Chads, players, and normies: How do you meet gf material girls after college

College gf and I split up for good after being on and off for the past year and a half. She was a legit 10 in looks, but her constant shit games were just too much to handle.

My stats: 6'1", 185 lbs, ~12-13% body fat, very handsome face, job has me clearing 100k a year. I should be doing very, very well with women but I don't know how to meet them. Work is 90% male.

How do you meet chicks worthy of dating and not thots? Tinder is full of 5/10s that think they're goddesses thanks to thirsty betas.

To keep it fit related, best exercise to build lower chest? My upper chest is pretty solid but it kind of just melds into ribcage and it's not very aesthetic. Goal is pic related.

probably cuz ur upper abs are weak/not defined - so either lose more bf or get more mass there

sucks bout gf, but tru success is not caring about women - find what makes you really happy like if you only had one thing that you could do forever, find it and then you wont' care cuz you'll be happy forever

how is this Veeky Forums related?

for your chest exercises look at some youtube fitness videos. Other than that, from your post you don't seem to have any hobbies. Most women I've met are either though my hobbies or through friends of friends. You can do the old cold approach also on a random.

interact with more people. doesn't matter what you're doing or how you're doing it. go to a climbing gym, go to a library, volunteer at a hospital, who cares. just interact with more people and be forward in asking out any women you have interest in dating.

>Veeky Forums
yea, im not buying it...

Camp out bookstores.

Generally relationship material and they come pre-sorted by interest.

Literally anywhere, faggot. Just talk to a girl about whatever, make it abvious that you're interested; if she's okay with you hitting on her keep going, if she refuses then move on. You'll start making social gains and eventually you'll be able to socialize freely with anybody.

Conciously investing and training in your social skills really pays off. Stop being an autistic beta like 90% of people in this site and get used to being awkward.

The worst feeling is when you see that the girl is waiting for you to make a move but you can't get your shit together and do nothing. Their frustration and sudden loss of interest still hunts me today. It's all in the past, though.

is sounds like you lack social skills. with those stats, and a face as pretty as you say it is, girls should be flocking towards you ffs. my advice: you should try meeting new people. like in person. go find a class for something you love to do, like just a simple 2 week program or something. that's how I met my amazing GF haha

>that's how I met my amazing GF haha

C'mon, son.


why would you save a thumbnail then post is somewhere else like that?

>self proclaimed rich Chad
>doesn't have a big enough social circle to meet girls

t. Delusions of grandeur

Post a pic with as much of your face or body covered as you feel comfortable

lel yeah, as soon as he said he broke up with his 10 gf I couldn’t take him seriously. Everyone on Veeky Forums is very has dated 10s, and is handsome, 6’4, 8 inch penis and earns 100k

op is a faggot and this is the main faggot board, what are you new?

>Tinder is full of 5/10s that think they're goddesses thanks to thirsty betas.

Found the 5/10. Lol if you're hot and put up decent photos you can pull some solid hotties. Takes some swiping but it ain't hard. GF material too.

>To keep it fit related, best exercise to build lower chest? My upper chest is pretty solid but it kind of just melds into ribcage and it's not very aesthetic. Goal is pic related.

Are you a fucking retard or something?

>a short beginner tier sentence about how my chest looks and how to improve it will surely keep the thread related to fitness

That's not how it works, asshole.

Lower chest? Do you have two chests, one upper and one lower? That's probably why girls can't stand you, you must look like a freak.

best reply so far

Yes it does retard.

Also, off topic posts, particularly tfwnogf and tinder threads, are the best part about Veeky Forums.

I'm dating a 7, some girls think I'm handsome, 6'1, 7 inch penis, earn 2k (I work gigs and go to school).

he's prolly got 4 arms, leave the guy alone

For the girls, it's luck and a numbers game. For the chest it's dips and decline bench.

because he knew you where going to click it

check mate nigger

if you can make a top top profile, bumble puts attractive people at the top of the stack, and some girls only sign up for bumble thinking they are too good for tinder

Post a picture of your amazing body and very handsome face. I'm sure no part of your post is a lie.

>How do you meet gf material girls after college
The better question is how do you meet new friends in a new city after college.

Tyrone here.

Its almost impossible to meet a girl who
1.wont be a cheating whore
2.hasnt been a cheating whore in the past
3.doeant have a history of one night stands
4.hasnt had a kid by a criminal
5.isnt a whore, doesn't have a kid and isnt married
6.not a whore, no kids, not married and isnt an insane munter

Its hard out here guys. I have women literally start fights over me but they're mental and all have made bad decisions at some point to ruin their lives. I just want a nice girl i can go on walks with and build a future with. Good fucking luck to me


Life is not a fucking runscape mission. Stop overthinking and forcing it bruv

High school girls or girls that have just finished high school.
>user no they're under age
So wait until they're legal.
>How do I meet them?
Find friends that are in high school, look for groups populated by high school girls (books, photography and anime if you want weird ones, fashion, *most current trend here* works for most of them)
>How do I get them interested?
"bee yourself" or just lie about : Owning a car, having numerous past girl friends, your job, how you enjoy to drink and gamble. Then make comments about how she looks more mature/older, just keep asking "are you sure you're 16?" etc

But then again I'm probably a weird anime-poster that has definitely never done this.