Daily reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time

Daily reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time

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Yeah if you got a small dick might as well make your balls smaller too. When u stop roiding your muscles shrink and your balls can never grow but that's not a problem if you're a dicklet with nothing to lose

oh right

He looks dehydrated as fuck. Either that or he's snorting coke

His head is way too big

True he looks like shit

Except that's not how roids work at all, is it?

This is the absolute state of Veeky Forums. These NYR numales think your balls never fill back out. WAT.

They literally don't

They do. But it takes years for it to happen. Roiding is a serious life change, and should be considered if you want children within the foreseeable future

>Daily reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time
>Posts 10/10 natty physique

OP is actual retard.

Its not a waste of time if you want to live more than 40 years.

natty lifting is gud if you're already well adjusted and enjoy working out with the overall goal of building strength and becoming a better version of yourself in time (you have been doing resistance training since you were a teenager, right? don't tell me you're a geek.) yaknow, not-a-dipshit kind of stuff that doesn't eat your life away for a better dick to balls ratio.

Yes they do faggot.

Dumb. I was on for 2 years and got my girlfriend pregnant a year into it. this "yiu take roids you go infertile and lose yiur manhood" shit has got to stop, its simply a lie. Sure, some people shut down and have a hard time recovering, so they take hcg for 2 weeks and are good. I didnt take shit for pct coming off and my balls were normal sized in just under 3 months and my test was back around 700ng/dl... Get real.

Go away Jeff. We all kniw yiu roid and we all have screenshots of you talkin about yiur test and tren runs back in 2010-2011 before you blew up.

I'm not saying it's impossible. It's not like your testes die. They just heavily slow down, and it depends on how hard your T-cycle is.


>and what are you reminding people of?

Natty lifting is a waste of time

depends on your natural T levels DESU

> be me, 28 years old, ~ 20% body fat from years of shitty diet and regular drinking
> used to have good natty physique up to early 20s from resistance training
> approaching 30s. now I plan to:
> stop bingeing beer.
> start taking 500mg test + dbol stack
> life like a maniac for 3 months
> go off stack
> keep lifting now motivated to keep body
> go back on roids
> repeat

How dumb/smart is this realistically? I've abused my body so much with drugs, alcohol, and shitty diet, that surely jumping on roids even when I'm out of shape can't be that bad for it?

What do you think lads, am I retarded?

Read a fucking book

Pretty dumb.

Lose the weight first, learn how to actually fit then maybe get on gear.

100% guaranteed after you come of you will be depressed because you lose most of if not all your gains because you don't know how it all really works.

Daily reminder that he will die in his 30's because of roids overdose.

you now realize that tranny surgery is tantamount to roiding if you're not paid for it. both stem from mental illnesses concerning your body. you shouldnt feed into your mental illness by roiding, you should figure out why you desire a body like that when it will shorten your life and the average person thinks a 160 lb 6 pack guy is aesthetically better

Let see something to back that up

Daily reminder that roids fuck up your health and testicles

>maintain a younger physical age for longer
>stronger immune system
>increased energy
>better heart health
>denser bones
>stronger joints
>look better than average jerkoffs
>increased test
>less age related problems as time goes on

How is it a waste of time, exactly?

>He looks dehydrated as fuck. Either that or he's snorting coke
He snorts cock for a living, doesn't he?

> he doesn't know that roids cause all sorts of long term health problems

I’m fairly convinced that Jeff might be natty. He was pretty ripped as a 14 year old kid and most of his lifts are shit

So much THIS.

GDE shit stain spotted

tiny penis roid shitter spotted

As am I. His Instagram and photo ops are shopped hard, he even got called out for it in a pic he did with Chest-brah. In regular photos, especially his recent Mr. Olympia, he looks pretty natural. The bigger I get, the more achievable he looks. Once you realize his lifts, weight, and even height are e-statted out the ass too, he seems pretty natty.

pls post

this momscience, good lord do you guys even lift
test by itself is probably less dangerous than whatever meme supplements you fags are taking for 5x the cost and 1% of the gains
the problem comes from having to inject bathtub shit instead of pharma grade and more importantly taking livertoxic orals on top of it

also cookies man is natty

Why would anyone want to live past 35?

Excuse me, fuckface?

post them

Veeky Forums is 18+

Post time stamp pic pls

>shutting down your testicles/natty test production for months on end to get more muscles than your body can handle
>less dangerous than supplements
uh huh...

Reading a fucking book. Learn how to run a cycle.
I guarantee you don't know half the shit you put in your body with all the supplement meme BS you /soyboys believe in.

ive read books and i know how people cycle. they shut off their testicles test cycle and they put on more muscle than human body can handle. i actually do know what the supps i put in my body are, its called an ingredients label buddy. you're a total moron

OP talks shit, unless your job revolves around steroids or you make money from being ripped theres no point fucking up your balls, hair, and future ability to gain muscle just to look good while you probably still look OK at 20.


>more muscle than the body can handle
How are these people function than?

>shuts off testicles
Google PCT

What "book" did you read?

Just because you can read the ingredients doesn't mean you know what they do.

Im too much of a pussy to build my body so I pretend that steroids dont destroy my health the post. MFW

>How are these people function than?
With more roids dumbass

>being THIS average

But by your cuck logic more roids would mean more muscle that "the body can't handle" making them less able to function....

roids are great if you want to be an unlovable infertile slab of gross meat with a permanent sausage in your ass

>To much of a pussy to build there body
>taking steroids to do nothing else but build the body and enhance performance.

Cuck logic at its finest

just hop on trt/hgh at 40/45+

fuck ur dumb. they function fine its the health problems that come from having too much muscle that comes a few years down the line.

>what book did i read
ive read more than one book, why do you keep asking? brainlet as fuck man

>google PCT
pct is post cycle therapy it doesnt change the fact that your balls arent working when you're ON CYCLE. you're so goddamn dumb dude

EXACTLY. Zero damage

serious question- I have massive balls, and a large dick. I'm already fit but I want to get back to my high school days level of fitness. 10 % bf, same weight as now. Back then I was training for several hours a day, usually 5-7 miles of running(mix of jogging and sprints) and lifting 3x a week. I also have a super high sex drive, to the point where it is problematic.

Should I just get on T for the gains plus not having to want to fuck all the damn time? My balls can shrink a little. I don't mind that.

You don’t need steroids to make it. I’m a 200 fat fuck with a good physique and everyone thinks I’m the shit. To most people, it’s not about HOW fit you are, it’s just that you ARE fit

T will make you even hornier lol

Testosterone will increase sex drive.

Maybe in your one bar town and shit friends

fuck, I'll stay natty then.

I'm just lifting natty to give myself a solid base and build some discipline first and then I plan to roid in the future tbqh.

Solid plan. Very smart

>When u stop roiding your muscles shrink
I love how nattycucks always make this shitty argument. Why are you assuming they will stop roiding? You can keep it up for decades and decades without break and be fine, if you do your dosing right and cruise for most of that time.
>balls can never grow
Wrong. Even when on roids, if you also take HCG your balls will never shrink. And if you get off roids for some stupid reason, they'll return to their normal size after a while of PCT.

Yes, because VICE news is such a trustworthy source for "information" and "facts".

Cycling is stupid, you will lose 25-50% of the gains you made on cycle after it, even with proper PCT and depending on your previous natty test levels.

Just blast and cruise. So after your 500 mg blast for 10-20 weeks, continue but take 250 mg a week for a few months before doing another blast. Repeat. You'll avoid side effects way better this way and get to keep your gains.

Frank Zane, over 70 years old, blasting and cruising for over 40 years non stop. In great health and fitness, much better than any natty 70 year old. No enlargened heart or other health problems.

Why? Because he used gear responsibly, not like Ricky Piano.

You might as well be afraid about driving a car because you might crash and die. You COULD follow all the traffic rules and drive safely, but by your assumption everyone with a car would drive as reckless as a Chinaman.


Right, except the body women find ideal (similar to Seid's) is only achievable with gear.
And you won't become infertile unless you do some really strong anabolics, and even then it's never permanent.

It's evidence that it's possible to use them safely. But you retards never do your research into anything that makes you jealous, it's easier to just fling shit and act like you're right. It's easier to pretend every case will result in another Rich Piana, even though he was taking way more than even Mr Olympia level bodybuilders.

go home jeff

So is lifting while

>all these insecure roiders posting up a storm trying to defend roiding
Wow it’s almost as if super insecure people are the ones who would start roiding in the first place lel

All this grand total of 1-2 jealous nattycucks with nothing but lies and impotent rage when they get destroyed by facts.


more like this one dumbass roider who doesnt understand it has negatives and positives and thinks pinning yourself with bathtub chemicals for the next 30-40 years of your remaining life is somehow ideal

I lift because I enjoy being healthy and the social and physicals benefits I gain from it. Roiding is pointless if you aren’t competing in bodybuilding or a sport of some kind. Throwing money away for a physique you can’t attain or maintain naturally is literally pointless. Because when you spend the money on roids you’ll start spending more on food to maintain your juiced up body. Like lmao stop being so insecure senpai


30-40 years wow! I thought all us roiders only lived for 5- 10years tops after that first pin.

You tiny cucks need to get together and decide in all you extensive experience and wisdom how long we have to live

>projecting this much


This collage looks really sad desu

>projecting anything
It’s a fact, if you aren’t competing in a sport or bodybuilding. Roiding is strictly for vanity purposes. I mean I knew roids shrunk your balls but I didn’t think they made you dumber

>says I’m projecting
>calls me a homo

>thinks roids is strictly for aesthetics
>doesn't understand its a performance enhancing drug

But I'm dumb

Like LMAO okay man

bazinga xDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>I was fine therefore there are no health hazards

>implying I ever said vanity only meant aesthetics

Exactly you don't even know the bullshit that comes out of your mediocre mouth

I was fine as well, That's 2 so far.
If you know how to read you will be fine.

Lmao are you retarded? You aren’t even make sense anymore you insecure roid monkey

>trying this hard

Insecure much?

You are literal cancer, fuck off you roided our faggot

>saying I’m trying hard
>feels the need to have last word
Lmao stop teasing me you big strong roid monkey

Someone's a little upset

>is trying hard

Who said I cared weather I kept posting or not? Doesnt bother me to take a couple of seconds and shoot you a response back. You’re the one with that autistic obsession

Just because you’ve made shitty mistakes regarding your insecurities doesn’t mean you have to go out spewing broscience and backing your literal fucked up degenerate life choices. You’re not a scientist, you’re not god, you’re just some poor excuse of a human being below transsexuals because you can’t accept your body for what it is.

I'm going to get a good physique before I even consider starting gear. I'm going to wait until I'm at least 21 and out of school.

Nice blog