Veeky Forums memes you unironically fell for

>balding is a sign of high test

Other urls found in this thread:


>''don't lift for roasties they will never make you feel like ecstasy hahaha how are you all doing.....''

>mark rippetoe


>we're all gonna make it

>cardio kills gains

>you only need to do heavy compounds to get swole

Is OP's pic the same guy in pic related?

This is true though. If you are still underage or were a kissless virgin for 20+ years then your first few relationships might indeed feel like ecstasy. But in reality it's all same boring shit in the end, no matter how the other person seems to be.



join this cool Veeky Forums server



I fell for keto for a whole month.

>if you're over 6'4 you will never look big without steroids
>creatine is very useful
>fart powders are necessary bro
>2.2g protons per each kilo bro
>you can build your lower body with leg press
>muh somatypes
>muh metabolism

.2g protons per each kilo bro

I love this meme, it has absolutely no basis in reality. I remember some series said you should go up to 3.3g of brotons.

>if you're not getting big/strong then it can't be because of genetics

Why do betas hate capitalism so much ?

What's wrong with SS?

Maybe because it establishes a definite hierarchy?

But that's good. Do you mean they hate it because they end up at the bottom of the hierarchy?

Capitalism means competing
For a job, client, promotion etc.

Look at that bald momo and tell me he wants to compete

>not lifting for NazBol Gang street brawls
>not gonna make it

confirmed for never having plowed a thick ass


Yes that's what I mean. A hierarchy is healthy and incredibly natural. Even with communism or anarchism a hierarchy will develop over other things.

Unironically hyped for the inevitable Nazi vs. Communism all night street fights.

nigga the nazi versus commie fight is made by the jews to keep you down senpai. Third Position is best position you literal mongoloid

Under 20 or mostly underage detected. Once you pass 20 you don't really feel love anymore but rather just lonely when you don't have someone and not lonely when you have someone.

Jesus. Imagine being the waiter for that table.

>Implying we live in true capitalism
It Would be cool though

>tfw gonna sleep alone


I thought I felt that way because of my jaded view on women now

Bandwagon jumping, pure and simple.

They think it's different and edgy, even though every beta/omega male is doing it.

Of course, it's obviously they don't really hate capitalism at all, as they still own iPhones, and eat at restaurants/fast food places, shop at big-name stores, use a computer, etc. Most importantly, they stumble when you ask them what is wrong with capitalism. They don't really know or care, they actually like capitalism, they're just trying to stand out.

if i were under 20 i wouldn't believe you. but bc i am, I'm scared at how correct you are

Don't listen to this guy, it's a crock of shit, I feel love and get crushes the same way I did when I was 16, I'm 26 now. Of course, now it happens less often, but I feel it all the same.

Onion juice. I just made some and threw up... My stomach hurts, my eyes hurt and my whole house reeks of onions. My gf won't stop laughing at me for being a retard. Fuck you Veeky Forums

What a liar.

literally nothing wrong with any of those.

Underages or khvs detected.


you're one to talk lmao

>Extremely boring christian anarchist beliefs
>When I tell people they assume anarchism=edgy
>Also assume because I'm leftist I want open immigration and LGBT shit
I wish people would actually read a book once in a while.

>body can't absorb more than 30g of protons
>30 minute anabolic window



>Thinking you need to time all your macro intakes precisely

>>Reads exactly one book and immediately assumes every belief implicit in the book

Wow! You must be very intelligent!

Free shit

>getting a gf will make you happy

/a/ was right

>caffiene will fry your CNS

This one?
I-is there more?

I have a gf and it makes me happy

>anything but SS/SL/PPL

Of course it does, these guys try to play it down because they don't have a gf.

What am I looking at here?

I'm just whining about how whenever I mention anarchism people automatically think of lifestyle anarchism.

>that numale doing the numale face in the back

Oh my, we have an intelligent book reader ITT everybody! He's so smart and special! Why don't others read books like him?

I take S I P S as preworkout and almost crushed myself trying for an 8th rep because I was thinking of that guy saying 7 reps gives you no gains

i though the "Third Position" is national socialism

I still feel love, it’s not as strong as say my teen years, but I still feel it. Some grow out of it, others grow with it, that’s it really.

24 here. This is bullshit.


Because competition and a hierarchy based on personal merits is too much for some people to handle.

>i didn't feel them when i was 16
>i still don't and i'll be 28 next month

Well at least I have juicy quads.

>based on personal merits

>just b urself user :)
>get rejected constantly because I'm an awkward autist

>thats bcause your not natural user, just relax :))

I still crush on my wife. Not everyday or anything, just once in a while I remember how much I like her still ( of course I love her always , but we don't always like the ones we love )

>be autist
My gf of almost 4 years now loves my quirks and shit. Don’t worry user, you’ll find someone.

>tfw gonna sleep alone

Third Position is a pretty wide area: Ultranationalism, traditionalism in social issues, usually ultraprotectionism in economic matters.

It varies a lot though: National Socialism, Fascism, National-Revolutionarism, National-Bolshevism, National-Anarchism, Identitarianism, etc.

>Don’t worry user, you’ll find someone.

add that to the list

>no fap for more than 7 days at a time

Stopped reading at "gf" you triple virgin

> being this edgy

>not even dubs

google murray bookchin

>Quit saying you hate feudalism user, you're such a soyboy cuck
>You hate feudalism yet you're eating turnips
>Sure liberalism sounds great in theory but have you heard about the Reign of Terror in France??????
>You hate feudalism yet feudalism made your pitchforks, swords and bred the horses you ride. checkmate liberal XD
>Feudalism is human nature user. Children need a parent. Peasants need a baron.
>user I'll have my own fiefdom one day.

Honestly can we stick to fitness and not our shit tier political beliefs

table of trans and numales

abort abort

What if I agree with all these points unironically

beat me to it

This has to be the most accurate post ITT. Godspeed OP, we're both gonna make it.

Why tho?



Why do all commies look like they would have wound up on the bottom of a Spartan bone pit?

Why are some letters upper case and some lower case? This is retarded

I remember in fourth grade we used to do a morning paragraph analysis where we fix grammar, spelling, etc of a random paragraph. One day we had a substitute teacher who wrote on the board like OP’s pic, and even as a 10 year old I could see how retarded that was


>u started le politics war

That's because you have not hit near 30 yet.


are you literally brain damaged?
nobody called you a feudalist you fuck

Gollum is adapted quite nicely to society

no but i will get these trips

>"hierarchy is good"
>"except when it does not benefit me!"

why are /pol/tards so delusional?

>Why do betas hate capitalism so much ?

Implying you are not beta

It's true though isn't it ? My mates have been taking test supplements on the regular and it's made their hairline recede like crazy

As other anons have said, it's because the hierachy of the capitalist system.

Remember that capitalism it's not about wealth, it's about a hierarchy.
If you remove capitalists inequalities you will notice males competing in different areas - usually more pirmal - healthier one is higher, more primitive rules.
Lefitst males are losers who learned they are too shit to compete and are trying to use external forces to act instead of them to have more access to quality vagina, but since they are stupid, they can't comprehend that at big state socialistic society they will still be outperformed, in this scenario by political and administration tops whose power they wanted to use.

>implying anyone from Veeky Forums is even close to the middle of hierarchy