Veeky Forums info thread

Veeky Forums info thread


Another calisthenics progression poster here OP, not sure which one you like more.


How to correct lordosis (Also known as anterior pelvic tilt)
Includes exercises and stretches


A collection of isometrics, from the book "The Art of Shenku" I believe, not quite sure though


An infograph that shows what sources of carbohydrates are most healthy and which ones are not.

Food that you can regrow at home (Kinda beta soyboy tier but it's a good guide)


A stretch & flexibility program that is often recommended on Veeky Forums


Infograph showing which fish to avoid for mercury content and which ones to not avoid



Facial exercises that could result in improved appereance




Hey dude can you post the molding mobility picture as well?

That's about all I've got, I'm afraid.

Sorting yourself out 101


This is good quality stuff, thanks.

No problem. I had the text saved, just saved as an image.

thankyou for this

thanks i was looking for this