chest dips and T-bar rows are pretty rad aswell.

>Why do you hate women?
I don't. They simply behave different than men in a somewhat chaotic, yet predictable way, it's just their nature. And that nature is a lot of fun if you can accept it.
Most men just believe to hate women because they dislike 95%+ of women, but if you think about it, you most probably dislike 95%+ of men aswell, so what gives?

Women are a trap and they all want to be princesses

I like the Pullup.
I don't hate women, there's a few I love. I am sometimes frustrated that women are the gatekeepers of sex but I also wonder how much of that is because men pressure them to be with shame.

Sounds like co-dependent narcissism/borderline relationship. More common than you would think, and normal girls can smell our type pretty quickly (and so do the crazies).

Military press, feels good lifting shit well above me, while at the same time crushing my nuts between my thighs.

I hate women because they discharge.


I only hate corrupted/weak women, but hate is a strong word.

OHP. I don't hate them, some of my best friends are women.

Bench Press and because I prefer 2Ds

Bench press

Because they never love me back


>why do you hate women?
they take ten times longer to make a decision than a man. Even when they know what they want they still need to talk with all the other women they know and ask if they should do it. Drives me insane

I don’t?

>i don't

Bench, just got 3 pl8s

Cause they take one look at me and do a 360 and walk away

Rotates. Sometime deadlift, sometime ohp.

I just fucking hate thots.

Toss up between Incline dumbbell press, weighted dips, and the press™

I hate all stupid fucks equally, but I also run into a lot of stupid women. Mostly I just hate people who believe everything they read or hear in the news/media, or people who give a shit about celebrities/lives of celebrities. Again though, usually women. I digress.

Chinup. It was personal milestone for me.

Probably because most of my life I was either invisible or just a mat for most of them.

Incline french press

I hate everyone

ohp, because
A until they're 30 they live life in easy mode
B I can't get any


Favorite lift is dumbbell bench, though I like all chest exercises.
I hate girls with flat and small chests.

Weighted chin-ups and dips make me feel joocy.

I don't hate women, because there is no reason to.


Overwhelming amount of feminist brainwashing in western culture has led women to be almost completely intolerable.

Fortunately I'm married to a girl who isn't from a western culture, and I never have to interact with women aside from her for any reason.

jesus fucking christ are you me? Well ask yourself this question.... Are you a narcissist? Reason I say that is the fucked up shit I have done because of my childhood...


how can anyone hate a creature that gives you a blowjob?

A tie between the overhead press and the front squat

I've spent way too much time learning to deal with men that are douchebags and the fact that when women are bitches you can't deal with them the same way you would deal with a dude that's being an asshole frustrates me a lot. I can get along with dudes that are assholes but when a woman rubs me the wrong way I can't stand to talk to them. Other than that, I'm alright with women.

The clean & press.

They are completely incapable of genuinely loving anyone other than themselves.

Favorite lift is the good 'ole fashioned hex bar deadlift. It has a special place in my heart, taught to me by my old lifting/football coach in high school before he died peacefully. It carries with me the memories of one of the few parts of highschool that wasn't a complete shit hole.

And I hate girls because of their hypocrisy, user. I am a quiet man, yet I try to be just. If I do something wrong, I fully take credit and work to fix it. But women are incappable of accepting any kind of responsiblity, and it seems the world has no sense of JUSTICE when it comes to them.

In just a half year of a somewhat liberal east coast college, I've turned from a slightly libertarian leaning centrist to a damn near nazi. Modern women are a blight on a society that expect every man to worship the ground they walk on while doing nothing to deserve it.


Roasties have no dignity, beliefs, or morals. Values aren't present in their mind.
The worst thing is, if they aren't having fun nobody else can.
Prime example are sexbots.
>if you won't fuck a pussy torn apart by chad and tyrone you won't fuck a sexbot

The Press

I'm not sure hate is the right word, disdain is probably more suited in most cases. Whether by nature or nurture, it seems these days that at the very least a good half of women are nature's little bundles of psychopathy. There are plenty of big and strong and tall men who go their whole lives without the intent of harming anyone, even though they have all the power in the world to prey upon the smaller and weaker, the vast majority don't. Whereas a lot of women who hit, yell, cheat or say the most hurtful thing they can think of to anyone who slights them without a single consideration (or perhaps comprehension) that there is a real human on the other side of the interaction . I'm honestly not sure that I believe they are really capable of loving anyone but themselves and their children (only as an extension of themselves).

Beyond that, I'm probably also just bitter from direct personal experience, not because >reeeeee why won't Stacy suck me off, but moreso because of how fickle relationships with women are. Their lives are supposed to be like movies (in their heads) and it feels like you are in a constant audition for the part of prince charming (or for the very unfortunate, the beta comedic relief) and if you forget even one of your lines, forget it buddy, no callbacks.

Nowadays I mostly don't interact with women. I've got none in my social circle and there are nearly none in my degree, and the amount of time (at least for me) that I have to put in just to get your average chick to fart in my direction is huge, and the chances that she finds some reason to break it off out of nowhere (after sex, before sex, after datings for months, after a few days) are near 99.99%.

I'm willing to accept full or partial responsibility in my outlook and shitty interactions with women, all the same I still have disdain for them.

I love Pull Ups, i don't know why buti i love the aesthetic of my body in the mirror when im in the middle of the exercise.

I Hate woman because they're inferior in every way, yet my stupid animal brain wants to reproduce and forces me to be horny with them. If i was a machine they wouldn't even bother my least insignificant thought.

French Press

Considering how I've been told I scare women and this #metoo bullshit, I'm not about to catch a case for stupid shit. Not hate, just a legitimate fear