Someone please clear this up for me

If I want to build big hams quads and ass, do I focus squats or deadlifts given that I'm 6'3, long legs and pelvic tilt. Will it mess up my back further? And what kind of squats or ready.

You're really tall nigga. Lifting shoes fix a lot my pelvic tilt. If you can do squats with a good form do it. Be careful with your knees tho.

Do box squats. Lok up matt wenning. So u thibk u can squat series

Running / biking would do more to build up quad size imo

Doesn't do much for his ass tho

tfw no ayyy lmao gf

I don't wanna buy lifting shoes
I'll look it up thanks man
So if I did cycling for quads and let's say hip thrusts for ass would it even out?
Don't talk shit about my waifu

The important thing for building quads with cycling is to keep going for a long time. So 1-2 hours maybe 2-3 times a week.

It’s a lot more fun if you bike with a friend

The same would apply for your quads with running, if you play football on a team with friends it’s a lot more fun

Do both, I built decent legs with just squat and glute thrusts in 11 months

>If I want to build big hams quads and ass, do I focus squats or deadlifts

same height as you, was also wondering the same question. thanks for asking brah

If you're going as far as to do hip thrusts, you might as well do squats

If you wanna focus on your legs specifically, squats are best. Deadlifts are more for quads, lower back, and core

Rippetoe squats. Add weight gradually to get your back used to it. If fyou want more ass activation than hamstrings, make some of the sets front squats, but not all of them, because they're terrible for your knees. If you want more gluteus medius and minimus activation, try one legged squats. Don't be dumb enough to do them with the barbell. All other posterior chain exercises are bullshit.

The OP has a bad back.
I know you're busy shilling SQWATZ AND DEDLEEFTS but you should really the threads.

no he has a APT or PPT from what it sounds like which will get better with lifting.

looks like fetal alcohol syndrome to me

>no he has a APT or PPT from what it sounds like which will get better with lifting.

The OP hasn't given you ANY fucking information or even hints at what is wrong with his back.

Doing unfamiliar and fairly dangerous lifts with a bad back will not fix a bad back. It may very well make the problem worse.

So when doing squats and I want to focus on building my ass...what should my form be like?

I find I do better with low bar squats due to my frame, still good to do with deadlifts?

the squat is a very individual lift, you have to find a stance that fits your build best, since you said you are tall you can try a wider stance(don't go crazy wide) to shorten your leverages. you also have to mess around with bar position. high, low, hybrid. find what works best for you.

Squats. Deadlift is back>>>>>hips>gloots>hamstrings. Squat will light up every inch of your legs and glutes.

>Sled drags
>These are all bullshit

Yes he has. He didn't even say he had a bad back, he ONLY said that he has pelvic tilt. Don't even have to make a diagnosis, OP already did that for us.

Yeah. Deadlift conventional. It's a back exercise. When I realized this Powerlifting made so much more sense. It's literally back, front, legs.

pls learn to read before using the internet.

Thanks. Kind of what I thought.

Technicaly u can do full body with just deadlifts bench and facepulls. Maybe overhead or lying tricep extentions