Personal trainers

>personal trainers

uh oh

>"there are clips!"
So not only is she a dumb roastie, she's also an idiot

usually they unmatch by now

>Why are you even on Tinder
damn dude you cut her deep kek keep going.

She’s also not holding the bar at center mass, she’s closer to the left. Why are women always such wannabes?

Ask her if she even lifts


What should I reply

She wants 2 fugg

clearly she's not as qualified as she claims

That subtle shit test. She’s actually giving you a shot. She must be desperate as fuck.


“Come over and I’ll show you”

you have a shot OP, if she didn't find you sexy she wouldn't be talking to you right now. Is she A V E R A G E?

why's it always about sex??

After giving her this much shit she still wants to chat with you? Goddamn. She likes the abuse and wants to fuqq

ask her if she wants to take a spin class on your dick

don't think she's buying it

>shocked that people on a dating app geared for sex are on there for sex
women were a mistake


She obviously wants to fugg. Other than the fact that she's still talking, notice how she keeps on asking what he's here for.
>what are you even on here for
>are you only here for sex
She's thinking that if OP wants a girlfriend or wife then she wouldn't want to deal with him and she'll unmatch. But if he just wants sex she'll put up with his attitude and fuck him a few times.

Tell her "kill yourself M'lady"

holy cankles batman

i just wanted to talk about fitness desu

Let me be the judge of that in person

+1 more reason to not get personal trainers

>get shitty certs
>act like a know-it-all for the rest of your life
women are fucking trash

Really surprised she hasn't unmatched by now

i look forward to seeing this pop up in a thread in the near future

she wants the dick obviously

>whyd you swipe right one me?
>why???? TELL ME

gunna stop screenshotting now it's getting repetitive

General Tinder Thread i guess

Holy shit man she must want to fuck so badly. Just schedule a meet already

might as well ask her if she wants the BBC

Ask if she wants to fuck. srs

you did hit it, right OP? This is what tsundere looks like IRL

Why does she keep fucking spamming that message? Was she homeschooled or something? This isn’t normal behavior

This girl must be desperate as all fuck.
I feel bad for her.

Say you want to practice your barbell hip thrusts on her

Just ask her out. She wants it so bad.


Post pics of her

>three cats
>shit form
dear god please put her in her place. she thinks she's better than you.

unironically the funniest thread i found on /fit these last days

So much pent up sexual frustration she is basically begging to get pinned and fucked by a big guy.

Throw this poor chick a bone op.

“You want some pipe or nah?”

Tell her that her papers mean shit when her form is that bad.

this haha

also post please of the bitch to see if its worth banging or not

show face pics, this chick must be a hog

ok for real last one

tell her you swiped right so that you had something to do while taking a shit, like you said before. god damn she's a colossal fucking dumbass. who convinces themselves they're on tinder for something other than a hook up?

>How about I come over and pet all four of your pussies

Nonono. Slowplay this one. If you outright shit on her she'll unmatch and it'll be over.

See if you can reel her back in and actually set up a date, THEN shit on her.

>I'm a lucky guy

Please tell her she's a fucking retard if she thinks there's clips in that first picture and her form is good

just ask her out and see how she responds


not gunna post face but she's very average

pfff. You're gonna leave off with THAT? come on, you had so much potential. Not even a made for BBC?

is she asian?

makes sence why she had to make a tinder account to get laid

this chick is literally dropping her spaghetti, how fuckin hunky are you dude

Fuck off OP don't blue balls us like this, you can't make a thread, post a bunch pictures than be like "nawww dude im out pce last picture"

So basically, OP is your stereotypical white douche bag that wants attention from his "friends" on Veeky Forums. What's new?

Ask her to fuck, she's been hinting at it.

Tell her that her bipolar disorder turns you on

this is quality b8

Who else would make fun of girls on lifting through a dating app? It's pretty accurate.

maybe above average but my pics look dyel

I think there's a sweet spot with 5/10s-6.9/10s on tinder where half of them are just really desperate

for context I genuinely was doing most of this while pooping at work

typical tsundere

>still not using buttplugs to maximize gains
>"fitness trainer"
also, nice digits

>while pooping at work

She's clearly a insecure bitch and deserves this. Look at how quickly she went to calling him a fucking idiot over and over again.

>but muh papers say I am qualified!!!!

Send her the

>mfw thinking of you hurting


What say to this Tumblr girl

rollin for this & pic included

Damn she will call you daddy if you acknowledge how worthless she is

just rick roll her with NGGYU quotes

>be a douche bag
>get surprised when she calls him a fucking idiot
>insecure bitch and deserves this
You literally sound like a spoiled white faggot

“Im tired of messaging 10/10s so I thought I’d give this a try.”

cmon OP keep going! i wanna see her admit she wants to fuck lol

explain to her how the jewish backed UK and United States used Poland as a pawn to instigate ww2

you literally sound like a nigger on the rag

>covering her face

Go fuck yourself OP.

>gets mad when someone calls them out for what they are
>hurr nigger on the rag
Solidifying my case that you're a pretentious white douche bag

even after you posted this retards kept falling for it lmao

OP do you have more?

>Getting THIS mad on an anonymous image board

Fucking kek, kill yourself nigger

What do I say to this braphog



>gets so mad he thinks im mad
White babby

Ask her if she wants to get fucked in the back of your lifted truck. Country girls love that shit

ask her how much for the three year old


>single mom
>searching for my future husband
>intelligence drives me crazy
ask her why she thinks she deserves a wealthy, attractive guy when she's used goods?

Women are literally the niggers of gender.

oh shit, you in Rialto senpai? I know that broad.

>using the snapchat filters
absolutely fucking degenerate

>verification not required for your next post

Alright. Not sure if she’ll respond, but whatever