What happened to onion man? I remember he was supposed to get his test results back somewhere in January...

What happened to onion man? I remember he was supposed to get his test results back somewhere in January. Am I too late or too early? Haven't seen any /onion general/ threads around. Where the results disappointing?

He’s got a13% increase in free test.

And a 67% decrease in estrogen

He had an 13% increase in free testosterone and a 67% decrease in estrogen. If anything, onions seem to be potent aromatase-inhibitors, but that was an established fact. It did not deliver a 300% increase in test if that was what you were hoping for.

Munching on some now. Where are my brogres?

He had some small benefits.
However, Cabbage is BY FAR the better food for accomplishing what he was looking to do.

Cabbage is anti soy

also, who got the get?

hahahahaha, "It's ok to drink soy"


he was working on this crazy new project he called "save our boys".. he was planing to write a full-proof natural test replacement diet, any man could become a action-star god

he got shut down, i don't think we'll ever truly know what happened that night -- but he's gone... i wouldn't look -too- deep into it

He even had a book going too

Got shut down? Did the Jews do their thing?

You summoned me.

This is correct.

I live again.

Long Jack
Onions (no change from the 2 small red)

I will let you guys know in about a month.

Also my gym buddy is testing cooked onions in the same way.
I will keep you informed.

Based onionbro. I want to personally thank you on behalf of Veeky Forums. I think I speak for all of us when I say you are a huge dicking sucking faggot, but aren’t we all? Thanks again bro.

oinionbro how about putting a pack of ice on your balls ~30mins before sleep?

Testing right now and for the next month
Ill keep you updated

Lovely my first impersonator.

How's the project coming along? Feeling any difference?

Do you have a blog or something with all the evidence?

It's only just started.
I feel good though.

Na I don't have blog.
There is pic related though.

senpai try coffee too please

I notice you.
I already have 1 cup in the morning.

Got any info on how and what.
I may run it after this stack if it looks good.

I find it so fucking funny that people will take these numbers and what he's done and think that the only factors that were at play to produce this barely significant change is onions

not to mention believing that he actually ate onions every day

Do you dive straight into the next ones after the results come or do you take breaks in between?

> reduction of female sex hormone by 66%
>barely significant.

I have had the same diet (coincidence) for 20 days prior.
Then same diet but with 1 med or 2 small red onions a day for 42 days.
I was so fed up of it.

I am building on the diet.
So now I'm eating onions
With the new stuff.
If they yields a positive result I'll have all of them with whatever is next

If they don't then back to just onions.

I was so fed up of eating the same stuff

Normal range estrogen is good for you retard. Any increase in free test was within normal day to day variation. Keep falling for your placebo.

Also you are still literally low test

How do you prepare the onions or you just eat them plain raw?

Olive oil
Blue cheese

Cook food.
Wait for food to cook a bit.
Mix in on plate.
Nothing special

That's neat about the decrease in estrogen, considering yours was rather high, but your total testosterone didn't budge, and an increase in free testosterone doesn't mean much when you're already at the low end.

I don't know why you still aren't trying dirt-cheap vitamin C. I showed you the guinea pig study showing a 25% increase in testosterone when healthy males took a human equivalent dose of 5 grams per day. My balls are huge right now, man. (The effect, for me, is further enhanced by what seems to be a sweet-spot daily intake of about 1 g DHA+EPA.)

How much vit c?

Try about 4 or 5 grams per day, not all at once. Keep it separated from your workouts by a couple of hours to prevent it from messing with the beneficial short-term pro-oxidant effects of exercise.

The study I mentioned is "Reversal of alcohol induced testicular hyperlipidemia by supplementation of ascorbic acid and its comparison with abstention in male guinea pigs". Table related. (C = control, ie., did not have any alcohol during the study; C+AA = no alcohol + vitamin C; E = alcohol throughout the entire study; E = consumed alcohol during the initial phase, but then abstained; E+AA, alcohol and amino acids.)

So, another small rodent study. But guinea pigs are like us in that they don't produce vitamin C, and the control animals in this study were like us in that their regular chow diet provides enough not to be deficient, so it's not like the supplementation was making up for scurvy.

I look forward to continuing to follow your experiments, Onionman, regardless of whether they continue to involve onions. If you're still at it a few months from now, I'll post my labs, too. My last bloodwork (2016) showed similar sex hormones to what you have now and we're about the same age.

>E+AA, alcohol and amino acids.)

Sorry, that's ascorbic acid, of course

Ok cool.
I'll run it after the next results.

thx m8

You do realize, that placebos do work even if the test subject knows it's a placebo, right?