Does anyone know what those red marks are??...

Does anyone know what those red marks are??. I noticed them for the first time about two weeks ago and I have no idea how I got them. They just appeared one day.

Strech marks

They're stretchmarks faggot. They are for life.


Op you either getting fat or doing enough bicep curls.

Stretch marks buddy. I got em too and there isnt much outside of normal skincare you can do when you are predisposed. They will fade to white though

you're never gonna make it now homo

Not stretch marks I have been sick for 2 weeks and got them during that period

chicks dig the arm stretch marks bro




Progress marks.

Like I said haven’t been training cuz of illness soooooooo unlikely. I pray that is is cancer though

you're a retard
kys dumb nigger

You dumb fat faggot. You're getting fatter, so better kill yourself right now.

You're either baiting or just fucking retarded, they're stretch marks.

Damn you're stupid.

baited this easily he's fishing 4 You's yous retards

If you aren't baiting and feeling very sick and now getting rashes on your skin or these marks there's potential you could have septicemia or an infection in your blood. You do also look DYEL so I believe the not lifting part.

You're gonna die OP
And soon

the mark of the red gains goblin..
he has been draining your muscle tissue while you sleep, put a glass of salt mixed with protein powder under your bed or never make it

>I was merely pretending to be retarded

end stage AIDS

i got stretchmarks like that on my arm from sleeping on my side after i had gained like 10 kg.
Dirty bulk. never again.

Seems like you caught ebola in your left arm

is Veeky Forums proud of their stretch marks? i got light ones, after my arms went from 10.5" to 14" last year

Anabolic cancer

I have huge fucking stretch marks on my shoulders. I think it's more because of improved posture rather than muscle growth or fat but they look pretty cool.

No, they're stretch marks. I have them on the exact same part of my arm. This isn't difficult to believe, literally just look up pictures of "Arm stretchmarks" or something.


Olive oil will help fade them

If you get gains will you get stretch marks period?
I've been lucky enough to never have them before

The vivid red color is alarming, go to a fucking endocrinologist.

>t. has a fucked up endocrine system, and the first sign of my shit fucking up were vivid red striae

>The vivid red color is alarming, go to a fucking endocrinologist.

Can you not freak out over absolutely nothing? They're fucking stretch marks, Jesus Christ.

Stretch marks.

>freaking out over stretch marks
Never gonna make it brah

Skeleton here

Lately been finding those marks on my arms too.
Skeleton got his first little muscle

you can't gain muscle fast enough to get stretch marks if you're not on roids.

You bulked too fast

Stretch marks m8

>arms went from 6 year girl size to 12 year girl size
>Stretch marks in both shoulders
>Am 25 year old male
Kill me. At least let me get big before I get these.

no, just no

I haven't kek'd that hard since I was a little girl

those are bite marks of a kissing bug

Stretch marks, I've had them since shortly after I started going to the Gym back in July. They're going to be pink for months before fading to white so get used to it.

Bore worms..loooks like a pretty bad parasitic infection...better chop off your arm

use coconut oil/pregnancy oil and a derma roller every night religiously for 2-3months. You will be amazed at the difference