give me all of your underarmor wojaks
Give me all of your underarmor wojaks
holy shit kek
Why is this meme so accurate?
>tfw can't afford an apartment like wojak
no idea but it's my favorite
I don't get what this meme is meant to imply at all, and whether it's about Veeky Forums or underarmor in particular, but it's hilarous
Most of us are lonely spergs that identify with wojak
now that's what i call a rare wojak
may i save?
It's all yours, my friend!
the rarest of the wojaks
nice pic and nice digits
Jesus Christo desu
>protein shaker
>gains of an Auschwitz survivor
Ah, another typical Veeky Forums poster
Hang on i just remember somefagola was supposed to tell their friend who works for UA to bring back the fuel green hoodie, what happend to that? Are you in here??
I was the one that made that thread
obv guy was a larp
>obv guy was a larp
nice trips
there's a thread on fit for a petition now lol