Are eggs "bad" for you?

I need to make a grocery run, so this morning I supplemented my protein intake by eating six hard-boiled eggs. I was looking up nutrition facts and saw that a single egg contains 62% of your daily cholesterol.

I know a lot of you eat eggs. What is your opinion on them as far as protein vs the amount of cholesterol? I'm aware there are articles out there, but I'm interested in Veeky Forums's perspective.

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I think you're only supposed to eat the egg-whites; I could be wrong though.

eggs are the perfect source of protein and fats. fats don't make you fat, eating to much food does. fats give you strength, they help your eyesight and make your hair shiny, fats are good for your testosterone. eat the fucking yolks.

Brains main fuel source is fats too iirc.

Is the yolk where the cholesterol is? The yolks are the tastiest part, there's no way I'm just going to toss them.

you recall wrong


Your body needs fat and protein, but you don't NEED sugar (that includes crabs) so eggs are awesome.

just don't over eat

Yolks contains the cholesterol and most of its nutritional value, egg whites are just protein
It's like buying gummy vitamins only the eat the sweet jello part and leaving the vitamins out
Cholesterol is essential for test production, how many you should eat? depends on how much of a big guy you are
If you are worried about it take some tests after a steady egg consumption to see how you hold up

there's a long ass term study on egg consumption and iirc, 2 eggs per day don't harm you and more most likely don't either

if you want anecdotal evidence too, one of the oldest women in the world claimed she had two eggs every day for almost her whole life

>unironically eating egg-whites
I don't care if it's healthier, it's soy as shit.
It's like eating cum. Fucking disgusting.

These threads are slowly killing me
>cholesterol bad bad bad abdab dabdbadbadb
fuck off
Eat a dozen eggs a day and nothing will happen to you.
>Eggs are fucking healthy to eat

>cholesterol bad

Protip: Percentages for your 'daily intake' are geared towards your average sedentary soyboys.

>Cholesterol is essential for test production,
Stop this meme. You have cholesterol already. Your body makes cholesterol. The cholesterol you eat has nothing to do with test production.

Yes, eggs are something to limit or avoid if you're going to eat the yolks. This triggers Veeky Forums for some reason.

>there's a long ass term study on egg consumption and iirc, 2 eggs per day don't harm you and more most likely don't either
Don't say something like that without posting the evidence you think you're remembering

There are proven correlations between higher cholesterol diets and higher test levels in men.

>having links saved in my brain from 2013 Veeky Forums

wtf am i reading

Proven as in Alex Jones said it? As far as I know, there are no controlled experiments showing dietary cholesterol impacting testosterone

I'd think if you were confidant enough in the study to reference it, you'd at least know what the study was. "Some thing I saw 4 years ago said eggs were okay" doesn't help anyone


also, I eat 4-6 eggs almost every day

keto master race

i think he meant to type carbs.

Does egg even come close to chicken as a food source?

You can do the research but there are studies that show dietary cholesterol reduces your bodies amount of cholesterol. Your body needs a certain amount of it so if you get it from your diet your body stops making it.

>You can do the research but there are studies that show dietary cholesterol reduces your bodies amount of cholesterol.
Sounds like you've done the research. Post the research that says eating cholesterol lowers your cholesterol.


I think he's referencing the fact that certain keto studies have shown that while overall cholesteral goes up on the diet, LDL aka shitty cholesterol goes down while HDL goes up.

I'll do his work for him

>You don't NEED to lift to develop strength, you can just do pushups and pullups
This is what you sound like with your carb bashing. Carbs are necessary to.make the best of your body. End of story.

You barely need them. Processed breads, grains etc are a meme.

Yeah God posted the patch notes for reality over a month ago
Eggs got nerfed HARD
It was too easy for fuckbois to get Chad strong

enjoy your tanked test levels due to your messed up ratio of protein to carbs

It runs entirely on glucose

tell me what are human cell membranes made out of. Go on. tell me.

That's a very different claim then. Losing weight on its own lowers cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol or a keto diet doesn't aid in lowering it. It's more likely to work against it.

If your cholesterol levels aren't fucked, why wouldn't you go for it?

Do you think your body relies on you eating eggs in order to produce cell membranes?

eggs are great


I think it's more about how the liver processes the fats. If you eat too many carbs your body will preferentially burn those instead of the fats. If you're eating a low carb diet, consumed cholesterol doesn't necessarily become systemic cholesterol as the liver will either break it down and excrete it or repackage it into hdl.

IMO you can eat a high fat low carb diet, or a balanced diet that is still relatively low in carbs if you are exercizing and still probably have a healthy lipid panel. Carbs + no fitness = shit health.

Is that an reenactment of that fucking pasta?


> If you're eating a low carb diet, consumed cholesterol doesn't necessarily become systemic cholesterol as the liver will either break it down and excrete it or repackage it into hdl.
There's a hypothesis, but it doesn't seem to play out.
"In the meta-analysys, we found that subjects consuming a low-carbohydrate diet (LC diet) had more favorable changes in HDL-cholesterol and TAG levels, but less favorable changes in LDL cholesterol, compared with subjects consuming a low-fat diet (LF diet)."

> Carbs + no fitness = shit health.
Unless you eat healthy carbs, in which case you can be as potentially healthy as a person who doesn't exercise can be. Fiber, a type of carb, unlike saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, directly helps to lower cholesterol with or without weight loss.

Don't fall for it, mang. It's the egg council creeps at work.

If I remember correctly lipid health is usually done by comparing the ratio of hdl to ldl. HDL essentially works like a vaccum to suck up and bring free cholesterol back to the liver for repackaging. You very well could be correct, but if the HDL goes up drastically, and the LDL only goes up a little or stays the same I don't know if that' s a CVD risk since the HDL would be picking all the extra shit up.

The LDL:HDL ratio is one measure, but a potential confounder is that low HDL is associated with bad things like diabetes and obesity, while higher HDL is associated with good things like exercise, so its benefits, separate from those other factors, aren't so clear. Especially recent research has shown that increasing HDL through diet or drug interventions isn't protective, and that LDL is still the main number to keep in check.

used to eat eggs every now and then, or just the hard boiled whites
total and bad cholesterol so as triglycerides, slowly increase year after year. good cholesterol going down and down.

last year started to eat 6 hard boiled eggs daily on average, almost a year after, blood work said:
total cholesterol: dropped near the bare minimum
good cholesterol: dramatically increased, 1st time on the good side, never so high
bad cholesterol: substantially reduced
triglycerides: near the lower limit

while i never had so much problem with total cholesterol or heart related issues, at least on my case, dietary cholesterol from eggs improved my health. ymmv.

The only thing that changed is you added 6 eggs to your daily diet? Same diet otherwise, same level of physical activity, no weight loss?

good point.
can't say it was the only change
diet was a bit cleaner (less eating out) but on moderate caloric surplus to exit auschwitz mode. roughly same foods, so weight increased.

excercise wise, same total weekly amount but instead of LISS and some calisthenics, changed it for resistance training a some LISS.

for reference, many more years ago, used to lift without eating so many eggs and cholesterol IIRC was +/- the same - slightly better when younger

didn't see that study, thanks user

the only bad thing about eggs is that they have a lot of cholesterol. but they are a great source of protein and unsaturated fats.

yes cholesterol is bad.technically you dont need any cholesterol from diet because body produces enough(med fag here)

organic eggs have less cholesterol than regular ones but the price isnt justified imo

tl dr eat eggs just don't eat too many. especially if you're fat

There is no correlation between dietary cholesterol consumption and actual serum cholesterol. No positive, no negative. You're all fucking stupid.

actually they were made up by cereal companies to sell carb-filled goodness.

yes there is.

Fuck egg

>your body doesn't need crabs
T. Chinese buffet owner

>I know a lot of you eat eggs.

Man eggs

There is a positive correlation

my grandma ate eggs all her life and she lived to be 101