Fat people hate /fph/

"What would Veeky Forums do?" Edition

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i hate anything fat

The doctor just told me i have liver damage yesterday.

When i was a fat kid my mum let me havw big macs and stared at me disapprovingly telling me its wrong to eat that much.

The cunt gave me full chip packets to eat as a snack.

Got mad at me when i became morbidly obese at 12 cuz other people judged her.

Its been a long journey to finally teach myself to eat less after getting a thyroid disorder and painful boils.

But now i have a fatty liver or gallbladder disorder...

I got to get scanned.


>tfw my gf broke up with me
>told me casually shes just not feeling it anymore
>tfw manlet skelly
>shes dating some tall fat fuck
coming to these threads everyday is just making me hate him and fat people more


jesus man, i think parents should lose their kids, who teach them bad dietary habits



fat fucks


That cat is SWOLE

hes a fatty boo boo latty


hating fat animals is kind of a weird direction to go with this thread but let's give 'er a whirl

>parents owned a candy store

Your have no one to blame but yourself

Manlets get ripped by just looking at dumbbells

Start working out fgt

Parents never let me go outside to exercise but fed me like I was starving.
Weighed 142 lbs in 4th grade
>Grade A suicidal

>fat pussies edition

Oh, god. It’s another one of these problematic threads hating people who literally did nothing wrong, just because they’re fat. Well, why don’t we have an autistic virgin neckbeard hate thread and then you assholes can get your comeuppance. I know you all thing, hey, just eat less, fatso—but that’s not the point. You are being hateful to human beings for no good reason. Just because they don’t have magic genes and good luck. Someday, a fat person is going to help you and you’re going to hate yourself for being a part of this.

Go be fat somewhere else. It's great motivation.

Joke's on you, faggot. I never reply to these.


So I have these two morbidly obese aunts.
They aren't blood relatives or anything, but I love them all the same.
This christmas, both of them had strokes days before and didn't make it to the table.

One of them died, her arteries having solidified beyond the point where any sort of effective surgery could be possible. Now, she had spent decades watching television, mostly inert. She had at one point entered rehab for addiction to diet pepsi. It wasn't like we didn't see it coming or that very much was lost.

My other aunt is still alive, she's lost sight in one of her eyes and has periods of incoherence.
I am certain now that she will never lose the weight and will be dependent on my uncle for the remainder of her life. She was intelligent and engaged with life; a sociology professor and a lover of animals. That's all diminished now.

I am sad that my uncles' lives have become so bleak and angry with every member of my family for not doing anything to stop this very preventable tragedy. I grieve for the lives they could be having.




>The rear suspension snaps instantly

I came here to hate, not to feel

Medium tier bait

Posting trolleys.

Did they love you though? Did they physically embrace you and try to teach you how to have a better life than they had?

That feel when you wasted your dubs on trolleys.

I would let the faggots die. I despise SJWs more than anything.

>Let the trolley hit the five fucks
>push the fatty off anyways the force of him hitting the ground should kill him
the world is that much better

The only ones who could've prevented it were themselves and they did nothing. There's no need to be upset.




You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink
The most you can do is not allow it to happen to you and spread awareness of the problem of obesity and hope others listen
>my dad is overweights and smokes heavily
>my mom is overweight but is trying hard to lose it but personal trainers tell her to eat more food in order to get muscles instead of lose weight
>she also has diabetes
Feels fucking bad man knowing both of them are basically fucked
I-if anyone has a government source saying that its a bad fucking idea to eat alot to gain muscle instead of losing weight that would be great so i can at least try to save my mother or am i a wrong dipshit and what she is doing is a good idea
Nice bait but what really makes my blood boil is the fact that some honest good people get hurt and can never do certain stuff again but perfectly healthy people become fat and dont care about themselves abusing their bodies

Pic also males my blood boil

Fat fucks that dont try to lose weight should be gassed


Was also a Fatass as a kid, much respect for getting it together bro, not everyone does


lol I think this is the wrong website for you friend. I've never understood you people that are so sensitive to any form of hate but go to websites that are known for hate, not only that, but this is the fitness board of that website, shy the fuck wouldn't we hate on lazy fuckers that are the epitome of un/fit/ness

Hook, line, and sinker.


Keeping you in my thoughts man, I had a gallbladder full of stones at 24. One day those things passed and block my pancreas. Never a felt a pain like that before, had to be hospitalized for almost two months.

I don't get the point of having these damn threads every single day. As a small fat they don't depress me as much as some of the really big folks that might be hanging out on this board, but it still paints a false picture of all fat people as lazy bums who could turn everything around if they just put in "effort" over the course of time. I eat minimally every day, and yet because of my genetic predisposition I will never be able to be slim-fit, but I also never get much bigger. I'll forever be a small fat, like my mom and dad. My body is healthy, folds and all. It's where it needs to be, and I'm happy.

Book, wine and sphincter





This pissed me off in ways I never thought possible

Live fast die young yolo lmaoooo

this is a pretty low effort attempt. better luck in the next thread, user


i would cross the bridge while thinking 'fatass' in my head and not saying or doing anything apart from crossing the bridge, because im not a sociopath.




Obese manlet here. My McDonalds order is as follows:

2 * Big Macs (extra cheese)
1 * 20 piece Chicken McNuggets
2 * Large Fries
3 * McFlurries (2 m&m, 1 rolo)

Better. Than. You.

that image doesn't make sense in the context, did you just come here from memecenter?

I didn't know japan had people that fat there, i always thought that if the incredible societal shame didn't do them in they were the weekly whale hunt

3 mcflurries? how do you eat that much ice cream, its cold as fuck and goes all runny within like 30 fucking seconds? how fast do you eat?? isn't this some kind of world record?

Man, she is a good comedian

That's pretty impressive

Let the bloggers die, they are a lost cause. At least fatty has the chance to redeem himself by trying to get fit

letting the 5 die will save many more lives.
If they live they will convince many more people of their propaganda.

plus how much longer will the heavy weight have? 10? 20 tops? its a clear choice

> (You)
what did he mean by this?

No fucking way, that's almost 4500 calories, post proof you lard

I'd like to see you try shitlord, comedy is actually extremely hard

nice 'durr do it better yourself' fallacy.

I guess but they gave up once I got to about 15 when I got hooked on the sugar.

Took years to reverse all the damage.

HAHA your pathetic understanding of comedy is obvious for everyone to see. My humorous reply and your lack of awareness is an indicator of that

im not even that user, but holy shit you reek of reddit



fuck off cunt

this is what pearchan looks like now


Get well user

Why hate fat animals? I just hate the people who overfeed them. Like put your dog on a fucking diet how hard is that, they can't go out and buy food. You're literally killing a thing you should love because you can't even make IT eat less.

>sry, triggered by animal abuse

push the fatty and go down to finish the job



>the one thing manlets have going for them is that they can get ripped super easy and can make fun of lanklets
>you are both a manlet and skinny

what the fuck you absolute retard?
why are you even on Veeky Forums

Fat pets make me about as mad as fat children. Its practically neglect and animal abuse.

but what if you could get away with it?

>not a sociopath
I think his answer will stay the same.

but what if you were GUARANTEED to get away with it though?

more please this is fucking hilarious


always kill a traitor before an enemy

enablers deserve death - at least fatties feel the fatness and have to acknowledge shit things about it

>>the one thing manlets have going for them is that they can get ripped super easy
only insecure gainless lanklets believe that

Get out whale

>fed me like I was starving
Why do so many parents feel the need to give a kid who's 1/3 of their own weight the same volume of food at dinner and demand they eat it all

you better eat it all, kids in africa would be grateful for that :^)

no they wouldnt, niggers arent capable of gratitude
and send it to them if you're so fucking obsessed with africa holy shit

Jesus man why torture the poor cats with dumb exercises, just put him on a strict diet and he will be g2g soon enough