There is not one single aesthetic physique that has been built using Starting Strength. Not one

There is not one single aesthetic physique that has been built using Starting Strength. Not one.

You can find aesthetic physiques built by literally any other training method even some crossfit guys look good. Fuck you could build a better better fucking swimming than doing some retarded strength program made by a fat dyel.

Imagine doing 3 (three) exercises for 5 (five) reps and then taking the next day off and calling it a workout holy kek.

You will not and cannot possibly build muscle doing a low volume, low rep, low frequency strength routine it's as simple as that.

Benching once or twice a week for 5 sets will not build your chest

Squatting once or twice a week for 5 sets will not build your legs

Deadlifting once or twice a week for ONE (1) fucking set will not build your whole body or whatever you autists think a deadlift does.

its called STARTING strength for a reason you fucking mongrel its only purpose it to introduce you to lifting thus it should only be ran for like a few months YOU STUPID FUCK

introduces you to lifting by giving you a rundown on 3 exercises, which you perform 3 times a week for low reps and low volume. Wow what a great idea.

Are you saying I should quit telling new guys to do SS + GOMAD for 60 days and check back with me like I’m some sort of doctor?

there is not one single aesthetic physique that has been built in the length of time that a properly executed run of starting strength takes

I do Crossfit asshole, lots of good physiques built there

feeb beep

Starting Strength is a great beginner routine to take advantage of the "newbie effect" and quickly increase strength.

Starting Strength is not something you do forever, it looks like you read the first sentence of the description on and immediately started writing a shitpost. please neck yourself

>heads you've never lifted
>tails you've been lifting for a year

It's also a terrible starting program. Why should a beginner, who 9 times out of 10 choose to work out without supervision, engage in power cleans, a complex athletic move?

Rippletits is a former Crossfit instructor. He left Crossfit to create his own company, but he was too lazy and un-saavy to actually make a business, so he just made a program and put it up on the internet to start a cult. Rippletits himself doesn't train, because he snapped his own shit up.

This data would have been much more effectively presented as a bell curve...

Maybe I'll do that if I get bored at work.

>thinking that this isn't a good build
>not lifting for dat ass

What's the consensus on the gzclp program?

It's actually five exercises. And yes it does work.

It's overly complicated and convoluted.

good program shit explanation

lmfao I roid and I don't think I could make any muscle gains off SS no volume no frequency no reps and fucking 4 rest days a week lmfao!


Bro, he looks like total shit.

Post body, fag

>Wow guys why isn't Starting STRENGTH getting people aesthetic


>75 squats a week at high weight will not build legs
>Pushing baby weight on the leg press will

No, post YOUR body.
Show us that SS has worked for you.

A trashcan tier outlier is not the norm bro.

When it comes to weight-lifting, yes, that is true. If he looks better than you than he's doing something better than you.

Add heavy rows and that's all I do too

No...that's not how it works
It all comes down to genetics, epigenetics, diet, and rest.

in comparison to what i ask

Then post body, faggot

Squat, bench, press, power clean, deadlift, chinup. If you can't build a base from that and successfully branch out on your own, maybe head over to Veeky Forums.

This except without the greentext and irony. If you're a natty lifter shittalking a natty lifter who looks better than you, they are right and you are wrong.

it's called starting strength not starting aesthetic physique you fucking moron.Find any other beginner program that will build you strength better than this one.

You don't need that base and the people that shill said workouts here outright spits on every other form of activity and exercise you can name.

It's trash mostly because of that.

nah, not necessarily. If I eat pizza for carbs and taco bell for protien but Im contest shredded and heavy because I train 6 hours a day to failure for the past decade, and some guy writes 'eat chicken breast' and I post my 18" pipes and a wall of flame telling him to eat taco bell, am I int he right?

Hit body part once a week on shitty bro split or hit body parts at least twice a week with heavy ass weights.

But you have never benched over 40kg doing either regime so get the fuck off my board faggot.

Could you reformat that first sentence into something meaningful please.

old photo
me after 3 months, 165 lbs.

It's not asthetic, but neither is anyone on SS

it's not good but it's not bad, everyone is in the wrong, that is a respectable physique, i like his delts, nice size there

Okay obviously it was a generalization, but it's mostly true. Who are the biggest and strongest natties? People who put most of their volume into compounds but aren't afraid of hammering out some bodybuilding/accessory work after. Just barbell lifts will get you fairly far but not to being your best, and being just an iso queer might get you to the point of filling out a size M tshirt well but it'll never get you big.

The prevailing sentiment that you only need to do a simple strength training workout is wrong.

I would have no problem with it if they didn't spend most of their time denigrating every other lift workout and form of exercise and reason to workout as well.

You look like you only do pullups and abs, am I wrong? Nobody is impressive at 165 unless they're 5'2"

> Who are the biggest and strongest natties?

People that train every day for 2+ years.

If you had infinite time and could get rid of overtraining, then isolation work for the entire body and no compounds would be ideal

t. pudgy little shit with shit lifts who looks and stinks like shit. tl;dr.

it's STARTING strength. you don't get anywhere "ideal" in 3-4 months. it's literally advertised as a S T A R T P O I N T. hop off your parents' computer and go educate yourself you ignorant faggot.

nah, i was doing everything man, isolation work, compounds, deadlifts, squats, barbell hip thrusts, you name it, i did it.

Looking decent as a natty is all about body fat %, roiders can get huge pumps and good vascualirty at 15%, and they have enough size that they look good even with flub

>then isolation work for the entire body and no compounds would be ideal

get a load of THIS clueless retard.

Biggest and strongest and healthiest natties don't base their training around exhaustive compound heavy workouts.
They branch out and lift and do resistance training of all kinds and lead active lives.

Only neophyte lifters and imbeciles who've never hit the wall or have gotten injured yet think that.

t. training age of 18 months.

Try again.

Which people who are ostensibly natty actually look like they lift? Middleweight IPF lifters.

Nice strawmanning faggot.

do I even need to explain how retarded you are

There's looking good when you're stripped naked and there's looking good when you're walking around town in normal clothes. Nobody is physically impressive at 165, you just don't have the meat on your back to create an imposing figure. I'm going to regrettably agree with AutistDestiny and say 'jacked' comes from a beefy back, thick trunk, and a developed posterior chain.

Also there's really no excuse at all to be fat if you're on roids.

Hold the fuck up, someone help me out real quick. I’m just about to start a 6 day PPL that requires a heavy bench, done for five sets at 3-6 sets each, plus one set of As Many Quality Reps As Possible at minus 20% of previous sets. Same for deadlifts and squats. Are you telling me that this is useless at building a bigger chest and back?

Ignoring the fact the SS is only supposed to last you 6 months at the absolute longest, it leads to progressive growth. You nearly get to 1/2/3/4 on it. I don't know how many beginners I see spinning their wheels on PPL or some other aesthetic LP and after 6 months they are at .5/1.5/2/3

*5 sets of 3-6 reps each

Give me one fucking example of the kind of person you're talking about and I'll post a dozen IPF 83, 93, and 105 lifters who look better.

natural bodybuilders?

im not wrong. the reason you do compounds is because bench hits ant delt, chest, and tri. That's one set that hits 3 muscles.

But a tricep rope is ALWAYS going to be better for triceps than a bench, this is a matter of fact.

if I had infinite time, why would I do compounds when I could just do ant delt work, tricep work, and chest work

>Wasting 3 (THREE) whole fucking months doing SS when you could have been doing PPL

>natural bodybuilders?
Universally look like shit once they try to get to stage condition or are "natural" bodybuilders. Bodybuilding in general is a chemistry competition.

Nobody has infinite time you fucking retard, even if you iso'd seven days a week you'd never have a back like someone who can pull 600 pounds and bang out 20 pullups.

Look up Bryce Blom, Bryce Kracyzk, and Bryce Lewis for a Bryce-only example of what intelligent powerlifting training can get you.

You'll give me people who take low doses of test and build their lives around lifting weights?

Cool. If you actually can't think of any true naturals or have been in any gyms with strong naturals or have been in a position to see true naturals or have listened to anyone of note talk about natural training..then you can't talk.

People like that exist fucking everywhere user.
You're just lifting bitch who's new to physical culture and your entire exposure to physical strength on ever level comes from powerlifters and powerlifters alone.

Why would anyone waste time on SS? If you’re serious about lifting, even as a beginner, you should be doing a PPL. Even if it’s only 3 days a week.

Everyone should be taking notes on their lifts and weights, and try to increase it slightly every time you come back to that routine. It doesn’t matter if your starting weight is low, as long as you’re lifting to your full potential and attempting to increase. I don’t see what the point of SS is. Maybe just take a couple weeks or a month to try all the machines and weights at a gym, and get a feel for everything. Someone who’s new to lifting can afford to take this opportunity, and still see results/ gains to keep them motivated for the PPL routine.

Of course my back would be 10 times bigger than anyone else's if I just trained back with rows to failure all day every day, dont be a fool

>niversally look like shit once they try to get to stage condition

I mean, it is what it is but what it is is better than being a powerfatty

I've been lifting for twelve years, lifting intelligently for eight of them, and I promise you I have casual gym buddies who look better than you.

Its called starting strength not starting aesthetics you fucking faggot.

If you're actually one of the fucking morons who believes you have to be fat to be decently strong, thank you for proving you're newer than my last shit and have no idea what you're talking about and precisely 0 meaningful experience in the trenches. I'd bet my dick if you trained your back with rack pulls every day it'd be a much better looking back than if you did cable rows every day.

Not many naturals can pull 600lbs nor bang out 20 pullups.

You don't fucking know what you're talking about. All of your exposure to physical fitness comes from steroid addled powerlifters and hanging around genetic elites.

No one says do isolations only.
No one does a handful of compounds only.
Not even advanced powerlifters or olympians.

The true masters of the strength game do bodybuilding type workouts and don't do as much pure strength and powerlifting as you think they do.
Hell they CANT do that much or they risk snapping their hopefuls up forever.

The only people who would do that were the belgiums and they ground hundreds of their athlete's to dust in hopes of getting a few god tier genetic mutants who could survive it.

This isn't fitness. This is pushing people to the breaking point in hopes of getting a few people who can do ancient strongman lifts in a certain way with as much weight as possible.

>at you're talking about and precisely 0 meaningful experience in the trenches.

im a big boy

bodybuilding is going to bring you closer to having a textbook ....bodybuilder physique. perdiod end of story. but you seem to think that strength training is some magic tren potion that makes you huge

dont take the advice of self-made gym coaches like the OPs on Veeky Forums

im assuming someone credible actually crafted your program. if that's the case, you trust said person, and you like the program, stick with it. don't trust an anonymous brainlet that would rather laugh at your failed gains (several examples in this very thread) than applaud your growth be it physical, mental or both.

...uh huh
I stand by my post.

Yeah, I appreciate it, but I misunderstood the thread at first. I didn’t realize SS stayed at starting strength the whole time.
It’s impossible to NOT get gains on any program if you make sure to increase weight periodically.

>It’s impossible to NOT get gains on any program if you make sure to increase weight periodically.

All you have to do is not eat enough,and you can even take steroids and increase the wieght and not gain anything

conversly, you can use the same weight forever and just do negatives, or more sets, and achieve progressive overload

I pull 540 and can bang out 17. Everyone who competes in my gym is IPF, most of us have been drug tested because most of us medal regularly. How do we (and other strong/big people) train? Hammer the squats and front squats, deads and variants, a ton of benching and maybe some pressing, round it all out with the standard upper body BB'ing shit and some hamstring work for the most part.

Again, WHOOOO are you talking about that's a "true master" that does mostly "bodybuilding" workouts, and what do these workouts consist of?

You're talking about Bulgarians, not Belgians, and they literally just maxed and pounded dbol, that's not what I'm talking about so don't put words in my mouth.

>Universally look like shit once they try to get to stage condition
But when they don't try to get to stage competition then they don't look like shit correct?

Here's something you need to understand.
To get aesthetic, you have to lift heavy
To get strong you have to lift heavy
You can get "aesthetic" without getting as strong as someone who lifts only for strength using the typical programs.
However, you will never get aesthetic by simply doing strength training.

I take that back, it's been shown that people who do bodybuilding type workouts can be as strong as people who do powerlifting/strength training type workouts.
They also gain greater work capacity, strength endurance, mass, and a deeper understanding of the movements.

If your goal is strength then all roads lead to rome. Just put weight on the bar.

If your goal isn't strength but something else, then you should follow a well thought out program that is built with that goal in mind and has examples of people getting the kinds of results that you want.

>I didn’t realize SS stayed at starting strength the whole time.

what? SS is a progressive overload program. it's purpose is to utilize the novice effect to achieve linear gains until linear gains become unfeasible/untenable

You have decent biceps. What are your suit measurements? How do you fill out a non-tanktop tshirt?

Strong LARP friend.
No such thing as natty powerlifters princess.

Congrats, you reworded what I originally said except with unsourced claims and your own biases.

>To get aesthetic, you have to lift heavy

I never bench for example, more than 115 lbs. Typical bench """set"" would be me doing negatives with 85 lbs for 15minutes straight while tears stream down my eyes

from the number of 17 years olds that let me bust inside them i'd say im "asthetic"

IMO im a skinny little bitch but that is reality for all nattys that arent fat


Alright, point for you. I see your point. But you also get a point taken away for being a dick.
I assumed it was obvious to not systematically sabotage your weightlifting, but yes, you need to make sure to eat too.
Doing a PPL, you’re supposed to increase the weight every time you complete all sets with maximum reps, which is usually 4. So if you do 5 sets of 4 reps at 210lbs, you increase the weight to, let’s say, 215 next time. Then you keep doing this weight until you can complete all sets with 4 reps again.

>starting strength doesn't work!
>post your body and prove me wrong!

Can you stop pretending to be a retard for one fucking second?

So exactly what is the difference between SS and a PPL? The amount of exercises you cycle between?

never wear suits, in a normal t shirt, i look like i drop an iron dagger and 3 coins, but I have BDD, i always wear hoodies and stuff to hide my body

I'm a sculpter, I cant show the worldmy unfinished art yet

>If you're a natty lifter shittalking a natty lifter who looks better than you, they are right and you are wrong.

what if you're stronger than them?


Assuming comparable bf%, you'll look better too

If you're going to defend that work, then post your body and show us how it's working for you.

I'll wait.

dude, i promise you, i promise you, that it does not work like that.

If you want to just be big, the only thing that matters is time under tension and male hormones, thats IT. Strength is totally diffrent thing related to your nervous system.

Heres an example of building a strong vs big back.


10 sets of Rows with 75 lbs , negatives, to failure each time.


5 sets of rows 5 reps with 225 lbs, normal speed,

The mere fact that you don't know the difference between the lifting schema of mass builders and strength trainers and how differently they approach lifting tells me that you're a fucking imbecile.

You can not look at my post and think that I'm saying the exact same thing you are while claiming to have some kind of highground.

But that's okay. You're all about strength. My post was directed at people who want to train with resistance for a goal, like body recomp, health, athleticism.
You train to lift heavier things. Being told that natural people who lift for "aesthetics" will be as a natural who lifts for "strength" upsets and confuses you.
I understand.

>doesn't know what diddlies do

SS is pretty direct in saying that the point of the program is to increase "true" strength. Rippertotes has a whole spiel about how true strength revolves around the hips... long story short he prioritizes (to many people's chagrin, including several in this thread) the legs and posterior chain over upper body exercises. if you were to ask him, with the goal of true strength increase in mind, a PPL program over prioritizes upper body musculature.

while both utilize novice gains and linear progression, the philosophy behind both is different, leading to different programming.

It is used to get people used to doing the three major lifts with good form. Also to get new people used to go to the gym consistently and gets you familiar with the gym equipment, once you plateau after a couple months you start doing real workouts

yeah but I proritize making bitches wet so maybe a routine with more forearm and tricep work is appropiate

fuck off chad, Veeky Forums is a pretty cool guy. or can be, anyway.

and theres nothing wrong with that. dont get caught up with people here trying to convince you there is a right and wrong way to do this shit. just figure out what you prioritize personally, and act accordingly.


>Did SS for about a year and a bit (Texas Method towards the end).
>got bench to 275lb, squat a little under 400, deadlift a little under 500.
>cut, maintained most strength gains, go to PPL.

Although I'm now back on TM because I get more out of being strong than being huge, but sometimes Ill change it up when/if I feel like it.

If you're planning on lifting for a looong time, strength routine for the first year should be your priority.

And you will only look like shit if you GOMAD yourself to 30%BF.

>prove my point for me

That's not how the burden of proof works, you cockmongler

Ah, you're saying that SS did not work for you and to post your body would be proving me and the OP correct.


looks like you meant to put a pic...?

i did SS for way too long, mainly because i didn't know what to transition into. doing TM now just to eke out the last of these "quick" gains, but i'm looking to kind of go down the same path you did.

my bench currently is about 1.2x bw, so i'll probably try for 1.5x and switch to a 6-day PPL

>you are saying that SS did not work for you
That is not what I am saying at all, you gimp.

You make a claim saying that a well established strength training routine doesn't work, the burden of proof is on you to prove that claim.

Asking someone else to disprove your claim by posting a photo of themselves is fucking retarded for one thing, and wouldn't prove anything anyway. Because starting strength is about strength training, not aesthetics. If you wanted to be at least halfway not retarded you'd be asking me to post a picture of how many plates I squat to prove your claim that SS doesn't work.

t. Skinnyfat twinks who can't squat lmao2pl8

I'm just starting at the gym. I'm doing SS. I have increased by squat from a measly 20kg to 40kg

>starting lifting
>strength increasing

Working as intended.

Anyone who disagrees with this post is trolling, retarded, probably both.