Veeky Forums Universities

Post your universities and local gym. Find new gym mates.

NCL here. I go to the gym at the gate, but thinking of switching back to Pure Gym as I prefer the layout.

reporting in. I just go to the one in Pete. monday-thursday at 6pm is the worst

rec center crew ww@

Any go to poly montreal? How's the gym there?

I'm usually in the HLC sometime in the morning

Holy shit i go to ncl man what do you study?

KEELE. gym is complete dogshit

Plymouth University anyone?


Business and a language m8. You?

whom b-list STEMdrone?


going here soon, where do i go to get fit, Veeky Forums

University of Birmingham anyone?

dartmouth. hit me up

Leeds reporting in

UCL barbellclub is great


more like



>tfw I'm the only compsci major that lifts

Anyone at Imperial?

I go to the uni gym but it's rammed 24/7 now its january


I'm in the urec autismposting ATM.

Also; Northeastern? I'll be there's in a few months for grad program

Are you from Stoke, and if not. Why did you come to Stoke its a shit hole

Roddiksella käynyt kerran

UO alum checking in, although I no longer live in the state.


wanted to go to a campus uni

This thread pls but with area codes

Anybody else go to the Veeky Forumstest university around?


>Preferring the gym where cardio equipment is on a separate floor entirely (read: no cardio bunny eye candy)
>For a quid extra a month

Go join the new barbell club.

>posting FIT on Veeky Forums
I like it

Are you in Melbourne too, cunt?

Who else here isnt smart enough to go to a UC and am not surrounded by Mexicans and dreamers?

i dont go the the uni gym tho since im to insecure about myself so i just go to my local gym.

Lol, I'm am oldfag from OC. I've moved away, but glad to see somethings never change! Asians are the minority of choice at UCs.

yes senpai
what course?

I doubt ill meet someone from my uni here. Most people at the rec lift like shit

Nuclear engineering, what about you? 3rd year

comp sci, 3rd year too
post your student id

R-U, Rah, Rah, R-U, Rah, Rah, Whoo-Raa, Whoo-Raa; Rutgers Rah Up-Stream Red Team; Red Team Up-Stream Rah, Rah, Rutgers Rah!!

Any Columbia fags here?

any cyclones in here?

Well shit I don't see this ending badly. 1561968

Why? Where and when do they train? What's the standard of lifting? Is it coached by thay gb powerlifting dude?

I'm just not a big fan of the open space.

shit, not this one, the email one
delet the post after 5 mins or so

>being this retarded

> Northeastern grad program
Pajeet, is that you?

All levels. You just missed the first London Universities Novice Powerlifting competition. Had everything from complete novices to one guy hitting 4 plate squat, 3plate bench, 5 plate deadlift.

Have a look on the Union website for more details. They have at least one coached session per week, coached by Pierre Shillingford.

noen NTNU?

>about to fail my retake year

better shitpost during exam week then ey lad?

alri kids, what gyms do you go to?

any arlington/nova fags
my building has a gym

the uni gym

Power House in sandyFord I'm dyel as fuck though

why not go to strength asylum?

go to Trees bud, it's better

Do you go to Wildwood at all? I lift at Atilis

kingston, the gym

Its too far away and I don't drive and the guys in there are leaps and bounds ahead of me. I'll just look like a stick

Where my heelbros at?

Cornell engineering here, will any qt3.14s hmu

Hey you should teach my fat brother how to lift. He just went back to school today XD didnt know stony people browsed Veeky Forums, thought it was a school full of normies.

Anyone Manchester?

Should I transfer into cornell engineering?

The Pure Gym is good but never been at that one next to the Gate to compare

I'm at SBU but in a grad program off southampton campus. The "gym" there is a joke so I use unique fitness in shirley.

Heard York is BLACKED as fuck m8. You'll need those gains just to survive.

University of Reading?

The logo is in latin, let's see if you can guess corectly.

They have a whole university for such a basic skill?

Forgot pic

Nice one

I go to the uni gym once every 2 days.

eyy cornell CALS here

I currently go to pure gym st.james. Same amount of equipment as eldon square pure gym, but far quieter.
ChemEng btw.

vitun turkulainen

kukaan tampereelta?


>tfw too embarrassed to start lifting at the urec when there's people
>tfw theres always people
anyone wanna help a skellyfag out

I'm at Aston University, go to 'The Gym' in the city centre, in case anyone in Birmingham wants to lift with me

aston is literally the retard uni lmao

>being this insecure
I don't think your gonna make it user


if literally anyone goes here I'll meet with them and suck their dick. also the student rec center is... adequate.

UWF reporting in

DCU here, it's pretty cool

No, but I'm a third year

I know that feeling, user.
>tfw putting up with subpar home gym when the uni facility looks like heaven


sup dude, gonna be lifting at werblin tomorrow

rare to see another eireanon on this board. cool beans


Wow awesome. You're in Dublin too ?

I go to spring hill cause uni sucks

why do all the American uni logos look cool and the euro ones look boring as fuck?

Waar zijn mijn negers? T-gebouw masterrace.

Well I can tell you that the uni prices definitely make up for it.



I'll be at Cook tomorrow. I try to avoid Werblin as much as possible. It's way too crowded usually. Have you ever been to College Ave or the one on Easton? Do you know if either of them have the OHP benches or whatever you call the thing you do seated OHP on?
