Routine thread

ITT: post/rate routines

Here's mine (grill):

Day 1
4x15 Front/Goblet Squat
4x30 Jumping Lunge
4x20 Bridge
5x1 Treadmill Sprint

Day 2
3x5 Pull-up (negative if needed)
5x? Deadlift (weight increasing, reps decreasing)
4x10 Dumbbell Row
4x10 Bicep Curl
Core circuit

Day 3
5x? Back Squat (weight increasing, reps decreasing)
4x10 Hip Thrust
4x10 Leg Press
4x5 Romanian Deadlift

Day 4
4x10 OHP
4x5 Push-up (assisted if needed)
4x10 Reverse Fly
4x10 Incline Bench Press
4x5 Tricep Dip (assisted if needed)
Core circuit

Goals are to:
build muscle and strength
maintain weight
focus on lower body

Warm-up: chin-ups and pull-ups


2x5, 1x5+ Pendlay Row
2x5, 1x5+ Bench / OHP (alternate)
2x5, 1x5+ Squat
2x5, 1x5+ Incline DB Bench
3x10 DB Supinating Curls / DB Hammer Curls (alternate)

3x10 Dips
2x5, 1x5+ Bench / OHP (alternate)
1x5+ Diddly
3x10 DB Supinating Curls / DB Hammer Curls (alternate)

2x5, 1x5+ Pendlay Row
2x5, 1x5+ Bench / OHP (alternate)
2x5, 1x5+ Squat
2x5, 1x5+ Incline DB Bench
3x10 DB Supinating Curls / DB Hammer Curls (alternate)

recommend me please intermediate full body hypertrophy routine. currently on phul, above 1/2/3/4


>Wokout A
bench press 5x5
OHP 5x5
dips 5xfailure
DL 2x5
tricep pushdown 3x8-12
lat raise 3x15-20
skullcrushers 3x8-12
front raise 3x15-20

>Workout B
bench press 5x5
BB row 5x5
squat 5x5
pullups 3xfailure
curls 4x8-12
hammer curls 4x8-12

Gym 3X per week

AB rollouts and farmers walks at home, most days.

Warmup: Row Machine
Monday: Bench, OHP, Triceps press, squat 3x7
Tueseday: Dumbell Row, barbell Row, deadlift 3x7
Thursday: Squat, Stiff-Legged deadlift, Calves 3x7 situs, as many as i can

wednesday/Friday/saturDay: pushups, as many as i manage in a go.

How is it working for your butt aesthetics? Looks like a lot of work.
How many chin/pull ups? And why no deadlift?
Not enough info here to provide any feedback
I recommend at least adding pullups; they are godlike

>Row Machine
30 min erg

[water session]
10x OH squats
8x cleans + Press Push
8x Box Jumps
10x Press ups on a bench
15x KB Swing
3x Pull-ups until fail

10 km erg

[water session]
8x Squats
8x Hang cleans + Press push
1:00 Planks
1:00 Burpees
8x Chains
30x Bench Pulls
8x Split Squats

:30 front plank
:30 Side plank Right
:30 Side plank Left
:30 Alt Leg raises
:30 inverted Crunches
:30 plank + punch
:30 plank + split legs

Monday: Chest, delts and triceps
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Back and Biceps
Saturday: Hot yoga
Sunday: HIIT Spin class

Candito LP
Heavy Upper Day
>Flat Barbell Bench
>Primary Upper Back
>Primary Upper Back
Heavy Lower
>Optional/Accessory Lower
>Optional/Accessory Lower
Hypertrophy Upper
>Flat DB Bench
>Incline DB Bench
>Primary Upper Back
>Shoulder Exercise (Usually Military Press)
>Primary Upper Back
>Optional (Always Pec Flys)
Make Up Day (usually hit anything i missed/didnt do enough of during the week

You are supposed to do a hypertrophy lower day instead of a make up day but im always too sore to do it. Probably will get on that once im a bit more used to dead lifting/squatting and comftorable with the form. On the make up day i just try and hit stuff i may have missed/feel needs more work. If im feeling it i will hit lower body stuff like more deads or squats

What routine would you guys recommend for someone having done calisthenics for a few years now? Should I start with a beginner programme (GSLP, SS) and do that until I stall?

I added the second leg day only recently, so no results yet. Before, I focused primarily on back and shoulders because they were weak af, so we'll se what it does soon-ish.

Like your core workout, I'll probably try it out

Well, what do you want to achieve?

Every other day, everthing 3x8-12:

Incline bench.
T-bar row
Seated shoulder press
Pull ups
Stiff Legged DL
>Leg raises
>Wrist flexion
>Wrist Extension

Takes about 100-120 minutes. I do it MWF with HIIT on Tues, Thurs. Weekend off.

Hmm, why don't you split it somehow, for better recovery?

Go to class
Listen to fitness guy for 1 hour
Go home

What are your goals?
For strength, do a beginner linear, there are many and they all have their fanclubs which say theirs are the only one that works. (SS, SL 5X5, GSLP)
For size, the last programs can help you with that but switch to something like PPL after 3-4 months so you dont end up in t-rex mode

I thought about that, but the way it started was me just walking in the gym and doing compound movements and then eventually I just naturally fell into this, and started getting the greatest gains of my life. Now I don't want to change anything. Except maybe add rear delts work.

stop doing a "routine" and start doing programs. i have never seen anything in these threads that even comes close to being "good"

Well, if it works, it works, good for you! But once you start plateauing, I'd look into the recovery first and trying different moves to change it up second.

DB Bench press 3x8 of BB Bench press 3x5
Bent Arm Pullovers 3x8
Pec Fly 3x8
Triceps extensions 3x10

Some kind of core work
pushup pyramids
Pullups F,F,8,6,6,4

OHP 4x5
T-Bar Rows 3x8
Lateral Raises 3x8
Pullups F,10,8,6,6

Deadlifts 5,5,3,3
T-bar Rows 3x8
Single Arm DB Rows 3x8
Reverse curls 3x8

Either the same thing as B, or leg day (I take extended breaks from leg day because I am naturally T-rex and was getting tired of jeans never fitting):
Squats 3x5 or Leg Presses 3x5
Hip Abductor Machine 20,15,10
Glute Kickbacks 3x8

Each day also includes HIIT training or a 2-4 mile run

shoo shoo rippletits shill

What exactly falls under "program"? I know there are some well-known ones, but if I just pick something on, there's a pretty good chance I end up with some bullshit routine anyway.

So where do I find a program for my goals and how do I know it's good?

Will keep it mind. Thanks newfriend.

D1 chest bi
Warm up sets for each
Last set to failure for each
(Decline) bench press 3x8-10
Incline dumbbell 3x10
Dumbbell flys 3x10
Concentration curls 3x10
Barbell curl 3x10

D2 back
Skull crushers 3x10
Close grip front lat pulldown 3x10
One arm db row 3x10
Seated cable rows 3x10
Deadlift 3x10

D3 delt tri
Db shoulder press 3x10
Seated side lateral raise 3x10
Standing low pulley deltoid raise 2x10
Reverse flys 3x10
Tricepushdown 3x10
Lying tricep press 3x10
Seated tricep press 3x10

D4 leg day
10 min warmup run, stretch
Leg extensions 3x10
Leg press 3x8-10 don't lock
Seated leg curl 2x10
Squat 3x8-10
Deadlift 2x10
Calf press lp machine 3x10 failure
Seated calf raise 3x10

>apparently anyone that believes in intelligent training programming as opposed to the random bro crap ITT is a rip dickrider

a program implies a methodological approach to training with with a planned out progression for a certain amount of time. A routine is just the random workout plan you do every week. Educate yourself on programming to find out what sources are good and what are not. I can tell you right now that is NOT a good source

That's fair. By the way, is it possible to achieve comparable or results with a *good* PT? What if I have really specific goals?

the odds of making optimal progress with a personal trainer doing your "programming" is very low since 99.99% of PTs are totally useless

Let's say I let them design the "programming" based on what I want to happen. Still not as good? I am well aware of the fact the majority of PTs just suck, but there is one I've been following for a long time whom I would trust, since he's writing articles based on actual research, fights (very publicly) against bullshit PTs and instagram hoes selling skinny teas and other fitness world scams and misconceptions and has a lot of great results behind him. I'd link his stuff, but it's all in my peasant slavic language so it wouldn't tell you shit.

The thing is, as a beginner its much easier to follow a program than it is to find a good pt and find out if he is actually good, because beginners(obviously) don't have the experience to do it yet.
So I recommend you follow the programs in the sticky, and the diet in the sticky, because those are supposed to work on anyone and a lot of people already showed results using it. But there is nothing wrong with getting the help of a good PT to watch your form and help you perform the exercises safely

I'm not the person you replied to btw