
Ever since I started 5/3/1 my bench has gone to shit. I used to be able to bench 80 kg x 5 for 5 sets this summer, but now 85 kg x 1 (final set today) feels heavy as fuaark, and I didn't even get two reps. I can't increase the weight by even 2,5 kg every month as prescribed either. All my other lifts are increasing though. I haven't modified the routine (doing BBB), I log everything, I count all my macros + weigh myself and gain about 1 - 1,5 kg every month, sleep 8 hours every night so there's nothing wrong with my diet or lifestyle. So why the fuck is my bench decreasing? Isn't it weird I'm getting WAY worse results in regards to bench strength than I did on PPL?

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u prob need more volume

shoulder problems?

Nope, zero pain and OHP is going okay

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, but how do I intergrate that? Wendler specifically states that I shouldn't modify

By doing a better program. 5/3/1 isn't appropriate for someone who can only bench 80kg x 5, or most people in my opinion. You can still get gains out of a linear progession style program.

Do your BBB work flipped. On OHP day, do BBB Bench. The added frequency will help.

Well, I never had any sucess on shit like MadCow 5x5 either. I seem to respond best to really high volume like on PPL. Problem is that I'm in Med school and only have time to train 4 days a week. Any suggestions for a program? I was cocidering nsuns because of the high volume and higher progression rate

>I was cocidering nsuns because of the high volume and higher progression rate
Why don't you actually read the book?

Beyond 5/3/1 or 5/3/1 Forever has "5's Progression" for beginners. Better than SS, in my opinion.

Already doing that.

Workout 1:
OHP 5/3/1
Lat work 5 x 10
Bench 5 x 10

Workout 2:
Squat 5/3/1
Sumo dead 5x10
Ab 5 x 10

Workout 3:
Bench 5/3/1
Lat work 5 x 10
OHP 5 x 10

Workout 4:
Regular deadlift 5/3/1
Front squat 5 x 10
Ab 5 x 10

Add more volume to your 5/3/1 day. Joker sets, if you're feeling good. Then first set last for multiple sets.

Aight, guess I'll have to bite the bullet and lower my bench by 5 kg for next cycle so I can actually get in extra sets then

Greyskull or SS. Increase your bench and overhead press by 1kg each session. Depending on overall progress, you can make some small edits, but try to stay true to the programs. Greyskull has a couple of "plugins" if you want to focus on arms or other things.

Did you read "beyond 531"?
I mean THE BOOK.
You can easily find a pirated version.

Beasically: If you are not doing 5/3/1 + joker sets + first set last, you are not doing 5/3/1.

Just wanted to see if anyone had a suggestion for a different routine or an easy modification to the regular BBB. Problems with my landlords inability to fix shit also means I dont have a mailbox atm, so ordering a book is out of the question

Instead of doing amrap on you’re last set, do a 3xF and then do your first “working sets” backwards. Also do more tri and chest accessory work

Only read the free program online. Guess I'll search out the pirated book. Didnt think it was that much more to the program

Pirate it. When you can finally buy it buy two copies to compensate.

Same problem. Started nsuns. Its op af. Feels like noobgains. From 90x1 to 97.5x2 in 8 weeks with 1 rest week.

5/3/1 is a meme program tailor-made for redditors


Are you doing 5/3/1 every time you lift?

lel ofc not

Okay. My bad.

I just started 5/3/1. I was about to start having a giggle at you. Glad you made a thread though. I've been racking my brain on what accessories I want for the Triumvirate

>started 5/3/1 5 months ago
Bench went from 225 x 7 on 1st cycle to 245 x 9 on last cycle

Mfw gained 15lbs of bodyweight
Mfw projected max is now >3pl8


stop doing 5/3/1 and do the bridge: barbellmedicine.com/the-bridge/

Bridge is fucking retarded

>too dumb to apply rpe
heh sorry kiddo