Bulking help

What foods should I buy for my bulk?
I’m trying to be consistant and healthy. So far I have rice, oats, milk, pasta and chicken breast on my grocery list. Is there anything else I should add, or is this enough? I’m trying to eat 2-2.3k calories each day. I haven’t decided what I will be eatting breakfast, lunch, and dinner yet though. Anyone know of a plan for me?

Are you sure 2.3k is your required intake it seems pretty low do you just sit around all day

Add beef


Broccoli spinach lentils macadamia nuts

And Rice is the best

Here's what I eat, gained a lot of weight.
I don't have any special diet requirements.

3 whole egg sandwich on wholegrain bread
67g ish dry oats, cooked in water/milk
Honey for oats
Big glass of milk
Vitamin, fish oil

200g beef chili or pulled pork in sauce (crock pot is a godly invention)
20 ish grams cheese optional
200g sweet potato or 1 cup and a bit of rice
Veggies to fill rest of container, I like fine chopped broccoli mixed into meat
with onion
Electrolyte drink I keep powdered in work locker

Proton shake, 2 scoops mass gainer

Another glass of milk
Pretty much optional. Depends on shift work but if I do eat, I kinda make sure
it's balanced or has some veggies.

Make sure you drink some water through the day, when I'm in the gym I'll have a large shaker cup or two of water/bcaa's and I work as a baggage handler (bulk load) so I'll keep a bottle of water close.

I spend easily less than $90 bucks a week (Aus) but on odd weeks where you resupply on vitamins, bulk rice, proton powder it can get to 100 easily

Broccoli, spinach, and peanut butter.

>Chicken thigh
>Organ meat
>Sweet potatoes

Jesus fuck man, learn to cook. Eventhe above will get you some delish meals.

Chicken breast. FFS

500g of lentils with 250g of rice, a couple carrots thrown into the pot, season with 4 veg broths, a tablespoon of mustard and half a spoon of vinegar; eat in 4 portions, 100g of bread (sunflower bread is awesome) with butter for some healthy fats

>2-2.3k cals
I hope you're a 130lb girl

Here’s a tip: soak your lentils and rinse them before cooking.

Also, prepare your anus.

Eggs, nuts

Beans -> okay protein and iron, fiber, cheap, goes well in crockpot-able meals

Rice -> better than pasta in almost every respect, more culinary versatility, can be cooked EZ mode in rice cooker

Bacon -> not a great food for bulking in terms of calories relative to cost, but leaves plenty of fat in the pan which is good for....

Dark leafy greens -> kale, spinach, escarole, etc. all cook down nicely in bacon fat. It's a great way to improve the flavor, reducing the bitterness and bringing out the savory qualities. Also, importantly, while bulking is about calories in at the end of the day, making sure your meals are nutritionally dense is also important.

Also, general pro-tip, if possible find out where your favorite local restaurants get their food. Oftentimes, if you live in a medium to large city, there are just a small handful of grocers whose primary business is supplying restaurants and keep a store front as an afterthought. These places generally offer food that is very fresh and inexpensive, high quality. Only downside is due to the freshness the food goes bad quickly, so you may have to make frequent trips.

Never said I didn’t know how to cook

I like eating 5 slices of multigrain bread with chocolate milk as a snack when bulking.

Supposedly, it's 30g of protein for the bread only, with no saturated fat, and tons of vitamins and what not.

What do you eat with the bread? Peanut butter? Packaged pre-sliced deli meat is pretty expensive and my meat portions go towards my dinner.

Considering you are buying from a factory. Why do vegans strawman so hard?

you'll want to vary your protein sources, eat fish, and beef, pork at least once a week

>vary protein sources
Why does that matter? Trying to confuse the muscles?

Because the absolute majority of people eat meat from a factory. Also every time you eat out you're most likely eating factory food: that isn't even a straw man and the real question should be why meat eaters are so retarded

why do vegans think meat eaters care that their food comes from a factory? been eating factory meat for 30 years and im doing pretty fine

>eating steroids
Holy shit I need some of this I'm plateauing hard