Abs with love handles

What the fuck? I'm pretty fucking shredded, I have a low enough bf to have visible abs under any lighting but I still can take a handful of my love handles.

What workouts/change to my diet can I do to correct this problem?

My diet consists of 5 meals (one meal per 3 hours) consisting primarily of 40-50g of protein from chicken or whey, 60-80g of carbs, kale and a healthy fat source. I mix it up with a morning banana or coffee but that's essentially what I'm eating.

I do anaerobic exercises 4-5x a week and run distance 2x a week.

Anaerobic consists of Olympic lifts mixed with sprints, rows or jump rope with push-pull splits. I do 2-3 upper body and 2 lower body days a week--mostly squats deadlifts and box jumps, I'm shit at cleans and overhead squats.

My runs are either timed 3 mile runs or longer distances like 9-10 miles.

My sleep ranges from 7-9 hours a night.

What can I do Veeky Forums?

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how long have you had love handles? probably take that long to get rid of them

I was really overweight until I was 16, I've never really 'not' had them.

I have the exact same problem, 6 pack but still love handles. Guess it is just weird fat distribution.

Well I hope a kind user will give us the solution.

>has fat and loose skin

keep cutting jesus

glad to see i am not the only one with this problem

keep cutting
eventually you must lose them

uhh keep losing fat? You're probably in the 10-13% bf range. They will go away if you get down to a true 6-8% bf physique. That's a physique you step on show with btw

>I have excess fat on my body what ever shall I dooooooo?
pray you get reincarnated with a functioning brain before killing yourself

Motherfucker I'm swole shredded and veiny everywhere but my love handles, this shit clearly looks unnatural enough to warrant a question. Regular dudes (Non gym goers) don't have this problem.

keep losing fat, some fat will fall off when you start dieting (your belly fat) some you wont lose completely till a couple of months of strict dieting (your love handles)

do spot reduction on your hips, newfag

You're fucking dumb.

the reason I simply cant get to higher bf% despite my abs still showing

>tfw no half-bear mode for me

You have wide hips and youre in denial.
I was basically starving myself all year with my calorie intake, love handles still remained. Now I'm just getting fat in hopes it will all round out and be aesthetic

Jesus that sounds like a bad plan

Fridge mode is never a bad plan

>My diet consists of 5 meals (one meal per 3 hours) consisting primarily of 40-50g of protein from chicken or whey, 60-80g of carbs, kale and a healthy fat source. I mix it up with a morning banana or coffee but that's essentially what I'm eating.

>60-80g of carbs x5 times a day
>300-400g of carbs a day

try 0-20g of carbs, and one meal a day
keto+omad master race

also, look up “rosehip extract” and start taking 30ml of coconut oil a day

According to bro science it's caused by insulin resistance:

keto actual is proven to help insulin resistance, no joke

post pic actually no homo

Curious to see what it looks like.

>bro science
Nephrology is bro science now? Love handles = Pre-diabetic
