Recently I was jacking off in front of the mirror and noticed I have a Hank Hill ass

Recently I was jacking off in front of the mirror and noticed I have a Hank Hill ass.
All I want is a fuller, nice looking ass.
What do I have to do and how long will it take

>hip thrusts
6~12 months

No joke, 3x/week squatting + linear progression + bulking diet will give you a huge booty in a month or two.

Just make sure you're doing it right. Obey Rip, squat deep, heavy, and often.

I find the pushing down leg press makes me butt feel swole, the one the girls use

Hack squat

nah, it's not the hack squat, you are still pushing against weights rather than your own weight

also lunges and deadlifts

Better genetics
I only jog once a week and that suffices as my leg workout. Girls compliment my ass all the time


It works? I always thought ass was more genetic.

It'll grow and get better just like every other muscle in your body, genetics do play a part though. I'm a skinny twink who's bulking and I have a pretty decent ass despite still crawling out of auschwitz mode.

Why oats specifically?

redpill me on jacking off in front of a mirror

>squat deep
ass to grass?

do you have posterior pelvic tilt

>I was jacking off in front of the mirror

Man of taste

>15 replies before someone picked up on that

Veeky Forums, ladies and gents

I assume you're squatting already, add barbell hip thrusts

horses eat oats.
check out how thicc horse ass is.

>What do I have to do and how long will it take
Forget squats and deads, they don't isolate your ass enough.

3 sets of 20 hyperextension - no need for weight.

When you have worked up to it - about 8 weeks, less actually.

t. been there, done that, got a nice thicc bubble booty like some ghetto hoe; later on, two hernias, got fat, life is ruined, but that's another story

Didn't know hyperextensions hit the glutes well


Audibly keked for the first time in a while

i don't get it

Didn't know either, did them by accident and holy shit, dat ass, man. Give it a shot, it's not horribly taxing or anything.

Nothing ever came close to the booty gains, not suqtas, diddlys or glute hip thrusts or whatever they are called. May just be me, though, but 3 sets of 20 isn't that hard unless your are very heavy. Just work up to it.

I guess he means we don't give a shit about op jacking off to the mirror cause we all do it

Any way of doing these without the apparatus? I'm asking because I don't remember if my gym has them.

A chair without a backrest and a heavy table are enough. Depends on how heavy you are, though.

I did them lying with my tummy on a chair and hooking my legs under my desk, but I was very light back then.

Single legged kettlebell/dumbbell deadlifts. Tried them once out of boredom with babby weight and they gave me glute DOMs like no amount of heavy squatting/DLing ever did. Try them and thank me later.

Don't forget your squat plug

Squatting and Deadlifts
only some people can squat ass to grass

Only 8 weeks?

well played user, well played. laughed

Every day or just leg days?

very key. listen to this man, OP

Do it on a bench with a buddy

I have the same exact problem op. Romanian deadlifts, glute Bridges, hip thrusts. Personally, I just do RDLs because they're easier and not awkward asf to do.

>This nigga doesn't know about squats & oats

I've been here too long...

>rip squat


they don't even tiggle my glutes but squats abselutely destroy my ass