Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums
I have a 25lb Kettleball
want to know is it possible to gain some significant muscle mass with just Kettle exercises alone or am I wasting my time?

short term you will gain as much muscle as required to toss around that 25lbs. then you're stuck because you cant increase the resistance. i wouldn't call the muscle mass required to lift 25lbs kettlebells "significant". long term it would be a waste of time, yes

Can I still get some pretty noticeable mass if I consecutively increased the repetitions for each exercise???

tiddy mogged

There is only one way to find out. If you are asking whether working out with a 25lb kettlebell is worth your time or not then you are never going to make it. You will see some level of results if you workout, you’ll see no results if you don’t. Just workout and stop looking for an excuse not to.

Im not trying to make excuses, just don't want to be an idiot and waste time and energy I could h ave been using towards another endeavor, sorry...

Im kind of strapped for cash atm and can't afford a gym membership in my city(they are all pretty expensive) and just want to get swole a different way.
I wish we had public weight sets at parks like they have in Moscow.

>significant muscle mass


there arent many things hotter than that

with those digits I feel compelled to dump some more


How are you doing this?!

Yes. You'll stall eventually, but push yourself hard with what you have until then.

Find some exercises (kettlebell and calisthenics) and start doing them. Increase volume over time.

You could start with just one rep of every exercise today (not tommorrow). Tomorrow, do two reps. Then three. And so on.

fucking impressive

if you want to get in shape, work out with your kettle bell, if you want to be a fat slob, then sit on your ass like you're currently doing

The spirit of dubs has been roused by boobies

Well im not a "fat slob" and not sure why you're being so hostile my man. Just wanted some advice.

nah it's pretty clear you wanted an excuse not to work out

ok den

short answer no. More reps basically gives you diminishing returns

also, there are some things you can do with 25 lbs but if you're adamant about not going to the gym and working out from home, you'd get way more uses out of buying a set of hand weights with adjustable plates. Usually the grip is 5lbs and there are 2.5 and 5 lb plates that come with it, and you can buy more.

You'd get more out of that than a single kettle bell, plus you already have the bell so you can use both. So if you want to get moving, do some kettle exercises (google em i guess).
One thing to note is that the reason gym is so good for your overall progress is that you're setting time aside for it. You won't get anywhere if you're just doing kettle bells for 5 minutes every other day. Set time aside, get into some clothes you can sweat it, and really work at it. It wont last you long, but it's a decent start. Do some shit with it, then progress to the next step.

>buying a set of hand weights and adjustable plates
I don't have the money for that right now. And im not avoiding the gym, I just can't afford a membership thats all


better luck next time

we cant ignore digits, titty mogging confirmed best fetish

Is this a thing

Lesbian porn of small tiddy chicks playing with big tiddys

Im gay and this gave me a semi

I'm the Big Tiddie Banditt AKA Levia-guildy and I approve these digits.


pls be a thing

25 lbs is not much, but you can work yourself up to some more advanced stuff, like bottom-up presses for reps, turkish get ups with a press at each stage of the excercise (also with the bottom-up bell position). Single arm swings will work your grip, although most benefits of the swing won't apply at such a weight i guess. You can also strap it up and do weighted dead hangs, pullups/chinups, dips and the like. If you use it to complement a mostly bodyweight routine, it is definitely a good addition. Just be resourceful and try to make the most out of what you already have laying around. You can also save up for a bigger bell in the long run, like a 24 kg. Than you can combine the two, and do a 36 kg one-arm press with the additional difficulty of grabbing both handles in one hand. You can also do pistol squats with the +25 lbs. Halo for shoulder mobility. Just read around, user.