Thoughts on this man?
Other urls found in this thread:
very annoying roidhead
Is inhaling lots and lots of ammonia considered roids?
i like him and tom. they're harmless.
he can be kind of lolrandumb, but he's living his best life, and i respect that.
Does some cool flips, training videos are pretty good, he's strong and he has entertaining guests. What's bad about him except maybe the roids?
A better and more charismatic Bradley Martyn
His instagram is fucking hilarious. That's about the extent of my opinion on him.
Classic gymcel phenotype
I'd bend him over and make him regret ever starting a youtube account
no homo
mostly annoying but i liked their videos with clarence
this pretty much. The guy is a turbo autismo and as user said, "XD random", but he has some good videos. his last ones on the strenght gym were nice, and the ones with clarence were very nice
>if jesus were jacked
this is what normies and jujifags actually believe
He had the best collab with Clarence Kennedy compared to the few others who collab'd with him. Also the only content of his I really watched.
don't froget his collabs with the bugez
Nothing bad about that either
Inhaling ammonia is roids? You can buy that shit off amazon
Tries way too hard to be funny. Is terribly unfunny. Uses other YouTubers to steal a fan base. Boring content.
no, but he's obviously on a lot of gear, his roidgut is ugly af
He’s a fucking goofball, but he can be annoying if i watch too much
He can be funny. He's kind of Reddit, but it's entertaining.
Was going to post this. His vlogs are pretty entertaining and he can move a lot of weight.
Can someone explain to me who he is
the only thing keeping his channel alive are his collabs all his other videos have sub 40k views even though he has 150k subs
Does retarded unsafe shit that no doubt influences retards to try and do themselves.
He's an alright guy, a bit of everything, in an attempt to be entertaining he has a lot of comedic misses, overall I like his effort since he actually attempts to be entertaining instead of just making the 500th "FIX YOUR DEADLIFT FORM WITH THESE EASY STEPS."
Ive noticed an uptik in thread about him lately. Pretty sure that him or tom are the one making these threads.
Grrr, BABY ! YEAH!
He's the horse dude? Didn't know that. That video was still cancer tho.