Im a wildland firefighter and always traveling so I rarely have time to go out or meet women/men. Who else goes through this and how do you guys deal with it?
Fuck man, in the same fucking boat. I basically hibernate between seasons and make gym, food, and Veeky Forums a full time job. So as for coping, not really. Seriously contemplating the army by virtue of the fact that it will challenge me and basically force me to socialize.
this is the first time i've ever seen one of my fellow smoke sucking retards on any board. i'm leading a burn crew for the winter right now.
in the same fucking boat. feels bad man.
Feel you there I've done the same with the Navy, completed MEPS and just deciding whether or not to go now.
you guys federal or private? what territory?
i'm federal in the summer and non-profit in the winter. nature conservancy runs a lot of good crews and you can get a perm position in a comfy chunk of land and not deal with federal faggotry. but as far as hours and crew time federal is obviously superior.
I wouldn't recommend this for the virtue of socialization. You'll be put into a cesspool of retarded 17-18 year old arrogant kids, and the fact you won't have time to really go out and meet people outside the military won't change. The difference, you're stuck for the terrm of your contract.
t. Marine who served 5 years
Federal, Appalachian.
One more note; I promise you being a wildland firefighter is more of a challenge than anything you'll get out of the military. unless you decide to go for a high speed position like SOF, EOD, etc. and you'd probably enjoy the Coast Guard more, you'll actually get to help American citizens directly
>Seriously contemplating the army by virtue of the fact that it will challenge me and basically force me to socialize.
dude you're gonna be paid way worse, treated like more of a retard and get only marginally better socializing and social capital. not only that most of the positions are going to be easy compared to fire, and this comes from my experience of leading veterans fire crews of combat deployed crayon eaters.
no matter where you go, there you are. change yourself.
Private contractor, British Columbia. Also a leafag so the military culture is a little bit different from the BurgerArmy(tm)
Appreciate the tips m8. I was deciding on EOD at the moment but also considering something cushy and computer related.
Fuck yeah. I've been wanting to do this for a long time now. I've done about as much research as I can online, and I've been physically preparing myself for long hikes and what not. I want to hear it from actual wildland firefighters though, what it's truly like, the best place to start, etc.
8 ball shawty fyt.
Lame as it sounds I went through JobCorps for basic then advanced fire.
At risk of sounding like every other retard signing up for the military, SOF would really hold my interest, and provide the constant evolution/training that I thrive of off.
*off of
Excuse my autism
you're too late for this season mein negro unless you go private engine.
my crew is made of job corps guys right now. glad you made it through because most of the ones i met are literally, and i mean this not in the meme sense, mentally retarded or suffering from some sort of cognitive handicap.
Here's a question for my firebros: how do you maintain health and gains through the season? once we start going on rolls you're eating shit and all your muscle burns away. at least for me.
I can only speak for Marine Raiders; I wasn't one but I was attached to support a raider unit, so I got to see first-hand what the lifestyle is like. If you strive off constant evolution/training, then you would love it, because it's literally non stop from the moment you get selected until your contract is up. They have such a structured framework for each individual CSO. Just be prepared to eat, sleep, shit and breathe the lifestyle.
I always take a hit on gains when I'm in season. I haven't found a way yet because its either pack extra bullshit or just eat whatever slightly nutrient rich items provided.
Inverse pushup pyramids before breakfast slowed the loss for me last season, but unfortunately you're still going to lose.
thanks. do your shops have good gyms? what does your module do for crew pt?
i think the thing i hate most is all the processed carbs we get fed.
what's the most Veeky Forums friendly MRE?
Fork yeah man. That's what I'm hoping for. Unfortunately in Canada they do not have a direct entry for CSOR/JTF2. You put in 2 years in your MOS and then you're eligible to be recommended to try out for selection. You have to really want it if you're a leaf.
So many fucking carbs. Gyms were decent on base, but if you're in a bush camp, pack your fucking rings and find a tree close to the perimeter or its just BW groundwork sucka
That's the deal for anybody. You can't join straight into MARSOC, you have to do something else and after a amount of time in the fleet you can request to go to A & S.
Fair , prove competency, maturity etc.
I thought it was possible for army recruits to try out for the green berets fairly quickly after they finish reg army basic. Maybe I'm fucked in the head but for some reason that was the impression I had, having done 0 minutes of research on the subject. Probably total hearsay.
Try isolating yourself for months at a time. Been single for 3 years. Best advice i can give.